19. That's Tara

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When a woman in a doctors uniform walked in with Gemma, Brea and Lauren assumed it was Tara. They walked back to the church, Brea followed. It was a reason to get out of that loud room and to meet the girl. She slipped in behind the doctor and closed the door. Chibs looked to her with a furrowed brow but that was the last thing on his mind. Brea sat in the corner in the significantly quieter room.

Gemma assisted her with helping Cameron. Giving him medicine and plugging up the hole in his ass. There was a tension between the two of them that anyone could feel. It was sent through dirty looks mostly, ones that made you uncomfortable just watching them.

After patching him up, the boys assisted in putting him on a gurney and cleaning up. Brea stayed behind to say hello formally.

"Hi," she spoke standing up "just wanted to let know who I am. We hear your name a lot around here, all good things of course. I'm Brea" she said.

"Tara," she said with a nod "nice to meet you Brea. Maybe I'll be seeing you around" she shrugged.

"Maybe" she nodded and walked out the room as Jax appeared in the doorway.
As night fell, the boys held a meeting at church before a party started up. Music loud, fights in the boxing ring outside, beer, weed and crow eaters filled the outside. More bikers than the first party.

Tara had stuck around for the party, of course so did Lauren and Brea. There was a distance, a disconnect between Lauren and Brea. It wasn't clicking for them at the moment, only Lauren truly knew why and stood by it. She wouldn't condone her best friend turning back to her abusive ex no matter what he says. She has someone here that just doesn't want to rush into anything for good reasons. She just wished Brea knew that and maybe she would have turned down Kasper. But instead, she's feeding into his delusional facade of being better. One that was far from true and very weak, ready to break any second.

It was deeper than Brea thinking no one in the club cared or liked her. She loved, loves, Kasper. Everything he had done to her didn't matter with the love and connection between them. He put her up in a house, got her a ride to and from work and loved her. That's what she wanted, a piece of home maybe.

"Hey" a voice said to Brea, she turned and saw Tara "sorry about earlier, if I seemed rude. It's just been a crazy day" she apologized.

"Oh no, that's okay. I get it" Brea answered before turning.

She had been watching the boys and Lauren interacting. Lauren on Tigs lap, they were all drinking, laughing and talking. Brea felt like she was being isolated from them, but they weren't really trying to at all.

"I get that, being on the outside" Tara commented, striking another conversation, or at least an attempt.

"Yeah" Brea scrunched up her face "I look so lame, don't I? Just watching them. I can't believe myself"

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't judging at all"

Brea sent Kasper a text, letting him know he could come get her. He replied with an okay and she knew her ride would be here soon. Jax came and stole Tara.

"Brea, join us, yeah?" Jax offered.

"It's okay, my ride is coming soon" she denied.

"Don't be a stranger now that you're with him" he pointed to her with raised brows, walking back to the table.

When Kasper came, he simply honked his horn and Brea took the queue. Running to the car, he didn't look happy.

"Why the fuck are all those guys there? Are you fucking around? You know you're mine" He growled to her, gripping her thigh so no one could tell.

"No, Kapser. I was literally standing alone, not talking to anyone" she gave her case.

"If I find out you are with any of them, I'll dump you right on the fucking street all alone" he now threatened her.

"It won't happen, Kasper" she whispered with tears forming in her eyes.

He grabbed her by the back of her neck now that they were at a red light. He kissed her roughly, teeth clashing into each other.

"I love you, all I do, it's to keep you safe. You know that, right?" He said with soft eyes, a contrast from his hostile ones.

"Yeah, I know baby. I love you too" she smiled.
At the clubhouse, Tig was dragging Lauren back to his dorm. Both were considerably drunk, Tig more than Lauren. Laughing as they weaved through all the bikers and crow eaters through the main room in the clubhouse.

Tig closed the door behind Lauren before pushing her up against it. Kissing her roughly, his hands were all over her. Consistently moving from her face, her hair, down her neck and to her sides. It all felt so right. It was time for Lauren to worry about herself for once, let go of worrying about anyone but herself. It was her turn to feel good and enjoy what she has with Tig while he's in front of her.

He pushed her onto the bed, both were drunk and a sloppy mess at undressing themselves. It wasn't done sexy or teasingly, it was all haste and want. Once they were both undressed, Tig hovered over her, kissing her again. He thrusted into her while they were lost in a kiss, her moaning into his mouth at the feel of him. He kissed down her neck, finding her sweet spot and using it to his advantage. Making her writhe beneath him.

"God you feel so good" he breathed into her neck.

She clawed at his back, leaving her mark on it. Moaning his name into the air for him to savor, give him motivation to go faster for her to reach her finish.

"Tig, I-I-" she gasped.

"Do it, doll. Come for me" he whispered into her ear, changing his pace to brutal.

She came with a scream of his name, legs shaking, fists balled up in his hair. He thrusted a few more time before finishing on her inner thigh.

"God, you're amazing" he panted with his head to the ceiling, eyes closed.

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