38. Coke

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As Brea got to TM, the sun was setting and she stood waiting for Kasper. He had arrived in a black van, walking Lauren out with a gun to the back of her head. Her face was bloody, she had a limp and was shaking. Brea tried to run and hug her but Kasper shouted in anger.

"Get in the car, now!" He yelled to Brea.

She gave her stuff to Lauren and got in the back of the van where Lauren was previously. He left with Brea as Lauren stood outside in shock. She trembled as she limped as fast as she could inside. As she got inside, she crashed on the closest chair.

"Lauren, oh my god," Gemma said as she saw her "Tara, I need you"

"He has Brea and I-I couldn't save her" Lauren let out a loud sob as Tara walked in.

Tara had her kit nearby, she made sure to keep one at the clubhouse for times like this. Gemma stoked her hair to try and console her.

"It's not your fault, it's no ones fault, baby"

"Where's Tig?" She cried.

"The boys were arrested yesterday," Gemma spoke solemnly "but they got out on bail today. They should be back soon"

Tara got out her kit and started to work on her cuts. Gemma took this time to find a spare pair of clothes from Tigs room for Lauren to change into. Tara couldn't believe where she was and what she was doing. The nurse for the MC in town, just cleaning up Gemma days ago she only worried if she was next. Her mind wandered to Brea and she thought back to when Jax was talking about sex with her to Chibs.

"Say it" Lauren mumbled.

"Jax and Brea? They hooked up, right?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, when we first got here. It didn't mean anything, don't worry" Lauren replied honestly.

Tara nodded and Gemma walked back in the room. Handing Lauren clothes as Tara put a bandage on her forehead. When Lauren stood she winced in pain, hobbling off to Tigs room to change and sleep.

Changing slowly out of her clothes, viewing the bruises that were on her legs and abdomen. She quickly covered them up, not wanting to be reminded of it any longer. She placed herself in bed, wrapping herself in blankets and trying to make herself feel normal again.

She laid awake, in hopes Tig would be home soon so when her door opened, she quickly peeked. She saw Tig walk in and sigh loudly.

"You alright?" Lauren asked him as he jumped.

Outside he saw Gemma and Tara so he assumed they were the only ones around. When he heard her voice, it scared the shit out of him.

"I'm alright, doll. How're you?" He asked as he started to undress.

Hearing those words made Lauren want to sob, she bit her cheek to try and stop herself. He had just gotten out of prison and didn't want to burden him with such bad news.

"Doll?" He asked again as he climbed in bed.

Seeing her face, his heart sunk. He stroked her hair and kissed her softly to avoid hurting her.

"Who did this?" Tig asked now feeling angry.

"I can't tell you" she whispered as tears flowed from her eyes.

"Why not?"

"He has Brea"
Brea sat tied in the same position Lauren once was in just hours ago. Her head hung low to try and avoid him seeing her. She wanted to be strong but fear was the only thing possible to feel in a moment like this. When she got in the car, he knocked her out to prevent her from seeing where they were going or trying to leave, he knew she was a fighter. She didn't wake for a few hours, it was about one A.M when she came to it.

"What do you expect from this?" She asked "This is no way to get a girl"

"Don't taunt me" he threatened.

"You're chicken shit, this won't last long, kidnapper doesn't suit you" she continued to sass him.

He hit her with his gun, sending her face into pain and her neck whipping to the side. She grunted and clenched her fists.

"You don't miss me? No?" He asked, bending over to be at her level.

"No" she spat "I hate you"

He stood and paced, hearing that ticked him off.

"Chibs? Is that his name? That Irish bastard that was always on you"

"Still is, when he hears you took his old lady, or whe-" she leaned forward, almost testing him to see how far he'd keep his up. She hoped if she got too annoying that he'd let her go.

"Old lady? You're dating that ugly old prick?" He shouted, waving his gun around "With that fucked up face! You can't possibly love that"

"But I do, and I don't love you. If you're gonna kill me, do it already" she told him.

He turned away and stopped to think. His mind was all over the place. He knew he didn't know what he was doing and couldn't keep her long, she was right. He took another bump of his coke and shook himself off. His coke addiction started after Brea left him, helped him deal and now it ruined him. The idea to kidnap came from the drugs and now it caused another thought.

He kicked the mirror that stood in his basement so it cracked. Brea watched him, fear rising to see what he was going to do next. He grabbed a piece of glass that was big enough for him to hold. As he walked to Brea, he looked at her, choosing what side to cut first.

"If you love his face so much, I'm sure you wouldn't mind looking the same, yeah?" He asked as the drugs clouded his clarity "Then I'll drop you off back at the hospital, let you go home to your pretty boy where you can live happily ever after"

He slashed the left side of her face violently as she screamed. Feeling a large amount of blood flow down her face and fear was at an all time high. Kasper dropped the glass in shock of what he did. He shook his head in panic. He untied her and carried her out to the van, she was too scared to fight back and had a feeling he'd stay true to his plan.

Once the car stopped, he got out and dumped her body in front of the ER at St. Thomas before speeding away.

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