21. Its 2008

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A.T.F: the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. That abbreviation and what it stands for was becoming clear to Brea, Lauren and SAMCRO. Learning Lauren to fire guns was put on hold, all their guns were illegal. Even if they wanted to get a legit one, none of them have licenses for any guns. Agent Stahl was a bitch agent, trying to catch any slip ups from SAMCRO for the past week now.

Lauren and Tig were going well, the date still didn't happen but blended into slow nights at TM. In his dorm they'd stay up late and talk after sex. Getting her stuff from the hotel and paying off what the girls owed and the damaged door. She had moved in with Tig and was enjoying it. No more comments to work even though she now had a car that worked. It stayed parked in the TM parking lot.

Lauren and Brea hadn't done too much talking, unless it was hostile words. Kasper's abuse was escalating quickly, even started hurting the dog. Brea was suffering more than just emotional pains at this point. He let her go to work still, driving her there and back daily. If he drank too much, she'd walk. She tried to take the dog on walks, even tried to have Gemma take him for her and say he ran away. She'd pay for it but it wasn't fair that Sam was beat as well as her. The boys tried to help her, never giving up on her and no plan to anytime soon.

While Lauren was in the office of TM, a knock was heard from the door. Brea was sitting on the sofa of he office, they didn't talk but there was work to do. Looking up and seeing Stahl.

"Is Lauren here?" She asked.

"That's me" Lauren said with a side eye.

"What about Brea?"

"Me" Brea answered keeping her head down, glancing her eyes up.

"I'm A.T.F agent Stahl" she recited, Lauren finishing the sentence with her "wondering if I could have a word with each of you. Separately. Lauren first, if you don't mind" she smiled.

"Take your time" Brea said, walking out the office door into the garage.

Jax and Opie worked on a bike together, talking amongst themselves. Chibs walked into the garage, nodding to Brea.

"Hey" Brea smiled.

Chibs looked as she winced at he movement of her own smile. It hurt him seeing her like that. It hurt all the boys, Gemma and Lauren also. The only person it didn't hurt was Kasper. Chibs took the invitation and walked to Brea.
"Lauren, ex med student, turned junkie to biker girlfriend" Stahl spoke.

"What is this? I have work to do here, I know what I was and what I am" Lauren said, trying to push the conversation along.

"You had a good life set up for you, like Tara did, both moved away from Charming. Both went to big cities, soared in your classes. But, where you're different is that Tara didn't end up with a needle in her arm half dead on campus grounds. She graduated and became a doctor and then you guys are similar again, both back in Charming with bikers" she raised her brows at the end "Small world"

"Still never answered why you're here"

"Tig Trager, Sargent at arms for Sons of Anarchy. You know about any illegal business through here?"

"None, I work the books for TM alongside Gemma and Brea. Tig keeps the club separate from me"

"Not that far," she smirked "you find out anything, give me a call and we can chat" she spoke handing her a card.
"Stahl is with Lauren, I'm next" Brea faked a smile with a thumbs up.

"Damn bitch, grillin' all of us. Waitin' for a slip up" Chibs cursed.

"I won't say anything" she whispered.

"How've you been?"

"Fine" she half smiled "rough week"

"I can tell" Chibs remarked.

"I don't know what to do. Lauren refuses to talk to me, unless its criticism. Everyone looks at me like a dog in an ASPCA commercial. If I leave, it doesn't fix anything"

"Leave him" Chibs said, very seriously "its simple as tha', lass"

"It isn't that simple. You know how hard it is to leave someone you love?"

"Yeah, yeah I do" he said with pursed lips "it hurt, but I moved on. I'm here now, doin my best. I still love them but not the same kind of love. You can leave him, we'll all be here. Eventually, you won't love him anymore"

"Thanks, I'll think about that" she smiled.

"Brea? I'm ready" Stahl said, poking her head around the corner as Lauren left the other exit.

She walked in the office, closing the door behind her. She sat on the sofa with Stahl across from her.

"Anyone here do that? Jax or Chibs?" She asked.

"No, no one here" she said.

"You know, I can help you. Get whoever did that to your face, I've those connections, get you set up in court. Get a restraining order"

"I know what I can do, I-i don't want to" Brea choked over her own words "why're you here? I don't date any of them"

"But you did have some relations with Jax, Chibs as well. Lauren, your best friend, is getting along well with Tig Trager. You've connections. I'm just here to ask if you've any information on any illegal business happening here"

"I don't know. Even if I did, I know better than to rat. They only chance those boys out there would lay a finger on me. So stick that nose a little farther in the books and away from here because you aren't gonna get anywhere"

"It's 2008, we've computers now, books are a secondary tool now" she sassed "I'd imagine that's what he used to beat you"

"Bitch" Brea said, throwing a punch to her face.

She stumbled back and drew her gun.

"That's assault on an officer!" She yelled.

Chibs was outside, he heard as well as Jax and Opie. Brea raised her hands and dropped to her knees in fear. The boys rushed in to see Brea on her knees, being handcuffed while crying.

Watching her be taken out by the agent to the car in handcuffs was hard to see. Brea was known to be a little more hostile than Lauren but no one saw this coming from her. Chibs took it harder than the others, as she drove away she didn't look up once.

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