107. I do

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"Any words you would like to say to one another " the minister spoke.

"We both have our own vows" Tig told him.

"Lauren, you may start now"

Lauren took a deep breath before she started. She wanted it all to come from the heart, the real stuff. Her and Tig were on the same page with that.

"We met, a long time ago due to me crashing into a deer," she laughed at herself, the guests laughing as well "when we met, you were in the least, a whore. I thought I'd never tie you down but here you are. We fell hard and fast but there's nothing wrong with that, with what we have. We've had our fights and our differences but we come together in the end. You are my guy. If I murdered someone, I'd trust you to help me clean up the body. If I was hurt, I'd count on you to fix me somehow. I love you, Alexander Trager, so fuckin much and I just hope you know that, especially now, at this altar. You are the one for me, my soulmate that was hidden away in a little town called Charming for me to come find" she smiled and wiped a tear from her face.

"Alexander, you may now make your promises"

Tig cleared his throat, "Lauren Gardner, we have been together for a small amount of time compared to some people. We dated within weeks of meeting but it just made sense, we made sense. Somehow in this crazy senseless life we live, what we have made sense. You love me more than I deserve but you still stick around. I may not treat you the way I should, I may not love you enough, but I just want you to know it's the best I can do. I love you the best I can with my ability. I'm giving you my all, everyday. Staying with me, it's isn't easy, the life I live isn't easy. These vows aren't as long as you had, but it's the best I can think of right now"

"That was beautiful, but you've one more line, Trager" the minister nudged him.

"And I promise to treat you as good as my leather and ride you as much as my Harley" he finished off with help from the guys and crowd.

"Please face each other and join hands. Lauren, do you take Alexander to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to honor him in love, be sensitive to his needs, comfort him in difficulty and put your full and complete trust in him, so long as you bath shall live?"

"I do" she nodded.

"Alexander, do you take Lauren to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to honor her in love, be sensitive to her needs; comfort her in difficulty and put your full and complete trust in her, or long as you both shall live?"

"I do" he replied.

"Very well, may we have the rings?"

Brea fumbled to get the ring for Tig out of the pouch. Chibs getting the one for Lauren. Each of them giving them to the bride and groom.

The minister walked them through the last part of the vows. As they put the rings on each other's fingers. Finishing up their vows with tears in Lauren's eyes. The minister declared them wife and husband.

"You may now kiss the bride, for-"

Tig didn't let him finish before his lips were on hers. Holding her by her hips and kissing her passionately.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know am proud to pronnounce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Lauren and Alexander Trager!"

That was the queue for the dj to play the first song. 'Apache' by The Sugarhill Gang played as they jumped down the aisle, hand in hand. It was fun and upbeat.  Jax still had his eyes trained on Charles. He wasn't a bad guy, not breaking any rules, not that he knew of at least.

When everyone had moved to the reception area at their tables. Brea and Chibs had seats next to each other but there wasn't any talking, they didn't have to. It was time for the first dance, a hush fell over the rest of the partygoers. That's when 'Cant Help Falling in Love' by Haley Reinhart started, Tig walking with Lauren onto the dance floor. He pulled her close to him, his hand on her hip and another holding her hand. Her head was resting in his shoulder, all those eyes on them but it was just the two of them in the room.

The song was for them, it was written to them. Neither could stand each other, from the beginning they were love drunk. Rushing in didn't stop them from getting married and settling down. Lauren's 'life plan' had seemingly working out perfectly in her head. She did everything in order, her father walked her down the aisle and her best friend was here, but wait, she was gone.

"Where's Brea?" She whispered to Tig.

"Probably the bathroom, doll. Don't worry" he kissed her to try and calm her.

Brea was sat on the toilet, but just crying alone in a stall of the bathroom. She cried as she still had more tears to cry over Chibs. Seeing her friend so helplessly in love, now married and her alone. It was like back in the beginning. But she wouldn't let Lauren see this. Chibs saw it though, waiting for the first dance to end before going to find her. He knocked on the women's stall multiple times and no answer any time. He eventually just let himself in.

"Love, I know you're in here" he sighed outside the stall she was in.

"Don't call me that. You're not allowed to do that" she choked out through tears.

"Do what?"

"Make me fall right back to you with those names you call me" She grunted through her teeth.

"I dunno what ya want" he shook his head with a sigh, she opened the door to face him.

"I want you to want me. I want you to love me. I want you, all of you again, Filip. But I don't know if I can get that back because you clearly don't. I gave you my all, everything I had left to love, I gave it to you. I didn't want to stay in Charming, I made that clear when I came here and then when I left. But I came back, I came back for you! If you knew you'd hurt me this bad, maybe you should've let me die that night"

lauren // tig tragerWhere stories live. Discover now