82. Rat

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That night, Tig drove Gemma to her house and Lauren came. After the gun scare, Clay wanted Tig shadowing her from now on. Lauren tagged along, the clubhosue was a crime scene anyways. Brea was dropped off at her house, Rat was posted with her that night. It was quiet, lonely.

"Chibs really loves you" Rat said at the kitchen table while Brea was making tea.

"I know" she smiled to herself.

"Just, take care of yourself. If anything goes down, it'll blow back badly on me"

"God, he told you too?" She whined.

"He didn't tell me anything but I'm not dumb. Told me you can't be in the bathroom too long without a verbal confirmation that you're fine. They do shit like that in mental hospitals"

"Well, I'm not crazy, Rat" she said turning to him.

"I know you aren't, Brea" he smiled at her.

"I'm going to bed now, do you have to follow me to my room too?"

"Nah, I trust you. You're not crazy, remember?"

"Yeah, I'm not crazy" she smirked to herself as she left the kitchen.

"Goodnight, Brea" Rat shouted from the kitchen.

"Night, Ratboy!" Brea shouted back with a short laugh as she ascended the steps.
Chibs had felt a weird vibe from Juice for a while. It got worse recently. He was just so distant and secluded, not like his usual self. When he said he was gonna go with Tacoma to the warehouse he got suspicious. Chibs took it upon himself to follow Juice to wherever he was going, see if he was honest or not.

He was led to some back road, and then some. He followed Juice seconds after he had been out of Chibs' sight. He found him by a tree, it was too dark to really tell what was happening at the moment.

"Oh, shit. You scared me, man" Juice laughed uncomfortable and nervous.

Then Chibs saw the chain, tied to a fallen branch. The bruise Juice had on his neck yesterday, it was all adding up. He picked up the chain and looked at Juice. He was trying to form a reaction, put all his thoughts together. First his mind went to Brea and her suicide attempt, tears coming to his eyes. Then it went to his fellow brother doing it and tears spilled. More anger than sadness filled his body for Juice, it was the opposite towards Brea.

He dropped the chain and lunged at Juice. Tackling him to the ground while he shouted.

"Jesus! What the hell are you doin?! You coward!" Chibs yelled.

He let Juice go and he sat against the base of the tree. Juice cried on the ground while Chibs wiped back his tears with his head in his hand.

"What's happenin? First mo ghra and now you, Juicy boy" Chibs spoke to himself more than anyone really "come on" he sighed as he brought himself to his feet.

He put his hand out for Juice to take. He held Juice in his arms as he cried.

"Alright, boy. Alright" he mumbled trying to get them moving so he could go see Brea.

When they got to the car Juice drove, Chibs stayed for a minute.

"You gonna be alright drivin' alone? I need to see Brea" Chibs asked him.

"Yeah," he sighed "sorry about her, by the way"

"What do ya mean?" Chibs asked as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You said she tried to off herself too. I'm sorry," Juice explained "she didn't deserve it, neither did you"

"Or you" Chibs told him.
Chibs slipped into the house in the darkness. The house was quiet. Rat was in the kitchen, nodding off.

"Go home, Rat. Sleep, I'm home. I've got her" Chibs said in a whisper.

"You sure?" Rat asked.

"Aye, I am" Chibs smiled, glad that Rat cared for an old lady so much already "if you see Happy in the morning, or tonight even, let him know Brea wants her crow"

"I got you, man. Goodnight" Rat nodded before leaving.

Chibs sighed as he hung up his kutte and jacket at the door. Kicking off his shoes and running his hands through his hair. It was late, wouldn't be surprised if she was asleep. Climbing the steps and walking in his room. Sam was curled in a ball at Brea's feet on the bed. Brea was sound asleep, her mouth agape as she breathed steadily. He smiled seeing her, alive and just knowing that was his old lady.

He took off his jeans quietly but not quiet enough. Brea tossed in bed, waking up slightly. He quickly climbed in bed beside her.

"It's just me, love" he whispered into her hair.

"Home late" she mumbled as she nuzzled into his chest.

"Late night" he replied and kissed her head.

After everything with her, he knew he had to do what he could to save Juice. It had to be brought up to Jax, he trusted him. He didn't show much emotion outside times with Brea and it was weighing heavy on him. He tried to not cry so Brea could sleep but she noticed.

"Filip, what's wrong?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Don't ya worry 'bout me, baby girl" he mumbled.

"It's my turn to worry" she smiled softly, rubbing a finger over his scar.

"Just, I'm glad you're still alive, mo ghra. Don't know what I'd do without ya. Especially now"

"You'd trek on, Filip. You're strong, and brave and tough. You don't need a woman to go on"

"You're more than just a woman, you're Brea and I need her" he smiled down at her.

"You need me?" She asked with a smirk, thinking of ways to turn this conversation and make Chibs feel better.

Her hand went down and over his boxers. She rubbed him until she felt him harden under her touch. He let out a relaxed moan and Brea smiled to herself knowing it was working.

"No more worrying, baby," she whispered against his lips and removing his tank top, kissing down his chest "let me take care of you"

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