102. Greasy scumbag

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The boys had been on a goose chase for Frankie, one of the prospects. They found out he was a part of the group doing the home invasions. Now it was their job to find him and kill him. That took up the majority of Jax, Bobby and Chibs' day.

Tig hung back at TM with Lauren. They talked about their future and their wedding that was arriving.

"I can't wait to see you in the dress" he said, holding her hand.

"I think you'll like it, I kept you in mind while buying it" she winked.

"God, don't be a tease" he groaned.

"We're gonna be married. And then, then we'll have a kid, a baby boy"

"I've a name I like" he says, remembering that he had one.

"What is it?" Lauren leaned in towards him.


She immediately pulled away and hit him in the arm. Tig cried out with false pain and recoiled.

"Like the whiskey?! The ones Chibs drinks in those little boxes!" She exclaimed.

"Just think about it, it's a good name and I know it" he leaned back in his chair, pretending to examine his fingernails.

Brea knocked on the office door, Tig and Lauren's attention going to her.

"Can you guys watch Juniper for me while I go check on Lyla at Diosa?" Brea asked, her face cringing, expecting they'd say no.

"We got her" Tig nodded and put his arms out for Juniper to be placed in.

"It'll be practice" Brea shrugged.

When she arrived at Diosa, there was no one in the lobby. She walked quietly through the place.

"Lyla?" She called out.

"I'm here" Lyla replied, as Brea rounded the corner Frankie stood with a gun to Lylas head.

Brea's mouth dropped at the sight and she raised her hand. She tried to hold back tears and look strong. Nero was tied up in a chair. Frankie placed Lyla in a chair and bound her up, putting Brea in Lylas previous position.

"You're lucky you're useless," Frankie snapped at Lyla "Call Jax and his boys. They'll wanna wager with me for sure now" Frankie directed Nero.

"I can't do that" Nero shook his head

"Then she'll die!" Frankie shouted and shoved the gun into Brea's mouth as he checked her for weapons.

"Alright, alright. I'm calling him now" he tried to calm Frankie and dialed Jax, putting on speakerphone.


"Anyone home, esé?" Jax asked as he saw the same sight Brea had.

"In here, mano!" Nero called back to Jax, wishing he could've just bit his tongue.

As Jax walked to the doorway, he saw Nero bound up. Walking in further, saw Frankie with Brea. There was no time to even warn Chibs. This wasn't good, he couldn't act on emotion and he very may well do so once he sees her.

"Guns a knives. Slide you clips across the floor, now!" Frankie shouted, gun pressed to the roof of Brea's mouth.

"Okay!" Jax shouted back, walking further in so all three of them could do so.

"I'll kill ya bloody bastard" Chibs muttered, seeing Brea in his hold.

"These three in here, have nothi-" Jax tried to reason but it wasn't worth it.

"Shut up and get on your knees, hands behind your head" he demanded as he slid Brea and himself in another doorway, near a back exit.

"Frankie, what the hell is this about?" Bobby asked.

"What do you think? I want money! I know you got cartel money in the chapel safe"

"We ain't a bank Frankie!" Jax said as they proceeded to kneel "drug money comes from the Mayans, gun cash goes straight to the Irish"

Brea and Chibs maintained eye contact. It helped her stay calm and he knew it did. She needed to see him, know he was there and that's what he'd do. Just let her know he was there.

"I don't care what you have to do to get that money, but I want two hundred k or I kill Chibs old lady"

"I got that! I got that," Nero interjected, letting Brea breathe a bit easier "in my studio there's about one hundred thirty cash, a couple of good watches. You want that? Yeah?"

"Yeah" he nodded.

"Just take the gun out of her mouth!" Nero begged.

Frankie slowly took the gun from Brea's mouth.

"Alright Elvis, get up off your fat ass and get the cash. Try anything, I kill your brothers and the old lady"

As Nero shouted directions, Brea closed her eyes. She feared something grave would happen, feeling it in her gut. She just pictured herself at Lauren's wedding in her dress, by her friends side. Chibs standing across from her.

"Cause you're a greasy scumbag animal!" Chibs shouted, his voice bringing Brea back to her reality.

Bobby put the things on the table. Frankie had him get back on his knees. He was thinking of a backup plan.

"That your car out back?" He asked Nero.

"Yeah. Keys are in my pocket" Nero nodded his head.

"Get the keys" he threw Brea towards Nero.

She reached for the keys and thanked him quietly. Holding the keys an arms length away from her for Frankie.

"Get up, Scottie!" Frankie motioned for Chibs to come with him.

Jax stood to try and stop him but it only caused Frankie to panic. He became more aggressive and pointed the gun at Jax again.

"Jackie!" Chibs protested, it was his job to protect his president.

"You're driving" Frankie threw him the keys.

"Alright" he answered.

He stopped by Brea before he left. It was quick, a kiss on the cheek.

"I love my girls. My Juniper and you. Don't forget that" he whispered to her.

Brea clenched her fists as she closed her eyes, filling with tears now. She couldn't speak, only thinking about this being her last memory of him. He shuffled away to meet Frankie who put the gun at the base of his neck.

"Come after me, I'll kill him" Frankie threatened.

"You're making a mistake" Bobby told him.

Frankie fired a shot at Lylas leg and he made his escape.

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