52. Puppy dog eyes

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"You're gonna be fine, no bone or muscle damage" Tara spoke as she cleaned his wound.

Gemma pulled out the bullet while Lauren made the call to Tara. They needed a real doctor, some drop out wasn't enough.

"Thanks, doc. Sorry to take you from your work" Tig said to her.

"It's okay"

"How's Jax holdin up?"

"I don't know," she spoke with pursed lips as she got out a bandage "Sure he tells you guys more than he tells me"

Gemma was calling out Nates name throughout the house. She came to the three as a final resort.

"Have you guys seen Nate?" She asked.

"Not since this morning" Tara told her.

"Well he's gone, so is the hunting rifle"

"Oh shit, you know, I did hear a car leave about twenty minutes ago"

"Oh, Christ" Gemma mumbled and left, Tara following.

Lauren's phone buzzed for the fiftieth time this morning. It was all from Brea, she hadn't answered at all.

"You should talk to her, she needs to know you're alright" Tig said looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

She couldn't say no, grabbing the phone and answering.

"Hey" she sighed.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Lauren! Are you alright? Where have you been?" Brea was almost yelling.

"I needed to see Tig after what happened at Kips wake" she answered honestly.

"I understand that but you just up and left. Had us worried" Brea spoke as she paced, biting her thumbnail.

"Well I'm alright. I'll call you later, we got other things going on here" Lauren said and hung up.

Brea hung up on her end and left the room. On the way out she ran into Chibs.

"Aye, lass. Just comin to see ya" he said with a smile.

"Well here I am"

"Gonna be in the garage for a bit today, probably gonna need ya to do some papers since Lauren and Gemma are gone. Keep me comp'ny" he smirked.

"Yeah, I'll be there"

"I just gotta get changed real quick, if you wanted to walk with me" he winked.

"I'm gonna have a smoke outside, I'll meet you there"

He kissed her cheek before going in his room to change. Brea left the clubhouse and lit a cigarette as she walked out the door. The sons haven't worked on cars in a while, must be a sign things were slower than before. It was nice like this, them being around and to gone from morning to night. He walked outside in his uniform and a bandana around his head making Brea chuckle.

"Wow, that's a look" she joked.

"I know," he spoke, snatching her cigarette from her mouth "You fell for me in this exact shirt, don't hate now, lass"

"No hate, all love for my love" she smiled, wrapping an arm around his neck to swing herself in front of him and kiss him.

He had his arms on her sides as they kissed. Her hands were in his hair, holding him close. They were cut short by the sound of a slow applaud a few feet from them.

"Get to work, lovebirds !" Clay shouted with a grin.

"Don't be jealous, old man!" Chibs shouted back as they continued to walk to the garage.
A few hours into work when they had to stop. A woman in a suit walked out of her car to talk to Clay, Piney and Chibs himself. Brea watched from the garage, sipping her coffee.

"Counselor, where's your partner" Clay asked as he met up with her.

"Rosen is in court, wanted me to talk to you in person"

"It's not, sweetheart. Charming city council put a motion before the Sanwa judge, won a new bail hearing in the assault case" she told the three.

"Shit" Clay shouted as he turned away.

"Yeah, well what does that mean?" Chibs inquired.

"It means you all go back inside until the trial"

"Why? What did we do?"

"The attack at the wake" Piney spoke.

"Yeah, that's right. They're saying your criminal enterprises instigated the retaliation"

"Jacob Hale" Clay said knowing he was working this case.

"Yeah. Guys a prick, he has a big ax and he's grinding it"

"Yeah, picked up on that this morning. The town is pissed" Piney backed up Lowen.

"What happens if we don't show?" Clay asked.

"Longer you're in the wind, more time it adds. Hundred eighty days until bail is forfeited"

"When's the hearing?"

"Friday. I need a heads up either way. Sorry fellas, this spun my head too" she gave a sympathetic smile and left.

Chibs walked toward the garage, Brea meeting him before he was all the way there.

"Didn't look good, what happened?" She asked with a hand on his chest.

"We could all get locked up, it ain't good" He said shaking his head.

"Filip, I'm sorry" Brea pursed her lips and looked at he ground.

"It's alright, nothin any of us could've done. We'll figure it out, we always do" he kissed her forehead.
Lauren had left in her car to help search for Nate, Tara rode along. Tig and Gemma stayed back at the house to do what they could there.

"Did you know Gemma took the caregiver and tied her up until the basement?" Tara asked Lauren as their eyes scanned the streets.

"She what?" Lauren asked, her eyes growing wide.

"I'm taking it that this is a surprise to you"

"Well, yeah, just a little," she sighed "Did she hurt her?"

"No, not yet at least. She threatened her but that's it. But we'll take care of it, just, don't tell her I told you. I don't need her hating me anymore than she already does"

"Yeah, yeah. I don't wanna be apart of that anyways, sounds messy. I don't wanna go down for kidnapping as well as keeping Gemma out of jail. I don't need that on my plate" Lauren shook her head.

"Yeah, I guess it's too late for me to back out now" Tara said as she shook her head.

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