40. Calm down, Tigger

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Tara and Gemma left the room after Fiona did. She had left as Jimmy had called her.

"I didn't know Chibs was married" Tara said.

"Yeah, they never got divorced, it's been a long time since they've been together"

"I'm sensing she's not a favorite?"

"There are three women I've been afraid of; my mother, my third grade math teacher and that Irish bitch" Gemma scoffed, watching as Fiona left.

"Does Brea know?" Tara raised an eyebrow.

"Doubt it, he barely talks about her, let alone think about her. Assumed she'd probably stay in Belfast, that her and Brea would never cross paths" Gemma shrugged "enough about her, where's Chibs at? With his insurance shit?"

"He'll be off critical in a day or two, have to finish his healing at Stockton"

"That can't happen, not with her here, we've gotta keep an eye on him at all times"

"There's nothing I can do" Tara shook her head.

"There's always something, Chibs will not leave this hospital, especially once he knows Brea is here"

"Then we don't tell him she's here," Tara spoke seeing her administrator walk in their eye sight "see that redhead? Margaret Murphy, chief administrator, she's been up my ass about the club. If I try anything, she'll be all over it, can't happen" Tara said as she left to continue her day.

"Dinner tonight at my house, don't forget" Gemma reminded Tara.

Gemma then made her way to check on Lauren, she was still in the waiting room. She had looked worse than Gemma had when she was beaten.

"You alright, babe?" Gemma asked her, nodding her head to motion for the prospect to leave them be.

"Just, worried she hates me. She blames herself, I know she does and I want her to know I don't blame her" Lauren ran a hand through her hair with a sigh.

"I'm guessing you'll be sitting out on the dinner tonight?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Gem"

"I get it, she's family. Family is a priority, I get it more than anyone" she smiled.

"I'll be here if you need me of course"

"I'm sure Tig will want you home tonight"

"I'll decide that when he calls, let the prospect go too. I want to be alone. Tig shouldn't worry, I'm in a hospital for Christ's sake"

"Alright, baby" Gemma rubbed her arm and kissed her forehead "take care of yourself"

"I will" she nodded as Gemma and the prospect left.
Her phone rang and she let it go to voicemail the first time, second and third. On the fourth call she picked up.

"Hello" she said.

"You alright? You didn't answer" Tig asked with panic in his voice "prospect is here, I was scared"

"I was takin a piss, calm down tigger"

"Yeah, sure. I've every reason to be worried, some psycho just kidnapped you and beat you shitless"

"I'm alright, Tig" she almost growled into the phone.

"You coming home?" He skipped right to he point.

"I don't know, probably not" she mumbled "I need to be there for her"

"Then I'm coming to you" he said and hung up.

Once he arrived, he sat by her side and held her hand. He made sure not to hurt her as best he could whenever he touched her.

"How was dinner?" Lauren asked him.

"A shit show, Luann is dead and Clay is blaming it on Jax. Just a lot of shit went awry today and everyone tense, not good vibes, ya know?"

"Kind of sad I missed that" she chuckled.

"Nah, you shouldn't. It was messy and awkward. I left as soon as it was over it was that bad"

Lauren didn't answer, there was nothing to say. Tig looked at her, expecting something though she didn't need to say anything. He worried about her after what had happened, her well being, mentally and physically. It wasn't fair what had happened to her and Kasper had to pay. She never said who it was but it was safe to bet it was him. He'd do anything to get to Brea.

"Go home, Tig. I'm sure you've had a busy day and have another tomorrow. I'll be alright, if I wanna go home I'll call"

"Are you sure, doll?"

"Positive" she nodded.

Tig went to kiss her on the lips but she had pulled away, his kiss landing on her cheek. She didn't want any kiss to get carried and leading into sex. She had seen what she looked like, bruised and beaten. That was nothing a man would want to see, she didn't even want to. She worried a man like Tig would see her and run away, find any other crow willing to jump in his pants so he could get off. She didn't doubt how fast any of the boys with leave their old ladies for a blow job, including her own.

Tig rode home alone, he wished Lauren had been with him. Sleeping without her wouldn't be the same. The way she acted when he tried to kiss her made him fear they were growing apart, or worse, Kasper had raped her when he took her. Lauren hadn't told the full story about what happened yet, there wasn't time for anyone to catch their breath. With the Irish guns, Chinese and Mexicans, there was chaos everywhere. Wasn't good for anyone. Nor was Chibs being in the hospital when he was an important link in the connection with the IRA and SAMCRO. Whenever Chibs finds out Brea is in the hospital, he won't be much help if he stays by her bedside the whole time.

Brea laid awake in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't lay on her left side of her face without extreme pain so she could only look up and to the door. She was wishing that she was out the hospital and so was Chibs. She felt regret for coming to Charming, he would've never found her or Lauren if they were still in Vegas. Just when she got comfortable in Charming, something came to ruin it.

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