61. Filip's old lady

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Upstairs, Maureen, Kerrianne, Fiona, Gemma and Brea all gathered in the kitchen. Downstairs, Maureen's daughter, Trinity, was watching their shop. Brea sat at the table, her legs up into her chest and overall observing. She didn't know how to react or where to go. This wasn't her house nor her country.

"Can I go to the shop and hang with Trinity, ma?" Kerrianne asked Fiona.

"No, you stay here" Fiona responded, turning away from her dishes.

"Why? Afraid someone's gonna shoot me?" Kerrianne sassed.

"Don't you brash me"

"If you go down to the shop, she'll have you stocking shelves. Let's get ya set up with the movies, love" Maureen said as she walked Kerrianne away from the kitchen, leaving Brea, Gemma and Fiona.

Fiona looked for Kerrianne, making sure she was gone, before speaking.

"Brea?" She asked without turning her head.

"Yeah" Brea replied quickly.

"You're Filips old lady, aye?"

Gemma stood silent, turning to Brea. She didn't know how to answer considering they weren't on the best terms.

"Yeah, I am" she nodded, speaking with confidence.

"You look like a good girl, keep an eye on him, he loves ya. I see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice when he talks about ye"

"Well, I love him too" she whispered.

The conversation was further completed when the door opened. Donny walked with a gun to he back of someone's head, placing him in the seat across from Brea. She didn't dare move out of sheer fear, especially when Jimmy walked in after.

"Find the girl" he ordered Donny.

"What the hell are ye doin', Jimmy?" Fiona asked.

"Settin' things right" he seethed, shooting the man in the head.

His head flew back before landing face first on the table in front of Brea. A pile of blood collecting around his head. All she could do was stare in shock. Kerrianne walked in, screaming at the sight. Maureen silenced her screams with her hand over her mouth, holding her in her arms. Fiona took Kerrianne and held her, Maureen standing over by Gemma.

"You've burned it now, Jimmy," Maureen cried "Kellan practically raised those brothers, they are like sons to him!"

"Well now he can bury one, yeah?" Jimmy shouted back "let's go" he spoke to Fiona.

"We're not goin with ya" Fiona shook her head.

"Do I have to kill another one, Fi, to show how much I love you?" He asked, rising the gun to Brea "Maybe I can get rid of your competition for Filip for ya"

Brea closed her eyes in fear, Gemma watching Jimmy carefully.

"Okay, okay, no more blood" She spoke, looking to Brea.

Jimmy lowered the gun as Maureen moved her hand to reach for a knife on the kitchen table in front of Brea.

"My stuff, I left my iPod in the bedroom" Kerrianne stuttered.

"Donny, would you be so kind as to retrieve my lovely stepdaughters iPod?" Jimmy asked and Donny did.

A mere seconds later, two gunshots rang, Jimmy shouted and Gemma had the gun. It happened in the blink of an eye, not knowing who was where and if they were okay. Donny ran in, gun pointed to Maureen as Jimmy threw the knife out of his leg.

"Drop the gun! Do it!" She shouted.

He waited a second before dropping if with Jimmy's approval. Fiona made sure to retrieve it as soon as it hit the floor. Once Maureen was clear, she ran to check on her daughter.

"We okay in there?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, we're fine" Maureen called back.

"On the floor," Gemma spoke to Donny, gun on Jimmy "face down, hands behind your head"

He did so, wanting to protect his superior. Gemma got Jimmy to sit as well.

"Take Triny and Kerrianne downstairs" she told Maureen.

"What are ya goin to do, Gemma?" Fiona asked.

"My family has a few things to work out with Jimmy"

Brea watched as the blood from the man trickled towards her. His brains blown through the back of his head made her stomach churn. Did you ever really get over witnessing murder? Gemma shouted but Brea didn't listen until another gun cocked. She turned and saw Fiona had the gun to Gemma.

"Put the gun down" Fiona told her.

"What are you doing?" Gemma asked

"Protecting you, now put down the gun"

"I gotta kill the son of a bitch" her voice trembled.

"Not before I kill you" Fiona growled.

She gave Gemma this look, as if she understood what she meant. There was a threat in her eyes that Gemma didn't question. There was history there, something deeper than anyone wanted to know. Gemma handed the gun to Fiona, earning a laugh from Jimmy.

"Mother of Christ. You crazy bitches!" He exclaimed.

"Get out," Fiona told him, gun to his head "you come to fetch me or Kerri again, I swear on my catholic god, I'll fill your thick Irish skull with bullets"

Donny stood, Fiona raising a gun to him as well. Jimmy sat in silence for a second, eyes scanning over the room.

"Gemma, always a pleasure," he smirked "Lass, good luck to you and Filip" he spoke to Brea.

He left soon after, Fiona following them out. Brea saw as blood was now on her legs and hands as it flowed off the table. Fiona placed the guns on the table. Brea stood to go wash her hands, Gemma swinging at Fiona and missing. Fiona retaliated, punching her in the stomach. Brea, on impulse, swung at Fiona and hit her square in the jaw.

"Shit," she mumbled "that was not on purpose"

"I get it," she grunted, holding her jaw "but now, this is between Gemma and I. Go wash yourself, love"

Brea walked through the hall and to the bathroom. Turning the water on as hot as it could go and washing her hands. She scrubbed until her hands felt raw and sore but it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

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