101. Major turn on

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Lauren grew suspicious when Tig hadn't called or anything yet. Brea was up and down with Juniper as it was now late. Bathing her, feeding her and trying to get her to sleep. It was a wrestling act and Lauren thought she'd stay, replace Chibs for the night.

"They're fine, right?" Lauren asked, pacing.

"You're the lax one, be it again. We can't both be stressing" Brea said as she rocked Juniper.

"He said he'd be at the cabin for a few hours but it's nine, it's been more than a few hours. And he hasn't called to update me or anything"

"Neither has Filip, but stressing won't get us anywhere, am I right?" Brea laid Juniper in her crib and left the room.

"Yeah, you are" Lauren nodded defeatedly.

"So let's go to bed, you can stay here until the boys arrive. Text Tig, tell him you're here and I'll give you some spare pajamas"

Lauren and Brea got ready for bed. It was like a sleepover, but an adult one where you go to sleep early. Brea let Lauren sleep on her side while she laid on Chibs'. The two of them laid with their backs to each other, worried about their old men, but when weren't they ?


"Lauren is gonna kill me" Tig mumbled as he got out of the truck with Chibs bike in the back.

"I've a wee one who probably didn't let her ma sleep. I think I'll be murdered first" Chibs tested him.

"I'm getting married in two days" Tig brought out his winning point.

"Aye, beat me there" Chibs winked at him.

As they entered the house, they stayed quiet. Chibs went upstairs and checked on his daughter who was asleep. They ended up in Brea and Chibs' room where they found their old ladies asleep.

"Not gonna lie man, this is a major turn on" Tig whispered.

"Your pregnant wife in bed with her best friend is what gets ya off? You're sick" Chibs said.

Tig scoffed and went to wake up Lauren. He did it without waking Brea and they left. Chibs crawled in bed once he was in his pajamas and fell asleep without a problem next to Brea.

Lauren was groggy but not stupid. As they went outside she got to asking questions.

"Why were you at the cabin?" She asked.

"Jax and Tara were staying for the weekend. I stayed with Tara"

"Mm, what was the hold up?"

"Some boys ran Chibs and Jax off the road, opened fire"

"They alright?" She questioned, looking at him.

"Yeah. They are"

"And so are you" she smiled to herself.


Brea and Chibs were asleep when his phone rang. Brea groaned, they had been sleeping soundly. She rolled over and hit him. Then the baby cried.

"I got baby" she mumbled and got up blindly, shuffling out their room.

Chibs answered the phone next.

"Aye" He answered, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I need you and Brea down here. Gemma got in an accident and my boy. I need you two, please" Jax said.

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