103. Selfless

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"He'll kill him" Brea sobbed.

Lyla laid on the sofa with her leg propped, pressure on her wound. She was worried for Chibs and Brea.

"I didn't tell him I loved him. I'm such a pathetic piece of shit. I need a cigarette. I need to see my daughter" Brea ranted.

"We don't know what he's gonna do" Jax shook his head.

"That's the problem!" Brea shouted, turning on her heels to leave.

She ran into Nero and huffed. She sniffled and stifled back a sob before looking up at him.

"Thank you for today. Even after how we first met" she shook her head remembered her rudeness towards him.

"It's alright. Go see your daughter, she's beautiful" he encouraged her.

"I will" she nodded her head and ran to her car.


She got out with shaky legs, dropping her cigarette, and running to the office. No one was in there and her heart sunk. She knew they could've been in the clubhouse but many more possibilities were in her head. She ran then to the clubhouse, in the lounge there was not a soul. She cursed and ran back to the apartments. She found them in Tigs apartment. They had made Juniper a DIY cradle from an old car parts box with a blanket. Tig and Lauren were asleep, as was Juniper. She sighed and closed the door, facing the hallway, pressing her back against the door.

"You alright, Brea?" Juice asked, on his way to the bathroom.

"No, I am not. I didn't tell him I loved him. I should've told him I loved him. Now, now he's gone" she rambled.

"Chibs? He left you?" Juice asked, Brea left him in the dark to the full situation.

"No, Frankie took him. To get away. What was he gonna do, there was a gun in my mouth. Oh god, Juniper won't have a father"

"Brea, calm down. She'll have more than enough father figures surrounding her. She'll have you, Lauren, Tara and Gemma to look up to as mothers. She'll grow up with more than enough family. Stop stressing about Chibs, wherever he is because it'll only put you in distress"

"Yeah. Easier said than done," she scoffed "do not say a peep to Lauren! I can't be the one to ruin her last night before the wedding"

"You've my word" he nodded.


Night fell as Chibs drove, following Frankie's directions. He had made him stop when they arrived to another car in the road. Frankie told Chibs to get out but he didn't, not at first at least. He just was taking a moment to really think about his family. Brea and Juniper, that was his blood now.

Frankie got out and rounded the car to yank Chibs out the car. Directing him to kneel off the side of the road in a grassy area. Chibs dropped to his knees, facing the road. Frankie went around to the back of his head.

"Hey," Chibs stopped him "at least look me in the face before ya kill me, you guinea coward"

Frankie hesitated, he didn't really want to kill Chibs. He wouldn't go for Jax's, he wouldn't go for Chibs either. Killing Chibs would hurt his family and he couldn't do it. When his getaway driver honked his horn with impatience, he had to make a decision. He pistol whipped Chibs in the head before running off. Leaving Chibs laying in a pile of his own blood.


Lauren woke up, it was dark now. Tig wasn't beside her and Juniper wasn't in her 'crib'. She got up quick and went in the lounge, found Tig and Brea with Juniper. She sighed, no longer worried. Walking out to the room and approaching them.

"Mornin sunshine" Tig smiled as Lauren bent down to kiss him.

Juniper had a spot with Tig. Lauren was glad to see him do so well with her. It made her worry less for when she has their own child. He was good with her so he'd be good with his own kin and blood.

"He looks good with Juniper. Like, he looks like he did good. Like, he knows what do to" Brea fumbled over a way to say it, her mind was focused elsewhere.

"Because he does" Lauren nodded.

When Jax and Bobby came in the clubhouse, Brea jumped up. She had almost ran to Jax and Bobby, hoping they had information. She still had some hope.

"There's nothin yet" Jax shook his head.

"Fuck," Brea punched his chest "Jax what am I supposed to do? If he doesn't ever come back, if he's dead? There's a wedding tomorrow, he's the best man"

"I-I don't know, Brea. We'll be looking, but I really can't do anything. We've no clue where he went or his intentions with Chibs" Jax shrugged, feeling guilty he couldn't give anymore information.

Brea fell apart in his arms while Tig and Lauren watched from afar. Bobby walked in, leaving Jax and Brea.

"What's that?" Tig asked, throwing his chin towards them.

"She didn't tell you?" Bobby asked as he got a beer.

"No, she hasn't said anythin" Tig shook his head with his brows furrowed.

"Frankie took Chibs as hostage" he told them simply.

"Wait, w-why didn't she say anything?" Lauren was boggled.

"You're her best friend, you're getting married tomorrow. Right now, she doesn't want you worried about her kidnapped old man or her for all that. She wants your focus on the wedding"

"But, I'm still her friend, I wanna know too" Lauren tried to comprehend this.

"Brea is being selfless right now, don't happen often," he chuckled "but she is. Don't bring her down for it, maybe don't even bring it up to her. You've a wedding tomorrow!" He reminded her of why she shouldn't be worrying.

"Yeah, yeah I do" Lauren nodded looking down at Tig.

It was surreal, she was getting married tomorrow. She only wondered if her father would show, she hadn't heard a word from him. Maybe he's working on the element of surprise. Maybe.

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