14. Finer details

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Brea and Lauren rode to the fight with Chibs and Half-Sack as Gemma was not attending. Tig wasn't around and it made Lauren weary. It wasn't a set date but it sure felt like she was being stood up. The building was dusted with a cloud of smoke lingering, barely dressed women and men betting money back and forth. Money was being passed between people and shouting how much and for who.

Brea and Lauren had their spots along the floor of the ring with the other sons. Having a front row view of Half-Sack fighting. Watched him win the first two fights without a problem, Chibs was in and out his corner. There was a constant roar among the crowd, Chibs was the loudest and the closest.

Halfway through the second round, Tig and Clay arrived. Tig placed his hands on Lauren's shoulders and kissed her forehead.

"Hey, doll. Sorry I got held up" he mumbled close to her ear before going to join Chibs and get filled in.

Lauren's heart was warm, now that she knew he didn't stand her up. Made her face light up in a smile. He was the only reason she really came to this. Brea knew how happy she was now that he showed up and it made her happy for her.

Now was the final fight, Chibs and Tig fanned Half-Sack, gave him water and helped him prep.

"Hey, Brea. Doesn't that look like, Kasper?" Lauren asked.

Brea looked again, really focusing on Half-Sacks opponent. His face was bloody and it was bad lighting, hard to tell. But when he looked over and his eyes caught hers, her heart stopped. She'd know that look anywhere. It was her ex, an abusive alcoholic. She closed her eyes and thoughts bounced around in her mind. Staying for Half-Sack or leaving.

"Hey, stay here. The boys can protect you here, they can't outside" Lauren answered her, almost reading her mind.

"Yeah" Brea nodded and just ignored him for the time being.

Half-Sack wasn't doing so good which was odd compared to his last two fights. But right at the end, he punched Kasper left and right, over and over. When he fell to the ground, the bell rung, Chibs and Tig were in the ring, collecting Half-Sack. Neither of them looked too happy but that was their business.

The people filed out, angry or upset about the money spent tonight. Kasper looked right at Brea once again and nodded towards her, unknowing of what it meant, she turned to face the opposite direction.

Chibs had saw that interaction between them. He didn't have a good feeling about it. It felt like more than a bad breakup but he wouldn't question it.

Walking out among the last of the crowd were the Sons and the girls. Tig walked with Lauren while the rest just lingered. Brea's mind wondering if Kasper was still around, not paying attention to anything going on around her. Chibs noticed it, noticed her looking around every so often. She even ended up tripping over a sign in the path.

"Aye, lass. Watch where ya goin" he said with a chuckle, trying to joke and get some reaction out of her but was only given a curt nod.

"Tig, this is a local fight. Right? Like just people from the area?" Lauren asked Tig aside from the group.

"Yeah, usually. Why, what's up?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"It's um, someone Brea and I know. He was at the fight, not a friendly face if you know what I mean" she told him.

"Are either of you in danger?"

Lauren looked back at Brea, wondering how to answer this. Tig grabbed her arms and brought her attention back to him.

"Hey, talk to me. I need the truth, I'll keep it off the clubs radar" he spoke.

"No, no. I just was wondering" Lauren lied to him.

"Okay, you let us know if that changes"

Brea was kicking rocks, the guys grouped around Clays van. An arm was wrapped around her and she jumped. Maybe hoping it was Chibs but knew better than to get her thoughts up. She looked up and saw Kasper.

"Hey, Brea. Long time, no see" he said with a smile.

"What do you want?" She snapped with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Talkin to a pretty woman. That ain't a crime"

"But beating me was" she snarled, trying to pull back from him but he pulled her into his side tighter.

"Hey, don't be like that, baby. Just wanted to say hi, we don't have to bring up what I was. I'm sober now, been to anger management"

"Well it isn't working" she mumbled.

Kasper opened his mouth to speak but Chibs walked up to them. Breas eyes fell to the ground, embarrassed of herself.

"Hey, love, we're headed out" Chibs said, ignoring Kasper.

"I'm Kasper, Brea's first love" he said cockily.

"Chibs" he answered, clenching his jaw.

He put a hand out for Brea, an extra precaution to scare him off and let Brea feel safer. She took it and walked to Chibs fast.

"Bye, Brea. See you around" Kasper spoke with a smirk.

"Who's that?" Chibs asked as they walked together.

"Ex, no one important" Brea answered, skipping over the finer details.

"Messy breakup?"

"You could say" she shrugged, Chibs handing her a helmet.

"You need anythin', ever. Call me or one of the boys. Ya hear me?"

"I know, it's not a big deal, me and Kasper" She said, trying to shake the idea of anything else out of Chibs mind. She strapped on her helmet, getting on the back of the bike.

"I know you're skipping details here, love. I'm not askin ya to share but I know he wasn't the ideal, first love to ya. I saw his grip on your arm, the look in your eyes. If you think you're in danger, we can protect ya" He said firmly, only wanting to keep her safe and more importantly, get rid of anyone in his way.

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