5. Welcome to Charming

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Meeting Gemma at TM was the best way to get a ride. No address to call home, it was better coming this way and didn't hurt getting outside. Seeing the town, getting familiar with the shops and restaurants.   

Gemma then drove them from TM to her house to help prep for dinner. She had some of her friends there, so Lauren and Brea stuck together while helping. Setting the table and cutting up vegetables for the salad. Simple stuff to bond over, helping them transition into Charming smoothly, with friends and a family.

"Brea hun, you got something on your neck" Gemma said to Brea.

Lauren attempted to rub it off but it was tender to touch and not leaving her skin. Brea cursed to herself.

"Shit" she mumbled and pulled down her hair to cover the side of her neck "better?"

"Yeah" Gemma nodded.

As the Sons arrived, the table filled up one by one. Each guy greeted or was introduced themselves to Brea and Lauren. A spot for Brea was saved between Jax and Chibs while Lauren had a spot across from her next to Gemma and Tig.

"I want to make a toast" Gemma spoke while standing up "To Jax's son, Abel, being in stable condition. Also to welcoming Lauren and Brea back and to Charming"

"Thank you, thank you" Brea spoke, she was embarrassed that the attention was focused on them.

"Thank you, Gemma, I'm glad to be back" Lauren smiled.

"Welcome to Charming!" Jax shouted and we all our raised glasses, Chibs patting Brea on the shoulder.

"What happened the night of the party, after you guys left?" Clay asked, the question directed at Tig and Jax, curious to the story behind Brea's hickey and seeing if they'd admit to it.

"Tig drove Lauren and I drove Brea. Got them set up at Route 99, then Lauren went back with Tig to get clothes" Jax spoke.

"I know Tig was itchin for a gash at that party, why didn't you drive her back?" Clay instigated feeling like Jax was leaving out details.

Jax and Brea looking at each other was enough to give away their actions from that night. Chibs laughed at it, never seeing Jax hitting someone like Brea but didn't speak.

"I offered" Tig lied to help out his brother.

"Yeah, what'd Lauren do to get that? Handjob? Quickie on the bike?" Happy joked.

"Jesus, I'm not an animal, all the time. I can be a generous guy, sometimes I think with my brain instead of my dick" he said defending himself.

"Hard to believe but he did. Brea and I shared a smoke and a late night conversation while waiting" Jax backed him up.

"Ya, late night conversation" Chibs scoffed with a shake of his head "whispering deep dark secrets into her neck, lad?"

Brea slowly inched her hand up to her neck and realized her hair has moved during the toast. Her neck was exposed and she mentally cursed to herself.

"Jealous you couldn't whisper those secrets, Chibs? You had a chance but your old ass was asleep" Jax laughed.

"Aye, a man enjoys his sleep time to time. Especially old folk like me" Chibs joked right back.

As the dinner died down, people strayed and left. The few stragglers stayed in the parking lot, leaning on bikes. Jax, Gemma and Clay were inside. Lauren, Brea, Chibs and Tig outside.

"Sticking around long?" Tig asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"Planning to stay, started working at TM to get money to save. Get an apartment out here" Lauren replied.

"Then are you gonna abandon TM, leave us behind ya?" Chibs laughed, slightly drunk.

"Of course not. I hope that we just don't get kicked out by you tough bikers" Brea joked back.

"Of course not, lass" Chibs chuckled.

More beers and less judgment. Lauren and Tig were getting on great, too good. She had ended up on the back of his bike and leaving Brea. She shrugged and almost gave up, sitting at the wheel of Chib's bike, preventing him from leaving drunk and leaving her alone in general.

Tig brought Lauren back to the clubhouse and to his apartment there. The place was empty, just them two. Basically ripping each other's clothes off at the door. Their lips were on each other's from the moment they stepped off his bike. Stumbling into the clubhouse and through the lounge and bar and to Tigs room was an adventure. A place he knew as well as the back of his hand was a maze when in an alcohol and lust induced haze.

Tig pushed Lauren back on the bed, she had ripped his shirt open and ran her hands all over his chest, wanting to feel him. There goes Tigs intentions on not using Lauren. He was thinking with his dick now. He leaned down to capture his lips with hers, and his hands found their way to her pants. Unbuttoning them and yanking them down her legs, her hands working on his belt. Once his boxers were off, there was no stopping him. He slid inside her with one quick motion, earning a grunt from either person.

"Jesus Christ, you're gonna kill me, woman" Tig hissed.

"Just fuck me, Tig" she moaned, pulling him down to her by his hair.

"Of course, doll" he replied and continued at his rough pace "Let's leave some more proof on you than Jax did on Brea. Let everyone know I fucked you, that I had you" he growled, leaning into her neck, leaving marks for tomorrow.

At the Morrow household, Chibs and Brea were in an argument in the driveway.

"You can't leave like this!" She yelled at the man she barely knew.

"I can drive fine, lass. Done it time and time before!" He shouted back with a slur.

"I won't let you go out there. If you die, that's on me and I-i can't get you killed, not yet, I just got here"

"Yeah. Ye jus, got here, so stop carin what I do and where I drive and let me go"

Jax came outside hearing the commotion, he pulled Chibs towards the house.

"Come inside. You guys can stay here for the night.  there's a futon in the living room, figure it out" Jax said walking them inside the house.

Barely three minutes, Chibs and Brea were asleep on the futon. Chibs in his boxers and a tank top, Brea had shed her pants, both were undressed unintentionally. The alcohol had clouded their thinking, not realizing they were sleeping next to a person they rarely knew. Which made for an interesting morning conversation.

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