36. Late night drive

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Lauren got in her car as soon as the cops left the scene. She drove as fast as she could to get to the hospital to see Brea.

She walked urgently through the halls, ignoring questions from nurses and other staff. Her mind was focused on finding Brea. As she arrived to the waiting room, she found Brea on her knees with her hands folded. She spoke quietly, she was praying. She had never seen her do this, she was very strongly not religious, she really cared for him. Lauren placed a hand on her back causing Brea to jump.

"Hey" Lauren smiled.

Brea got up off her raw and sore knees and pulled herself into the chair. Lauren cringed seeing how bad they were, Brea normally would've cared but she was so wrapped up with Chibs.

"I-I can't function, I don't know what's happening to him and I'm fucking losing my mind" she spoke in frustration, running a hand roughly through her hair.

"Hey, I'm gonna call Tara. I'll have her come by and see if she can get any information on Chibs, alright?"

"Yeah" Brea nodded but she knew that wouldn't help at all.

Lauren stepped out into the hall, calling Tara.

"When you come, could you bring a change of clothes for Brea. She hurt her knees really bad and needs them cleaned and a new pair of pants to prevent any infection" Lauren said.

"Sure, of course," Tara nodded on the other end of the line "where will I find her clothes?"

"In Chibs' room, its the second to last one before the bathroom. Thank you so much"

"I'll be there soon"
Tara arrived with a bag of clothes and medical supplies. They took Brea into the family restroom and helped her. Taking off her ruined jeans to get full access to her knees. None of it phased her, she moved mechanically, just doing as they told her. Tara and Lauren worked together, each working on each of Brea's legs to get it done quicker.

"This might burn" Tara mumbled, feeling the need to warn her even though she knew Brea wouldn't even notice it.

Patting her knees with hydrogen peroxide and then bandaging them up. They gave Brea a pair of her sweats so she'd be comfortable. Tara pulled out a shirt for Brea. As Lauren took the shirt and slid it over Brea's head, she quickly panicked. It smelled like Chibs, it was one of his band tees, Brea threw it off of her. The sobs she had held back for the past hour all came out now.

"No! That's his, I, fuck" she stumbled over her words.

"I-I'm sorry, Brea" Tara said as she took the shirt and put it back in the bag.

"It's fine, you didn't know. I'll take care of it" Lauren rushed Tara.

"I have this hoodie she can use, it's Jax's, I'm sure that shouldn't bother her or him" she shrugged as she shed the SAMCRO hoodie off her body.

"That works, thank you" Lauren smiled as Tara left the bathroom.

Lauren pulled the hoodie over Brea and held her in a hug. Holding her until she was calmed and then they left. Brea limped, depending on Lauren to keep her straight. They walked into the waiting room and got comfortable for their night in the hospital.
In the morning, Gemma had joined the two in the waiting room. As Tara walked in, they all had their attention on her. Tara sat next to Brea to tell them what she knew.

"He is stable but critical," Brea felt like a sigh of relief was needed but then she said critical and she tightened back up again "he landed on the back of his head, causing a subdural hematoma"

Brea looked at her with wide eyes, not knowing what that meant.

"A blood clot," Tara clarified "if it bleeds, it's severe, but if it subsides, it isn't life threatening. All we can do now it monitor it"

"And if it gets worse?" Brea wanted to hear the worst possible outcome if it came to it to help prepare herself.

"They'll have to go and relieve the pressure"

"Jesus Christ, cut open his head?" Gemma said in shock and fear.

"Well, hopefully it won't come to that" she said, closing the discussion.

"When can I see him?" Brea asked.

"Later today possibly, maybe tomorrow morning. I'll make sure to keep you posted" Tara nodded.

"Thank you"
Once Brea was asleep, Gemma was gone and Lauren took a chance for herself. She left the hospital to go for a drive on her own, clear her mind maybe.

She drove through the town, all the shops were shut down and it was dark. Not many people were out past dark, unlike Vegas where it was busy all the time. Lauren drove anywhere, not caring if she knew where she was or not. As long as she never left Charming, she could find a way back.

She noticed a car had been following her for a while once she was out of the immediacy town. She started to grow suspicious of the car and called Tig. It rang and rang, going to voicemail. She tried over and over but he never answered and it made her nervous. Simple things like that weren't too big a deal but as it was her old man, she could only worry.

She pulled over to the side of the road to hope they'd pass. Maybe they just needed help with directions she told herself to not psych herself out. She still hadn't learned how to shoot a gun and therefore didn't carry one.

A girl tapped on her window and she rolled it down, she seemed nice enough.

"Hi, don't mean to bother you but I noticed that your left tail light was blown out. I thought you'd rather have me tell you than the cops" she laughed.

"Really?," Lauren asked in shock, she just had her car returned and wanted to check it out.

She got out the car and walked around the back to see her car was fine. When she turned back to the girl, Kasper stood in her place and she had nowhere to run.

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