16. Chibs' orders

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"Anything else you need, kid?" Unser asked Jax.

Jax had met up with Unser for club help. Unser helped with their one need but now it was personal.

"Yeah, actually. Can you run the name Kasper Morales through your system? See if anything shows up on him"

Between Juice, Half-Sack, Chibs and Tig. They were able to scrounge up the guys last name. He was in the fight, it was all written down somewhere.

"Yeah, do I ask why?" Unser nodded.

"Old ghosts that left some damage on a friend"

"I'll call you as soon as I find anything"

"Thanks" Jax nodded to him with a smile.
The girls weren't needed at TM after all. Lauren still went out to get a walk, needing her fresh air of the day. She only wished she could be with Tig on this walk. The town was quiet, she liked it. Just like when she grew up here. There was no rush and constant blur of people and traffic. Lots of friendly people and then again unfriendly people. But everywhere had those. The walk took her mind off the chaos at 'home' and TM, it was nice to get a break.

Back at the hotel, Brea has just woke up around 3 in the afternoon. Chibs had not left her door, sleep didn't cross his mind. Lauren offered to take over for him but he insisted, he had a gun and he was a man. Though stereotypical, he was right, Lauren would be no match to Kasper or any other sleaze ball that tried to get in Brea's easily accessible room.

She stepped outside, squinting at the sunlight. As she looked down to her right, Chibs startled her.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ!" She said, startled by his presence "Why're you here still?" She groaned as she put a cigarette between her lips.

She pat herself in hopes of finding a lighter but didn't. Chibs held one up to he end of her cigarette, lighting it for her and she mumbled a 'thanks'.

"To get in your room, we had to use, physical force" he hesitated to explain how they got inside last night "The doors broken and we didn't wan' someone to break in and get ya"

She only nodded towards him as a response. She closed her eyes, taking a drag from her cigarette and Chibs watched. He was envious of how fast Tig moved in and got Lauren. Chibs didn't have it so easy. He was brought out his thoughts when Lauren's heels were clicking up the steps, as if on a queue, his phone rang.

He was called to TM while Lauren had arrived. He looked at Brea while on the phone with Clay. He just nodded and hung up.

"Stay put, in Lauren's room, safer there. If ya need anythin', one phone call away" he said shaking his phone in his hand.

"Yeah" Lauren answered as Chibs left.

Lauren pulled the cigarette from Brea, her demeanor changed. Her eyes snapped open as she watch her cigarette fly onto the ground below the balcony. She just rolled her eyes.

"Inside, Chibs orders" she said as an excuse.

Brea dragged her feet behind the perky girl. Her skirt flowed in the wind as she stepped inside from the breeze that almost knocked Brea away. Once inside, Lauren sat on her bed, making herself comfortable. Brea sat on a chair near the bed, crossing her legs.

"I'm sorry I worried you" Brea spoke to break the silence.

"It's not your fault. I'm just glad you're okay" Lauren said sincerely.

"So the guys don't need us today?"

"Chibs would've told me, and Gemma hasn't said anything about our presence at TM, or our lack of it" she shrugged.

"Tig, huh?" Brea asked with a small laugh shaking her body.

"Yeah, I think he's a good guy"

"He's in a gang, Lauren. For Christ's sake, do you even know his birthday? His favorite food? His family history? You don't know anyt-"

"Just because I have a successful relationship doesn't mean you have to hate on me. I know you've had relationship troubles and still do. You're just jealous and acting like an ass because of it" Lauren snapped.

"I'm not lying, you know that" she scoffed and stood up to put on her slippers.

Shuffling to the door despite Lauren's protests. She left the hotel, not caring what could happen to her while she was alone. Lauren knew she was right, but she also knew Brea was too. She didn't really know anything about Tig. He was just a nice guy that had pretty blue eyes. They got on well, that was good. She shot Tig a text, telling him they should go on a date, an official one and turned off her phone, eager for a response.

As night fell and Brea didn't come back, Lauren was getting nervous. Tig hadn't texted her back either and it didn't help. The boys were probably busy with club business.

Brea was out walking in the town with a cigarette in her mouth, mind elsewhere. She went through the motions without much thought, with no destination. Charming was a dead end and she knew it as well as everyone else here.

"Brea, hey, can we talk?" Kasper's voice rung through her ears as she stopped as turned to him.

She nodded, wanting him to continue. It was like she was falling for him all over. Like last night never happened, like their horrible messy relationship never happened. She didn't think his stunning smile could ever hit her, hurt her and shout mean, degrading words, but they did.

"I wanna say sorry about the fight night. I didn't mean to be so mean. I've gotten better, as I want to try this again, try us again" he said with soft eyes.

She smiled, thinking back about how jealous she was that Lauren had Tig, it was her turn. Chibs wasn't making any clear moves, but Kasper was.

"When do you wanna start?" She replied.

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