73. We all die

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Lauren went to the house after Breas. Kept her mind off things with her and kept her focused on her future with Tig. Sending him pictures, this house felt like the house. She'd have to further talk with him once he got back. The rest of her day was spent by herself before turning in for the night in an empty bed.

The next morning she slept in. She forgot where he was in the morning, panicked and thinking he was in jail again. She freaked herself out but calmed knowing he would be back late tonight or early tomorrow. She dialed him, needed to hear his voice.

"Hey, doll" Tig breathed into the phone.

"Hi, baby. Are you okay? Sound tired" she spoke, sad to hear him like that.

"Fine, just in the motel taking a breather. Been quite the trip"

"Everyone okay?" She asked.

"We're all good as we left, doll. Nothin to worry about. The house, it was nice, really nice" he changed the topic quickly.

"Did you think so?" She asked excitedly "it felt like the one, Tig. I want you to see it in person"

"Anyplace is the place with you" he cooed into the phone.

"I'll let you go, baby. You rest"

"Driving home tonight, we should be back early morning tomorrow"

"I'll be here" she smiled.

Tig hung up and laid the phone next to him with a sigh. He turned to the door, Chibs stood outside, ringing Brea. He had tried a few times at this point and she wasn't picking up.

"Brother," Tig called and Chibs poked his head inside "want me to call her for you?"

"Please" he huffed, walking inside the room he shared with Tig.

"What happened with you two anyways?" Tig asked, picking up his phone but not dialing yet.

"I told her about the drugs, told her we'd have more money to start a family. She flipped, she doesn't have my crow or an engagement ring and she's not happy about it"

"She makes a point, I know shit happened with Fiona, man but that's over. Brea is your now, your future. You better reel her in before she disappears again and doesn't come back" Tig looked him in the eyes before turning away to dial her.

"Hello" Brea answered the phone, trying not to sound confused as to why Tig was calling her.

He quickly handed the phone off to Chibs. He took the conversation outside.

"Lass, why aren't ya answerin'?" He asked, running a hand through his hair as he paced the motel balcony.

"I'm trying to be mad at you" she sighed.

"Well don't, I was worried about ye"

"Well I'm fine, thanks"

"Brea, ple-" he stopped when he heard the line die.

He huffed and wanted to throw the phone but stopped himself as it wasn't his.

"Fuck!" He shouted into the air, clenching his fists.

Brea had dropped her phone and fell to the ground in tears. She was doing this to herself but she didn't give in. She reached up onto her table and grabbed her pack of cigarettes and lit one. Smoking a cigarette on the floor as she tried to forget him.
Lauren was in her car, heading to her dads. She knew he wasn't happy the last time she showed up but she went back anyways. Knocking on his door she took a deep breath, had a mission set in mind.

"Lauren" he sighed as he opened the door.

"Can I just see the kutte?" She asked.

"Who says I s-"

"I know you do" she cut him off.

He sighed and turned around, following him through his house. He wore a tank that revealed the top corner of SOA tattoo on his back. She knew that would be bad news for him if the club found out.

He pulled the kutte out and handed it to her. She ran her fingers over the leather and all its details. Feeling the patch that read 'first 9'.

"Gemma knows about mom, right?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, that was her best friend. That fear she has of Fiona is there for a reason" he nodded and sat down.

"Makes sense," Lauren nodded with pursed lips "I'm not leaving him, dad"

"It's bad news, I don't want you ending up like your mother"

"We all die" she shook her head.

"She was only thirty four" he rebutted.

"I love him, I can't just say goodbye and walk out on him and the club"

"It may hurt but it's gonna be better in the long run. Look at it all for a second, Lauren, really look. Guns, Mayans, IRA, cops. There are accidents and deaths all the time. You stay, you watch everyone you love die. That presidents gavel, pray Tig never gets that in his hands, it corrupts. Not John, but Clay it did, started even before, and his boy will too if he won't get out" he rambled, hating talk of the club.

"I'm sorry, dad. I am," she sighed, handing back his kutte "but I'm gonna marry him one day and pray you'll stand by my decision to do so"
She drove to Gemma's, knocking on her door next. Entering when she was allowed inside. She found her at her kitchen table, Lauren sat with her.

"Hey baby" she mumbled, leaning forward in her seat.

"Why didn't you tell me that Fiona killed my mom?" She cut to the chase, leaning her head down but looking at Gemma.

"It's best that stays buried," Gemma shook her head "how'd you find that one out, sweet heart?"

"My dad"

"He's still around?" She raised a brow in shock.

"Yeah. I found him. Also no one wanted to tell me he was first nine. I've just been out of the loop"

"You should know now, I've all the secrets, baby" she lit a cigarette as she spoke.

"Yeah, I guess so" she squinted at her with disappointment.

"You were fine before you knew all of that shit. Knowing only makes you hate Fiona and upset at us. You gotta understand what we were trying to prevent here"

"I don't give a shit about prevention. I just am upset that no one wanted to come clean. Before I was neck deep in connections with you all"

"Well now you are, neck deep in our life of chaos. You're lucky you've made it this far unscathed, baby. Don't count on that long"

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