33. Charity

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Tig woke up to get ready before waking Lauren, but to his surprise she was out of bed already. He continued to get ready, just assuming she was waiting for him.

Chibs woke Brea up after he was ready for the day. He pulled her out of bed in her pajamas, giving her a piggy back ride to outside. They passed Lauren who was up and dressed outside.

Chibs sat on his bike, Brea stood in front of his bike with her arms crossed and squinting at the sun.

"You look chipper this morning, Brea" Juice said.

"Fuck you" she scoffed.

Chibs slid his sunglasses onto her face so her eyes could rest easy. She took the offer and could open her eyes fully. Tig and Lauren came out, attached at the hip. This run would be hard for them, the first one since they got together. He sat on his bike and she leaned on his leg as they all were in line.

A loud bang was heard from the garage, sending Breas heart into a frenzy. She jumped back and Jax caught her as he walked by.

"Jesus" she mumbled to herself.

"Chitty chitty bang bang" Chibs said as Bobby rolled out on a bike the girls have never seen before.

"Look, it's an old fat boy on an old fat boy" Half-Sack joked "sorry" he immediately feared the reaction.

"Thought you put that beast to sleep" Jax said as he lit a cigarette.

"This fat boy ain't even reached it's prime yet" Bobby defended his new ride.

"Barely looks like it can make it to the end of this lot" Opie spoke.

"Best bike for a long ride, is put it up against any of your pretty dynas" Bobby said as he pointed across the line of everyone else's bikes.

"Going to the gay rodeo on the way?" Jax asked looking at his chaps he was wearing.

"It's captain chaps" Opie joked.

"Cow hide can take the man hide" Bobby laughed.

"Get in line broke back" Tig commented from his spot.

As Bobby started his engine, it filled the air around with black exhaust. Half-Sack whined realizing where his position was for the ride.

"Awh man, come on, I really gotta ride behind that thing?" He groaned as he walked around to the front of the line of bikes. .

"Shut up, you should be used to gettin sprayed in the face, prospect" Chibs said.

"Usually by Bobby" Tig added onto the joke.

"Eat me, Chibby" Kip joked as he grabbed his crotch.

"Thing is, I like a full scrote when I snack on someone"

"Is that right? Well soon you can have that"

"You gonna spontaneously sprout a nut?" Tig asked.

"No, I'm getting a neuticle"

"A what?"

"A fake ball, a neutcile, give me a sense of balance. Symmetry" he explained to everyone.

"Are you serious?" Jax asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, in just waiting for my V.A insurance to clear"

"So you're getting a glass ball?" Opie questioned.

"What? No. It like feels real, its squishy, soft. Like a real ball"

Tig mocked a cow and made the motions of milking one. Lauren rolled her eyes with a laugh as she hit him on the arm.

"I just came here to say goodbye" Brea sighed.

"You're a class act, Chibs" Half-Sack said as he walked to his bike next to Chibs'.

"What?" Clay asked as he arrived when everyone was still laughing.

"You don't wanna know, really" Bobby answered.

A few crows waited near the clubhouse to see the boys off. As Clay started his loop out the parking lot, everyone started to say goodbye. Lauren kissed Tig with all her might.

"I love you, Tig. Be safe, baby" she said patting his shoulder.

"Anything for you, doll" he smiled "I love you, too"

Lauren backed up to give him room to leave. Her heart sank knowing he'd be gone a few days. Chibs and Breas goodbye was less heartfelt.

"I'll see you soon, lass" Chibs said from his bike.

"Yeah," she half smiled "I'll miss you"

"Don't look so sad, I'll be back before ya know it" he laughed.

"Alright, Filip" she sighed and met Lauren to watch as Chibs headed to leave.

Happy fired off a gun twice into the air, crows cheering at the boys all left.
"Military surplus as a cover, wish we'd thought of it" Jax spoke as him and all the others followed behind him and Clay.

"It was all Edmond" Cameron credits his sons as he leads them to the back of the store "boys a genius"

"Oh yeah? Must take after his mother" Chibs comments.

"Obviously" Edmond replied to Chibs with a smirk.

"How do we carry?" Clay asks as Edmond lays a 'bedroll' out on the table.

"Ten guns in each, roll it up and strap it on" Edmond tells them, opening open the blanket to show where the guns will lay.

"Just a biker with a bedroll" Bobby smiles as he placed a gun in one of the slots to test it.

"Six bikers, five dozen, that's good haul" Tig nods, his body weight leaned on the table on his hands.

"Runs are set for the next three months, one every two weeks" Edmond explains to the club.

"We'll try to cover as many runs as we can with charity rides" Clay says.

"Cops never mess with us when we're" he pauses "serving humanity" Opie commented with sarcasm laced in his voice.

"Rest of the time travel in twos, stay off the main roads, should be no problem" Jax shrugged.

"The thirty two, they're pleased the way this worked out with SAMCRO" Cameron nodded towards the group.

"Well, you tell the scabby fence boys I'm all about the cause" Clay laughed with his arms open. 

"You can tell them yourself" Edmond mumbled.

"Edmond" Cameron warned, the club looked at the two skeptically "Jimmy O', some of the Falcarragh crew may be coming stateside, time allows"

The boys all turned to Chibs, knowing his messy history with Jimmy. The reason his wife and daughter weren't with him, why he wasn't in SAMBEL anymore and the reason for his scars embedded deep on his face. Chibs knew that Jimmy was the reason he was so cautious of his relationship with Brea but this seemed to push him to want to be with her more. It'd be like a slap in the face to Jimmy if Filip moved on.

"Their day will come" Chibs said but quickly moved on.

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