98. Protective

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Three days had passed since the funeral. Lauren was checked out and the baby was fine. Her face was healing, just some minor bruising. She didn't let it stop her from dress shopping with Gemma and Brea. She didn't get anything fancy, it was just a simple dress she brought home that day. She needed the dress soon, as her and Tig were nearing closer to their wedding. Juniper stayed at home with Chibs and Tig hung out with him as well.

Jax and Tara were in a rocky place, the talking was minimal. He was mad but knew they needed communication. She didn't mean it but she did it. She had apologized to Lauren but she wasn't having it yet. Brea had heard and kept her anger to herself. Lauren never told her the real reason why they fought, just that they did. She knew Brea would guilt herself if she knew the reason her best friend was hurt.

When the boys were back to business, the world continued on as normal. Chibs left Brea and Juniper early that morning. Tig and Lauren got to stay in longer though.

He spooned her, hand on her stomach that was still flat. His eyes closed and breathing in the moment he was in. Being with his fiancée and having a family starting. But it didn't last long before he had to leave and Lauren was alone in the house.


"Hey, Lauren. We need you to come in, Tig was um, bit" Jax called her.

Lauren had gone to Brea's to hang out there. Brea was aware of the conversation as it happened right next to her. Bouncing Juniper on her leg, trying to listen over her babbling to the conversation.

"By what?" Lauren asked in shock.

"A human"

"I'm coming" she sighed and hung up.

"What's up?" Brea asked as Lauren stood.

"Gotta head to the clubhouse, Tig was bit" she shook her head.

"Can you drive me too? I'll just move Junipers car seat"

"Yeah, of course" Lauren nodded.

As they arrived they noticed the lack of bikes at the clubhouse parking lot.

"Looks like I'll be driving your whole family home tonight" Lauren joked as she parked.

"We're quite the handful" Brea shrugged in agreement.

Walking into the clubhouse, everyone was in the chapel. Lauren shot daggers at Tara, still upset with her for obvious reasons. Chibs met Brea and curbed her at the door.

"You alright, baby?" Brea asked, stroking the cut on his brow.

"Aye, wha' about you and the little princess?" He asked, kissing her and then Juniper.

"We're good," she nodded "where's your bike?"

"Gaalan shot up the bikes today, Irish pummil" he grumbled and cursed.

In the chapel, Lauren was on her knees, level with Tig. She kissed him softly.

"You okay?" She asked him.

"Yeah, Chibby got me numbed," he said "plus I got my alcohol and my weed by my side. I'll be alright, just wanted you here"

"Of course" Lauren nodded.

"You alright?" He asked, referring to the fact Tara was also in the room and sewing up his ass.

"As long as the baby is, I am" she nodded, overcoming any pettiness that she could've used.

"Already sounding like a wonderful mother" he kissed her knuckles.

"I hope I will be once he's here" she looked down at her stomach and then back to Tig.


"It's a boy, I can feel it. He'll be a son, like his dad" she smirked.

"He doesn't have to, I won't think any less of him if he doesn't go on to be a son" he voiced her concerns.

"I know, baby. But he will be, this is who we are. We are Charming, we are SAMCRO and so will our boy"


Gemma sat in Jax's room waiting for Tara. They needed to talk. As she left the bathroom, she was startled by Gemma's presence.

"Yes?" Tara said as she slid her soft cast back on.

"How's the hand?" Gemma asked, not skipping the small talk.

"Fine, why are you here? About Lauren?"

"Yeah, I am" Gemma stood to meet her eye and power level.

"I didn't mean it"

Gemma pushed her back against the wall, arm across her neck.

"You hit Lauren again or Brea ever, I will not hesitate to beat you as well, daughter" she referred to Tara as she had previously.

"You don't get to treat me like that!" Tara pushed Gemma off of her "I am the mother of your grandchildren!"

"I thought for a second that Brea would be that mother, I wish she was "

"You thought because Jax screwed her they'd fall in love?" Tara shook her head.

"That's what you guys did, right?" Gemma tested her, raising a brow.

"Well I'm who you got. I don't know if you know it, but I am you Gemma. Me beating Lauren was to protect what was mine, my family" Tara snapped back.

"Fought the wrong girl, if you thought Brea was taking Jax, you should've fought Brea. You're sloppy and impulse driven. Think more, Tara" Gemma fought.

"I'm doing what you taught me, to protect Jax! Keep him close to me"

"If Jax was cheating, you'd know. He wouldn't hide it from you. He comes face to face with his problems"

"I don't know what you want from me but I'll leave if that's what it is. I fixed Tig and that's what I came for. I can't change anything and neither can you. We have to deal with each other in the end"

Tara started to leave but Gemma stood, stopping her in her tracks "but I will do anything I can to change that"

"Oh, I will too. I'll get Jax to leave you and this disgusting town" she spoke with pure hate before leaving for sure.

As she turned to corner she ran into Lauren. Tara sighed and closed her eyes, hoping this wouldn't start anything.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"That was an accident, the other night wasn't" Lauren replied with attitude.

"I acted before I thought. I'm sorry. That's on me, you know I wouldn't do that to you normally, especially now that you're pregnant. I'm not a bad person, Lauren" Tara tried to explain herself.

"It's debatable in my eyes," Lauren shrugged and continued to find Gemma "just as debatable as your place in my wedding. Don't bother coming"

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