15. 3 AM

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"Well what the fuck are you gonna do about him?" Lauren said as Brea and her walked to their hotel rooms.

Lauren was in panic mode, not one for cursing, but this was an appropriate occasion. Granted Lauren never saw what Brea was like when she was with Kasper, but heard stories. Heard the nightmares that had Brea screaming and crying in her sleep. It was hard to hear about.

"Nothing, w-we can't do anything about it" Brea spoke timidly "A restraining order, maybe"

"The hell do you mean we can't do anything?! Restraining order is the least form punishment he deserves!"

"Lauren, I can't worry about this tonight. I'm going to bed and we'll talk in the light of day. Goodnight" Brea shut Lauren down without hesitation.

Lauren stood in shock of her change of demeanor. Ever since they met, Brea was such a strong person, very independent. She never complained much, had sass and didn't take shit. But Kasper made her a different person, even as she's only seen him for a few minutes, he's fucked her up. She was quiet and nervous all of a sudden and it only made Lauren worry.

Lauren stepped inside her room, taking a deep breath as she took off her shoes. She sat in bed and dialed Tig.

"Hey, what's up?" He said into the phone.

"Can't sleep" she lied.

"Why? Talk to me, doll"

"A lot on my mind, with Kasper back in the picture. She's different now" Lauren whispered, fearing. Tea could hear her.

"I said I'd keep you guys safe, right?" He questioned.

"Yeah" Lauren nodded.

"That's what I'm gonna do. Take a deep breath. No one followed us back, you'll be safe tonight. So try and think of, um, sheep jumping over Harley's, yeah?"

She laid down, getting under the covers to try and get comfortable.

"I don't think that's how it quite goes" she laughed.

"Whatever. You get it, goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow, we can talk then" he smiled.

Sometime early in the morning, around 3 AM, Lauren was startled awake. She heard banging and clashing coming from next door. Her heart dropped thinking that Kasper had found her. She grabbed her phone, dialing Tig, fearing her own safety if she went over.

"Hey, can't sleep still?" He spoke groggily into the speaker.

"No, there's noise coming from next door. I'm scared he's here and he's with her. She's yelling and stuff is being thrown. Tig, I- what do I do" Lauren's hand shook as she held the phone.

"I'm coming, I'll call Jax and Chibs. We'll be there. You, stay put, please. She'll be okay, it'll all be okay" he rushed and hung up.

Throwing his covers off of him, he calls Chibs as he dresses himself. Filling him in on the information and then doing the same with Jax. All three men dressed quickly from their slumber and coming together to help out friends. It wasn't their favorite thing to do at 3 AM, but they would be there for family anytime.

Tig flew up the steps with Chibs close behind. Skipping steps to go faster, some other guests outside at the commotion.

"Tig, check on Lauren. Chibs and I will check on Brea" Jax directed.

"You sure, brother?" Tig asked.

"Yeah. We got it" Jax nodded to him.

Jax and Chibs stood on each side of the door. Chibs kicked in the door and went in first. What he saw was unexpected. Brea was alone, her furniture was all over the room, she was the one throwing it. Her hair was tangled and disheveled. In red sweatpants and a baggy white crop top, she was about to throw the coffee pot.

"Aye, lass. I'd put that down" Chibs stopped her.

She looked up at the doorway, realizing what she had done. She had drawn attention to herself, worried Lauren and dragged the boys out at 3 in the morning. She put the coffee pot on the counter as Chibs neared her. Her body dropped to the ground in a sob, Chibs grabbing her before she fell. He nodded to Jax that he had her. Outside Jax was calming the hotel guests, reassuring them it wouldn't happen again. Inside was another story.

Chibs held Brea on the ground, stroking her hair and he whispered soothing words to her. He mixed some Gaelic words in there for her. She slowly calmed down to where she was almost asleep.

"What happened here, love?" Chibs questioned her.

"He was here, I-I swear. I'm not lying, Filip. He was here and he was trying to get me but I-I wouldn't let him" she cried with uneven breaths "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It felt so real"

"It's alright. I'm here. Tomorrow we can clean this up but you need rest"

He helped her up, finally seeing her face up close. Her eyes were red and puffy from the tears. She looked worn out and he felt guilty for some reason. Like he could've prevented this a long time ago, before he even knew her.

He laid her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. He stood to leave as her eyes were closing softly. Closing the broken door behind him.

"Someone stays with her tonight" Jax says as Tig has also joined them.

"I will. You boys get home, get some rest" Chibs offered, sitting on a chair outside her door.

"What happened?" Jax asked Chibs.

"She's got some kind of PTSD from that asshole Kasper. He's bad news, brother. Might be our problem soon"

"He already is" Jax growled "we'll talk in church tomorrow"

"She doesn't want this to become a big deal, you know that right?" Tig intervened "we get a 20 on Brea and she's out. She doesn't already want to stay here, but if her twisted ex is here and she has a gang with her at all times, she could be out real soon. Let her sit on it, if he doesn't show up, we drop it. If he shows up and she wants help, we help. I know it sounds dumb but I don't want her gone"

Jax nodded along with him as Chibs followed slim throughly. All he wanted was to get Kasper but he knew what Tig said was right. He didn't want her gone, not anytime soon.

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