84. Thank or blame

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"Girls, I'm heading out to check on Piney at the cabin. You alright alone?" Gemma asked Lauren and Brea.

The boys had cleared out and the house was quiet. Gemma stuck around to help them clean but then she was on her way.

"I shouldn't be long" she continued.

"We're good, Gemma, we're adults" Lauren teased her for worrying so much.

"You're like my babies, I don't care how old you are," she smiled, kissing each of them on the forehead "I love you girls"

"Love you too, Gem" each of them responded.

Gemma left and they were together at the table. It was fine when they were with Gemma but now it was silent.

"Congrats on the house" Brea muttered.

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to the house plant" Lauren sneered.

"I didn't mean it. I was upset and probably drunk or hungover"

"I know, I nudged too far into your shit. I wouldn't like it either if I were you. I don't blame you" Lauren nodded, looking at her coffee.

"You two gonna start moving soon?"

"Yeah, I'm starting to pack stuff up. It shouldn't take long"

"Yeah, what's hard is filling up the house with stuff. Trying to make it feel like—just like, home"

"I'd imagine. The house is just big enough for Tig, me and maybe a kid. Just one" Lauren nodded to herself, picturing the house in her head.

"Kids" Brea sighed.

"Yeah. Tigs not so keen but I won't push him. I just, running out of time. After thirty five you're after the normal healthy, prime maternal age"

"I'll think about kids when I get a crow" Brea laughed.

"Makes sense. After we move in, I wanna start planning the wedding. Getting everything in order and stuff once I'm settled in with Tig"

"I'll be around" Brea smiled, offering her help.

"Yeah, I know you will" Lauren smirked.
The clubhouse wasn't for police use anymore. They mustn't have found much with how fast they moved out. Lauren and Brea made their way there to wait for the guys. Gemma had still been with Piney but there was no rush.

"God, what would I do if I became pregnant?" Brea said absentmindedly, thinking about her future while smoking a cigarette.

"Stop smoking and drinking. Get fat, be in pain, have the baby and never sleep" Lauren shrugged.

"I couldn't have a kid. I'd never be a good mother, god no" she rambled with a constant tap of her foot.

"Don't say that. You'd be great, I know it. If I got pregnant, now, Tig would be pissed. I'm pretty sure kids aren't a thought on his mind. After Dawn and Fawn and their mother, he doesn't want anymore"

"I mean, time. Give him time. If you really want one, I'm sure he'll see it your way in the end. Couples aren't always gonna agree so that's why you argue to, figure shit out"

"Yeah, we do it all the time and we're still friends. I just, don't wanna lose him by pushing him too far"

"Don't be scared. You need to do that. Trust me on it"

The conversation was ended by motorcycles pulling into the lot. The sun was setting as they lined up their bikes. Chibs grabbed Breas hand and pulled her into the clubhouse behind Happy.

"She's gettin her crow!" Tig exclaimed as he walked up to Lauren and kissed her.

"Really?" Lauren asked "she didn't tell me"

"Because she doesn't even know. Chibs is surprising her"

"God, she's gonna lose her shit, in a good way" she smiled "where's Gemma?"

"Office maybe? Why?" Tig asked, tilting his head.

"I think she'd be excited" Lauren shrugged innocently.

Brea was still standing with Chibs and everyone looking at them. She was confused.

"Ready to get your crow?" Chibs asked.

"Are you serious?" She asked in disbelief.

"Happys got everythin. I chose one for you. You just lay down and let him do his thing" Chibs smiled.

"I need a shot first"

Lauren walked in the office after knocking. Gemma was on the sofa with her head in her hands.

"Hey, Brea's getting her crow tonight" Lauren said softly.

"Yeah, I've heard. Just, have a headache and those boys aren't the cure" Gemma shook her head.

"I get it, well just, come by if you can. I'm sure she'd love to hear some nice words from you" Lauren smiled.

"Oh yeah, I won't forget. This is a big deal for Chibs, after Fiona"

"Yeah. I know Brea was worried about commitment from him, now she's got it"

"What about commitment for you and Tig?" Gemma questioned, raising a brow.

"What? We're engaged, I've a crow and we've a house" Lauren shrugged, feeling content with the commitment Tig has shown.

"Babies, kids. Anything? I'm sure those eggs don't have long left"

"I-he doesn't want one just yet, I don't think"

"Well, make sure. Talk to him, make up your minds, soon. You hear me?" Gemma gave a look that could kill.

"Yeah, I hear you Gem," Lauren nodded and backed out the room "I'm gonna go check in on Brea"

She walked across the parking lot in the dark and into the clubhouse. The boys were drinking, smoking and playing pool. Chibs sat in front of Brea and talked to her while she got her tattoo. Jax was sitting close by, happy for his brother.

Jax knew how he struggled in the past with Fiona and Jimmy. Even how he struggled with Brea but knew that he loved her. Even when she left for Vegas, Chibs knew she was the best thing to happen to him. Jax did what he could to help him with the divorce papers because he knew the importance of their relationship to stay alive and grow.

It was even exciting for Jax for Brea. He was one of her first friends in Charming. The life she lived now wasn't always pretty but she had Jax to thank or blame depending on the day. Jax was the reason for Lauren and Tig as well. No matter how much bad came out of SAMCRO, times like this made it worth it.

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