47. Lockdown I

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That night upon arriving at the clubhouse, Tig and Chibs went to their rooms to share the news.

Walking into his room, Tig saw Lauren's eyes turn to hers with hope.

"He's gone, baby" Tig smiled "you're safe now"

She wrapped her arms around his neck, jumping on him. She kissed him, she found herself turned on at the news of him killing a man. A man she hated, a man who had hurt her.

"Make love to me, Alex" she whispered.

"I won't say no to that" he laughed as he laid her down on the bed.

As Chibs walked in his room, he saw Brea standing in front of the bathroom mirror. She was looking down, talking herself into taking off the bandage. She cried as she punched the sink in frustration with herself. Chibs' chest still hurt, no matter if Kasper was around or not, she had a reminder of it daily. He came up behind her, softly wrapping his arms around her. She turned in his arms so they were facing each other.

"I can't do it, why can't I, Filip?" Brea asked.

"Let me do it, baby girl. Let us look at it together" he whispered encouraging words to her.

"Filip, I bet it's ugly," she said "I don't want you to be scared off"

"You're with me, aye? Don't think my scars are ugly, unless I was a hypocrite, I wouldn't leave you"

"I'm scared, Filip" she closed her eyes as the tears continued.

"I love you, Brea," Chibs confessed "I ain't leavin' ya, no matter what because of the way I feel for ya. I love everythin' about ya and I'll be here for ya, includin' now"

Brea didn't speak but watched as his hand came to her face, slowly taking off her bandage. His face didn't falter as he saw it, he was more focused on not hurting her. Turning her around to the mirror and holding her shoulders. She turned her face to see the healing scar. It was just a line gouged into her face, stitches were almost gone. She lightly ran her hand down it, feeling it for herself. Chibs kissed the scar to reassure her he didn't care about it.

"I love you too, Filip"
Clay had called charters down to Redwood to prepare for their lockdown. They had to be ready for Zobelle to attack with as many people as they could. Fighting back at them for what they had done to Gemma. Tara, Lauren, Brea and Lyla were all in their first lockdown. Gemma went grocery shopping with a crow, letting Brea and Lauren stay back.

With all the crows at the clubhouse, Brea was feeling more intimidated and nervous than ever. Chibs was outside with Jax helping direct people around. Brea lit a cigarette as she walked through the crowded clubhouse and to the outdoors.

"What are ya doin' out here?" Chibs said as he walked up to her.

"Too many people," she shook her head as she took a drag "lot of crows, quite a punch in the face to my self esteem"

"I know, lass, I've been there. But I'm here for you, I don't want those crows out there, I want only you because I only love you" he said as he kissed her softly "Now let's go inside, aye?"

"Yeah" she sighed, exhaling smoke.

Chibs walked inside with his arm around her. Tig stood with Lauren near to him as well. Every man protecting their old ladies was a good sight to see. Tig whistled loud, grabbing everyone's attention. Clay stood on a platform where everyone was silent to listen to him.

"Welcome to the club Reaper, glad you made your reservations early cause as you can see we are booked to capacity. You're here because you're family and SAMCRO takes care of its own"

Chibs squeezed Brea closer to him to reiterate Clays message.

"Next couple of days, our club has some business to handle which may put us and people connected to us in," he paused as his eyes scanned over the crowd that included children "unfriendly situations. Chance are that nothing will happen but people have already been hurt on my watch and that won't ever happen again" he spoke looking toward Gemma, Lauren and then Brea before turning back to the crowd "nobody gets in, nobody leaves without an escort. If there's a safety concern, talk to Piney" Piney raised his gun to show who he was "you got a comfort concern, talk to my queen. Under this roof you'll all be safe. Make yourself at home, I love all of ya"

As he concluded his speech, an applaud erupted with a string of 'yeahs' and whistles.
Before sunset, the boys were heading out to fight Zobelles crew. They had planned it to try to end this fight for good. Most couples stood outside, saying goodbye and good luck to their lovers.

"Be careful, Tig" Lauren told him as she kissed him.

"I'll to anything to come home to you tonight" he smiled looking down at her "I love you, doll"

"I love you more" Lauren tested him and kissed him once again before he got on his bike to leave.

Chibs and Brea shared a similar moment.

"If you don't come home tonight, Filip, I'll never forgive you" Brea whispered as she hugged him tight.

"Don't ya worry, baby girl. I'll be back" he kissed her.

"I love you, Filip" she smiled, patting his kutte.

"I love you too, darlin" he returned the gesture and got on his bike.

Gemma and Clay said their goodbyes alongside Opie and Lyla and Jax and Tara. Clay led the boys out the lot. Tara, Gemma, Lyla, Lauren and Brea all stood together as the gate closed behind them. Gemma pulled them in closer, kissing each of them on their foreheads to comfort.

"It's gonna all be alright. Let's get them all inside, what do ya say?" Gemma offers to keep them busy, away from minds wandering and playing the worst case scenario game. That wasn't good for anyone.

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