99. You won't die

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Chibs headed out early for club business with Bobby and Jax. He told Brea he'd be back before dark while she sat with Juniper in the nursery.

Tig was in bed with Lauren, he had more time with her now that he had no patch. He was almost glad he didn't, had time to spend with Lauren before the baby. More time before the no sleep, more time to help decorate and help his soon to be wife.

"I'm gonna go out later today when you leave probably" she mumbled to him, voice still groggy.

"Where to, doll?" He asked, stroking her hair.

"Seeing family. Nothing big. Just something to do" she shrugged.

"Your dad?" He stopped stroking her hair.

"Yeah. That's my only blood family anymore that's near here"

"Be careful with who you tell this. He left on bad terms and Clay isn't someone I'd tell"

"He's in no shape to fight my father. He's on an oxygen tank and can't walk right" Lauren snapped back, now more awake.

"Just, be careful, please, doll. I don't want you to get hurt. It's not good for the baby"

"I will be, Tig"


Lauren arrived at her dads house and he let her in as always. He had tea made and got her a cup. They sat in their normal spots when she came, sitting across from each other.

"So you're marrying him?" He asked, having noticed her ring.

"Yeah, I said I would and I am. This week, that's why I'm here, dad" she led them into her reason she came.

"Oh my, alright. What is it?" He sighed.

"I want you to be there, walk me down the aisle. You'll have tux, no one will see the tattoo" she tried to convince him before he even replied.

"Lauren, it's not a good idea" he shook his head.

"Dad, it's my wedding. It's about Tig and I. Club beef can't ruin that day" she tried to convince him.

"Clay still president?"

"No, his son is. Bobby is VP. He'll protect you, so will I, so will Tig. You'll be fine just, please, it'd mean a lot"

"I don't know, I don't want your big day to end up bloody"

"It won't. If it does, I-I'll leave them for good" she made up a wager.

"I have to die for you to leave SAMCRO? That's what it's gonna take, Lauren? You love that boy that much?"

"But you won't die so it doesn't matter" she put down her cup.

"I'll think about it"

"Well here's the invitation. Come if you can, it'd really appreciate it if you did" she told him one last time.

"I will think about it Lauren, it's my only daughters wedding. I just, I just wish it wasn't to SAMCRO" he sighed.

"I know, but that's what it is and how it'll stay" she have a half hearted smile.

"Yeah, that love that runs for SAMCRO gets people killed but they think it's worth it. I don't"

"I'm sorry, daddy, I really am. But I love him" she said as she stood at the door.

"And I love you, Lauren"

"I love you too, dad" she placed her hand over his soothingly.


As night fell, Brea was just waiting to hear his motorcycle engine in the driveway. Juniper already bathed and in bed she had nothing but free time in still silence. She had cleaned what she could to take her mind off it. He'd call if he would be late but he wasn't calling. Her heart racing and mind filling with thousands of worse case scenarios.

On the side of the road was where Chibs was. Eli had run Bobby off the road, blaming SAMCRO for the burglaries that led to his wife's state of coma. Bobby was alright but the whole thing had Chibs upset.

"I'm supposed to be home with my baby!" He yelled as he pushed Eli.

"So was I!" Eli shouted back.

"I got my own wife and baby girl at home, I'd never condone any shite like wife and baby killing in my club. Those attacks ain't us!" Chibs tried to convince him, just wanting to be home.

"Chibs, Chibs" Jax mumbled, pushing him away from Eli and off to the side.

"Wha'?" He asked, flailing his arms.

"Go home, I got Bobby, we'll be alright" Jax said, looking him in the eyes.

"You got kids too, Jackie. I can stay"

"Don't worry about me. You need to be home with them now, just go"

"Alright, brother," he hugged Jax "thank you"

"You got it" he nodded.

Chibs sped his way home, he knew Brea would be a mess. When she heard his bike she stood, opening the curtain and seeing him pull in. He was off his bike in no time, opening the door and finding Brea right there. She fell apart in his arms, she didn't even know why she was so emotional.

"I'm sorry, lass. Ran into some trouble on the way home" he stroked her hair while her head laid in his chest.

"I'm fine. I just, I worry, Filip"

"I know ya do, it was unfair. We didn't have service out where we were"

She pulled away and saw his face, it was scuffed up. He took off his jacket and his arms had minor scratches from getting Bobby.

"Everyone in one piece?" She asked and hung up his jacket after taking it from him.

"Aye, luckily. How are my girls?"

"Juniper is asleep, and I've been waiting. But it's alright because you're here now"

"Then let's get you in bed, my queen" he said as he lifted her bridal style.

He carried her upstairs and laid her in bed, tucking her in. He then dressed in his pajamas and laid down himself. Opening his night stand to plug in his phone he saw the ring he bought for her a while ago. He had it but never knew when to actually propose. He knew she was the one but didn't want to lose her like he lost Fiona. He took a deep breath and grabbed it. He turned on his back and looked at Brea.

"I've somethin for ya" he said with a smile, his stomach in knots.

"I'm all ears" she smiled.

But then Junipers cries are ringing through the house. She gave an apologetic look and he put the ring away.

"I got it, you sleep, mo ghra. See you in the mornin" he kissed her.

As he got to Junipers room he lifted her up. Her screaming becoming quieter.

"I'll never marry ma with all ya screamin', princess" he said to her, kissing her head.

lauren // tig tragerWhere stories live. Discover now