17. Speaking of rides

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"I'm ready now" she grinned "I just need to grab some things from the hotel. I should be quick and quiet"

"Okay, that's fine, baby" he said, wrapping an arm around her and kissing her head.

He led her to his car and drove her to her hotel. Luckily none of he boys or Lauren were around or at least outside. She walked to her room quickly, slipping inside being as quiet as possible.

Lauren though, heard her silent steps. She pulled herself out of bed and then inside Breas room where she was packing up.

"Where are you going?" She asked her.

"Doesn't matter, I'll be local. I have my phone, you can call me" Brea rushed, packing her stuff quicker with shaky hands "I won't need a ride to work anymore either"

Lauren looked outside and over the balcony to the car on the parking lot. Inside of the car was Kasper

"You can't go back to him, Brea" she pleaded.

"He's better now, sober and he's fixed his temper. It'll be okay, Lauren. We love each other, never stopped" Brea said with a toothy grin, placing a hand on Lauren's arm for me reassurance.

Lauren watched with crossed arms as Brea walked to his car and leaving with him. She knew there was nothing she could've done to stop her and if she did, Kasper would've found a way to get her anyways. She'd rather her go by her own free will than by force.

As Lauren walked into her room, her phone was ringing inside. She jumped on the bed and answered the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" She spoke.

"Hey, doll. I'm getting back to you about the date thing, I'm down for it anytime. Tonight was just really busy, I'm sorry. But Gemma will need you girls tomorrow" he grinned into the phone from where he was.

"Speaking of rides, I've bad news" Lauren said biting the inside of her cheek.

"What is it?" She could hear his voice change tone.

"Brea left with Kasper, she doesn't need a ride from Gemma"

"Shit" he cursed, speaking some more words that weren't clear to Lauren "okay, okay. We'll just all have to keep an eye on her, yeah" he nods to himself.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop her"

"Don't be. You couldn't have. I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight hun"

Brea unpacked in his room, placing her clothes in the closet and dresser drawers. Wasn't much but it was enough. Kasper came up to her from behind, wrapping his arms around her, holding her close. He inhaled the scent of her, he missed that. He missed her. Granted he wasn't a drinker anymore but his temper wasn't fixed.

"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" He spoke into her hair.

She nodded yes. He led her to the bed and skipped in behind her. Holding her in his arms for the first time in years. Feeling good to have her back. Eventually, his dog, Sam, jumped into bed with them.

"When do you have work tomorrow?" He asked.

"Nine" she said.

"I'll wake you up, and I'll set out an outfit for you. I'll take care of you, baby"

Waiting for her to fall asleep until he slipped out the bed, making sure not to wake her. He looked through her clothes to find an outfit. It was all shirt shorts and v-neck shirts. He threw them angrily, clenching his fists tightly in frustration. He found her a long sleeve scoop neck shirt, two sizes too big and jeans. He didn't want any of the guys she worked with looking at her the way he should. Especially that Irish man. He scowled thinking of him wanting to be with his woman.
In the morning, Brea was surprised at her outfit but didn't want to offend him by not wearing it. So she put it on without question. She walked out to the kitchen of his house to let him know she was ready.

"You managed to find the piece of clothing I don't wear, ever" she said.

"I don't want them looking at you like you're up for grabbing" he said with dark eyes.

"I'm sure you'll make that clear when you drop me off" she almost mumbled.

As he pulled into TM, all eyes were on them. Both of them getting out the car to drop her off and for Kasper to make himself known. He kept an arm around her as he walked her to the garages.

"Chibs, right?" Kasper asked as they approached him.

"Yeah. Kasper, right?" Chibs mocked.

Looking at them, she looked happy. He hurt a little on the inside seeing that.

"You know, you're crazy showing your goddamn face around here" Lauren said to him.

"This Kasper?" Clay asked, tilting his chin up to motion to him.

"Yeah" Brea smiled "my boyfriend"

"I heard you like to hit women? Four counts of sexual assault, multiple cases of domestic violence and reckless endangerment" Clay spit facts from his criminal records at him.

"I'm better now, I'm a changed man, brother" Kasper surrendered, putting his hands up.

Clay was close to him, nose to nose to try and intimidate him. Kasper showed no ill intentions towards Clay and just stood still.

"You hurt her and I find out, I'll find you, cut off your balls, gut you and let you bleed out. It won't be pretty, brother" Clay seethed through gritted teeth "now get the fuck out my my face until you're picking her up, when she calls you to"

"Okay, I'm going" Kasper said.

As he walked away, he realized that white the group had formed. All the men watching had the same leather kuttes on. Their eyes were filled with hate, they got his records and they all knew. What they wanted was for him to leave Charming but he wouldn't do that to Brea. He knew how it felt to be left and he wasn't repeating that.

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