10. A month

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In the morning, it was back to normal. Back at TM after Gemma had dropped them off, but today she had errands to run and people to see. She left them at TM, in the office. It shouldn't be that hard and they always had the boys around if needed.

Brea sat at the desk, blowing a piece of paper up and down on the desk. Eyes concentrated on the scribbled on yellow paper. Lauren was on the sofa, throwing around a paper ball, even attempted to learn how to juggle at some point in their day of nothingness. So when the door finally did open, it startled the both of them.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya. Just wanted to let you know I'm back" Chibs spoke, explaining his entrance.

"Welcome back and thank you" Lauren gushed.

"From where?" Brea asked.

"Up north, with the Irish" he answered her.

It was quiet for a minute. Lauren had left to go to the restroom, either honestly or she wanted to get Chibs and Brea alone.

"How are you?" He asked her.

She shrugged "Fine, a little slow, but fine"

"You an' Gemma get along well?"

"Yeah, actually. Been pretty good so far" Brea smiled as she sat up away from the desk and facing him.

"Anything further with you and Jax?" He threw out these questions.

"No, I don't think there's supposed to be either. Old girlfriend and his kid, no room for me" She chuckled.

"I get that, I get it" he said trailing off, clearly having some history that was just sparked when she said that "Well, if you need anything, you know where we are"
The second time that door was opened, it was kicked open and the girls had guns to them. Two cops had come in.

"Shit, Lauren" Brea cursed, having a feeling this was a club problem.

"Outside, on your knees, hands up" one man commanded.

They rushed outside, shaking and tripping over their own feet. When they got on their knees, they were soon asked to lay face down. Association.

Brea looked over to the boys, all handcuffed and laughing. She only looked at them confused, obviously not being able to ask what was so funny. Her heart was racing and she was trembling a good amount.

"We're fine, Brea" Lauren whispered to Brea, trying to calm her down.

"This is not okay, Lauren. I'm not accepting this, I don't want to be in this family" Brea spoke her answer though Gemma was not around to hear it.

Lauren ignored it, knew she couldn't fix it. Nothing she'd say would change this situation, or her feelings about this situation or them being tied to the club. That was on Lauren, it all was, from day one. She didn't want to feel guilty but did.

"I didn't mean for this to happen" Lauren said, facing her, their cheeks on the pavement.

"I know" Brea sighed "I'm sorry"

"I'll fix this, this will get better. W-we'll be okay soon and find our way"

The problem was solved quick, let the boys go and everyone get up. Brea ran to Jax.

"What the fuck was that?" She fumed, almost jumping on him with anger.

"Clam down, lass" Chibs said, pulling her back by her shoulder.

"Don't you fucking touch me" she yelled back at Chibs.

"Let her go" Jax backed Brea up "she deserves to know, so does Lauren" Jax sighed.

Lauren joined the huddle as the cops left. Closing the gate and just they were left on the lot. All in a circle, ready to spill the inside details.

"ATF is on us, for running guns" Chibs spoke.

"Guns? Guns? Oh my god, and Gemma wanted me to be a part of this-this family!" Brea said, her mind scrambled and racing.

"We got it, Brea. They found nothing. Usually, we don't tell others unless they're prospects or old lady's. But due to this shit they pulled today, you oughtta know now" Jax told her straight faced.

"When is our car gonna be done, Jax?" Brea changed the subject.

"Don't leave, this was a m-" Jax tried to convince them to stay, sensing Brea's plans were to leave.

"When is my car going to be done?"

"I should be able to have it done tomorrow. Just think about what you're doing. You leave now, you don't have protection. Or anyone. Here, you got both of those things" Jax gave her the answer she wanted.

"I don't give a fuck, I refuse to go to jail because I wanna have friends in town" Brea said as she walked to the office.

She was gathering her things, Lauren was still with the boys. She didn't know if she should stop her or if it was pointless. She's never cracked like this before. Chibs pat her on the shoulder, giving her a sign that he would go. Chibs and Brea weren't on the best terms but he knew she cared about him, at least enough to drunkenly refuse to let him drive home intoxicated. Maybe he could convince her to stay.

"Not even been a week and already runnin" Chibs said, standing in the doorway.

"I never said I was leaving" she said turning around to face him.

"Sure sounds like it, lass" he pursed his lips "we don' wanna see ya go, either of ya"

"Why? She grew up here, getting along with everyone fine" Brea spoke as she looked past Chibs to see Lauren laughing with the boys outside.

"You aren't ? Thought you an' Jax were quiet buddy buddy" he smirked.

"Funny, Chibs. Just, let me leave please"

"Give us a month, make it right. Prove to you that we're good and you're one of us, family. It gets better. Maybe you'll find the one like Lauren has" Chibs raised his brows with a shrug.

"A month?" Brea asked, running the offer through her mind.

"A month" he nodded "if you want to go, than you can"

"Okay, a month, Chibs" she smiled, shaking his hand, making the deal official.

"Filip" he corrected her, telling her his proper name.

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