54. Along for the ride

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"It's like every time we get a lead, it all goes to shit. We take two steps forward and one step back" Brea rambled to Chibs at five in the morning, smoking a cigarette out at the picnic tables.

"Love, you've to sleep, so lets go inside" he groaned, trying to get her to bed so he could rest while he could.

Her leg bounced uncontrollably, every drag of her cigarette became longer in attempts to control her nerves.

"You can go, Filip, we've discussed this. You're out here on your own free will, I just can't calm down. Belfast?! Is Cameron out of his mind? I cannot believe the shit I've brought myself into. This is on me, if I just stayed in Vegas I would've been fine and the pot wouldn't have stirred and I'd be f-"

"But I wouldn't have been able to meet you, lass. I'd miss out on this and I couldn't imagine doing this all over and without you" Chibs shook his head, kissing Brea on the mouth when the cigarette wasn't occupying it.

She held his face in her hands to keep his close. She kissed him back and pressed their foreheads together.

"You made it pretty far before me," she mumbled, tracing the patches on his kutte "you would've figured it out without me"

"Wouldn't have been as fun and I could've caught some kind of STD with all the crows I'd been fucking"

"Jesus fucking Christ, you don't say that shit to me asshole" she said and punched him.

"Now let's rest, aye? Give me three more hours with you in bed"

"Aye" she mocked him, stomping out her cigarette.
Gemma had been packing up the house with Lauren's help. Tara walked in with a folder of papers.

"I explained it to him, got him to sign. This gave me power of attorney so if anything happens while you're away" she spoke low.

"Thanks" was all Gemma managed to say.

"It's a good place, your mom did her research. The neurologist on staff specializes in late-stage Alzheimer's"

"Does it have a garden?" Gemma asked with some hope.

"I don't know" Tara sighed.

"I can't believe I'm sending him to a goddamn home"

"He'll be taken care of" Lauren tried to add a positive "he'll be safe"

"He'll die alone, just like she did" she said and left with a bag.
"Hands look how mine feel" Clay spoke as he approached Jax along with the rest of the boys.

"We stick with plan A. Drop off the guns, Clay and I will pick up my mom and we all head north" Jax said.

"What about Lauren and Tara?" Clay asks.

"They drive themselves back here, stay put with Brea and Lyla" Jax said.

"Lauren, I don't think she'll take easy to that" Opie shook his head.

"Or Brea for that fact" Clay chimed in.

"Well that's too bad, it's safest here" Jax said taking a drag and standing up "you ready for this?"

"Absolutely" Chibs agreed.

Chibs walked to the office to tell Brea where he was going.

"Love, we're headin north" he said.

"Without me? How long? Filip, I'm not staying here while Lauren and Gemma are out there. At least let me go for the ride and then I can ride back with Lauren or something. Please" She begged.

Chibs sighed and looked at the ceiling. He weighed his options and closed his eyes. He looked back and her.

"Alright," he nodded "I'll let the others know. You let the mechanics know you'll be out"

Chibs walked out to his bike with a sigh. That grabbed the others attention.

"What?" Clay asked.

"Brea's comin along for the ride" he confessed.

"God, Chibs" Jax huffed.

"She's not goin north, just to get Gem and the girls"

"Okay" Jax nodded.

Chibs got on his bike, giving Brea an extra helmet and they were off.
As engines rumbled in the distance, they knew the boys were here. Gemma and Tig went to greet them while Tara and Lauren stayed back to continue packing up boxes.

Jax came and wanted to talk to Tara so Lauren made her exit. She nodded at his presence before leaving into the living room where everyone else was.

"Where are the others?" Lauren asked.

"Had to hand off the guns, be here soon" Clay answered.


"She's with Chibs, she'll be alright"

"I know she will"

Sitting at the table the boys had to talk to Gemma about Canada. There was no lead on Abel in Belfast so Vancouver was their closest chance. They handed her a print out of her wanted poster. She sighed with stress, not knowing how to react.

"Bitch aged me two years. How's that gonna look? Me in Canada?" She asked.

"Get you set up someplace safe, off the grid and get you some good papers" Clay says, shrugging as it's no big deal.

"Maybe you go redhead for a while" Tig offered.

"I'd rather shave my head," she scoffed

"Heat will die down, mom" Jax spoke from the doorway.

"When do I get to see my family? My grandson?" She changed the topic.

"We'll figure it out"

Lauren, Tara and Jax shared looks wondering why he kept this lie from her. She'd figure it out and it wouldn't be pretty either way. The conversation ended when Nate walked in, Clay greeting him. Nate didn't seem fond of them.

"Just stay clear of him, Tara, Lauren and I can handle it" Gemma sighed and left.

Tara walked to Jax, Lauren stayed seated next to Tig.

"You have to tell her" Tara urged them.

"I know" Jax said harshly.

"Let's wait until Nate is settled. Spread out the misery" Clay said as he sipped his coffee.
The boys had left to meet the others for assistance. Tara drove Gemma and Nate in her car to the nursing home, Lauren tailing behind them. They all walked up the ramp to the front doors.

"Lauren and I will go tell the front desk he's here" Tara said, seeing the way Gemma clung onto her father.

Lauren took a bag from Tara and followed her inside. The check in was brief, Lauren watched Gemma talk to her father. It broke Gemma's heart to send him away like this. A doctor walked back outside to meet Nate, Tara went with while Lauren waited inside.

Lauren watched as Gemma broke down outside in tears while they took away a confused and distressed Nate. There was nothing to do at this point then let Gemma mourn and move on to find Abel.

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