4. Vegas

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"What's wrong, doll?" Tig asked with a shrug of his shoulders

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"What's wrong, doll?" Tig asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I forgot clothes for Brea and I, Jax said you could run me back to the shop and let me into my car to get the stuff and take me back" Lauren said honestly.

"What's Jax doing that he can't take you?"

Hearing a laugh in the distance, Lauren and Tig both turn to see Jax dragging Brea back to a room. Their intentions were clear.

"Ah, so he can get some but I can't?!" Tig shouts "He'll pay, here, hop on" he handed her a helmet and she got on behind him.

As they got on the road she considered Jax advice. Either be bold and give Tig some pleasure of a woman's touch or he could completely not want it in any way and just make this weird for the both of them. Or what if he think she wants to have sex with him but really doesn't, at least not now. He seemed like he was in a better mood so she decided not to.

Back at TM, party still going on.

"You still have your chance" Lauren told him, hoping to help him feel better.

"Yeah, what car is yours?" Tig replied trying to switch the topic.

"The only BMW keys up there" she said.

"Nice," he said grabbing the keys and walking through the garage "what brings you out here? Not much out here"

"I grew up here, thought I'd come back to wind down from Vegas"

"Vegas? Nice. What'd you do out there?"

"Bartend" she answered as Tig opened her trunk for her.

She opened her bag and pulled out pants and shirt for herself, as well as underwear and a bra. She then proceeded to Brea's bag, grabbing her the same items. Just enough for tomorrow. As she closed the trunk and started walking back to the office, she was stopped.

"Hey, Lauren, these yours?" Tig asked, pointing to a pair of blue lace underwear on the ground.

Lauren's face flushed with red, her face was burning with embarrassment. Looking at Tig, he was unaffected by the underwear but more affected by her reaction.

"Doll, I've seen so much underwear, this doesn't phase me. Calm down" he said, bending down to hand them to her and then wrapping his arm around her walking back to the office and to his bike.

Meanwhile, Brea was getting up out of bed and threw on a bathrobe to meet Jax. He was dressed in his t-shirt and boxers, barefoot still. Stepping outside and leaving a shoe in the door so they don't get locked out, he was leaned against the balcony rail.

"You got an extra?" Brea asked referring to the cigarette in Jax's mouth.

He picked up the pack from by his feet and handed her one. She put in in her mouth, Jax brought the end of his lit on and brought it up to hers. Their faces close together, both watching the brown cigarette light up red. When it did, Jax pulled away and blew out smoke from his cigarette.

"Charming, huh?" He asked.

"Yeah, not where I wanted to be exactly" Brea replied, leaning against the wall across from Jax.

"So what's the story?"

"I was in Vegas, loved it. I made friends with Lauren after she moved from Charming to there. Then she got tired of it and wanted to come back home and dragged me with her"

"What do you think?" He asked raising his brows.

"Day one, we hit a deer, experienced a bar fight, experienced another fight, went to a motorcycle gang-"

"Club, we're a club"

"Club party, I mean it's been wild. Neither of us have jobs still, no car and no house. But that's the fun of moving"

"We got ya covered, don't worry about that car. You guys should be able to help around the clubhouse, you'll earn your keep. Save that up and get you two an apartment. I'll take care of your hotel stays too"

"Jax, you can't" Brea said feelings guilty.

When they heard a bike approaching, they looked to see Tig arriving back with Lauren. They got off and were talking.

"Guess her hand slipped" Jax laughed.

"I didn't say all that to make you feel bad and pay for our shit" Brea made it clear that she wasn't begging for help.

"I insist on it, don't worry your pretty head, Brea" Jax laughed once again.

As Tig and Lauren approached, they greeted each other. Lauren handed Brea her clothes.

"Paid for a second room Tig, put it to use" Jax said to his friend.

"Nah, not yet, not Lauren at least. Maybe I'll get a crow and bring her back here" Tig spoke looking at Lauren walk inside the room after Brea did.

After the boys had left, Brea and Lauren laid on the bed of the second room, the first bed was not to be used for tonight. They were showered and in pajamas, laying face up.

"So Tig, huh? Did your hand slip?" Brea asked.

"No, just, we talked" she sighed "Jax?"

"Nah, just a one night thing. He's nice though"

Next morning, Brea and Lauren got ready to get down to TM for their car. They walked, it wasn't far. When they arrived, they found Jax in the garage, working on their car.

"Hey" Brea said as she approached him.

"Mornin, I got your car paid off already. Here, come to the office, meet my mom. She runs a lot around here, she can help you guys get stuff to do" he said taking off his gloves.

The two followed him into the office, a woman with blonde highlights was sorting through paperwork. She looked up and lowered her glasses to the company that just walked in.

"Hey, mom" Jax said kissing her on the cheek "this is Brea and Lauren, came into town yesterday. This is Gemma, my mom" he introduced them to each other.

"Lauren? Your mom Linda Gardner?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I remember you, I was friends with Linda. You and Jax met as children but when, when she died your dad disconnected you guys. But I'm glad you're back" she smiled.

"If you got any work, they're up to help, ma. Wanna get them set up with some jobs out here"

"Yeah, yeah of course" she nodded with a smile.

"Okay, I'm gonna get back to fixin their car"

"I still wanna have that dinner, we can have the girls over too, welcome them to Charming, to the TM family" she gave Brea be Lauren a smile as well as Jax.

"Yeah, sounds good" he smiled as he left.

"Sound good to you two? You could start your help there, tomorrow night at my place" she offered.

"Of course, anything we can do" Lauren smiled.

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