39. Immediate family

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Brea struggled to stand and get inside. She wanted to yell for help but feared of worsening her cut. She waved her arms as nurses saw her they ran to her side. They helped her inside and placed her on a gurney, rushing her inside. The lights were bright, burning her eyes and making it hard to see. She was moving fast and it was all a blur.

"Am I gonna die?" She asked the nurse.

"We're gonna do everything we can to save you" the nurse told her.

"If I don't make it, tell Filip Telford that I always loved him. Promise me?" She spoke, keeping mouth movement to a minimum.

"I promise you, but you're gonna live as long as you fight" the nurse reassured her as Brea closed her eyes, giving in to what she wanted to do.
Brea woke up alone, the sun shining in her face and monitors beeping, letting her know she was alive. She wanted to smile, thankful to be alive, but her face stung and she stopped remembering what happened last night. Raising her hand to her cheek, it was covered by a bandage, probably so it wouldn't open in her sleep. Tears formed in her eyes realizing her face was changed forever.

The door opened and she sucked the tears back up, turning to the door and seeing Tara. Tara had a look of sorrow in her eyes.

"What's the news, doc?" Brea asked.

"You'll be okay, that cut, it was bad but not horrible. You still have complete movement of your face and it'll stay like that, just keep the talking to a minimum. They stitched you up, luckily the cut didn't connect to your mouth, if that happened, it'd be way worse. Bad news, you'll be scarred" she shrugged "plastic surgeon ca-"

"I don't want to," she shook her head, cutting her off "how's Filip?"

"Alive and doing well. He doesn't know, but everyone, they're here. If you're up for it, I can send someone in" Tara offered.

"Can you wheel Filip to me?" Brea laughed, he was the only person she wanted to see right now but knew it probably wasn't good, not now at least.

"I'll check in later, tell you how Chibs is, I'll cover for you for now but I can't stop the boys from telling him. If you think you're ready for visitors, use the call button" Tara smiled.


Tara left the room and walked to where they were all waiting, shaking her head. Tig squeezed Lauren's hand, he knew how much Lauren wanted to see her. They all knew the story, about her injury, all came to support her while they had free time. The boys had a busy day planned though, couldn't wait around all day.

"I don't want you alone," Tig spoke to Lauren "Prospect, I want you with Lauren. No talk about your new nut either"

"Got it" he nodded.

"Call me if you need anything, babe. I love you, see you tonight" he kissed her cheek and left with the others.

Jax walked with Tara while she walked to the nurses station.

"How was she?" Jax asked.

"Good, she wants to see Chibs but neither are in a position to go visit. She should be out in a day or two, we've to keep her at least for tonight, hospital procedure" Tara told him as they walked "do you like her?"

"She's a great friend of mine, yeah I like her" he nodded "she ain't nothin to worry about, I promise. I love you" he said as he walked away with the boys while Tara had to stay behind at work.
Chibs laid in his bed, waking up from his nap and seeing a figure in the room. His mind wanted it to be Brea, but it was someone else.

"Fiona?" He croaked.

"Mornin'" she spoke with a smile.

"Jesus, what the hell are you doin' here?" He asked for two reasons.

One, he didn't want to deal with the whole 'I have a wife' story with his current girlfriend while he was in a hospital bed. Two, she was here because Jimmy was, someone no one of SAMCRO wants to see unless it's for guns. Jimmy played dirty though, sometimes shit got messy and that's what happened when he took Fiona and Kerianne from Chibs, kicking him out of SAMBEL and Belfast all together.

"I heard about what happened," she said standing up and walking to his bedside "we were worried" she kissed his cheek softly "that's from Kerianne"

"You alone?" Chibs asked, his eyes could only see how much without moving his head.

"Doesn't matter, came to see you" she shook her head "how're you feelin'?"

"Like I was blown up," he sighed "doctor says in healin'"

"I'm glad"

"Bad idea, you coming here" he spoke, pulling his hand from hers.

"My life is a series of bad ideas, lovey" she cooed as she stroked his arm while he started to fall sleep once again.

"Yeah" he mumbled half asleep as he turned away.

"Sleep" she whispered, stroking his cheek as he drifted asleep "mo ghra"
Later in the day, Gemma took a trip to see Chibs, taking a break from waiting with Lauren. None of the Sons have seen him yet, she was the queen so it was close enough. Peering in through the window, she saw Fiona.

As she walked in, Fiona stood at her arrival. Gemma closed the door softly, placing her bag down on a counter.

"You're a long way from home, sweetheart" Gemma sneered.

"Yes, I am" Fiona replied with sarcasm.

"Why?" Gemma raised her eyebrows.

"I was worried about him"

"Could've sent flowers"

"Just needed to see him, Gemma" Fiona spoke through clenched teeth.

Gemma approached her, getting close Tibet her message across.

"We are in a shit storm here, last thing we need is you here turning him inside-out, especially when he has an old lady here in the same position as him"

Tara stepped in on the scene between Gemma and Fiona. 

"Hello" Tara spoke in shock, surprised at the presence of the other woman.

"Dr. Knowles, Fiona Larkin" Gemma introduced them.

"Nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I.C.U is for immediate family members only"

"She is family" Gemma said with a roll of her eyes.

"I'm his wife" Fiona clarified.

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