41. Filling Chibs in

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The next morning, Jax and the prospect swung by the hospital to fill Chibs in on club shit. The club had also come to an agreement to tell Chibs about Brea, as he was probably already wondering himself. Jax sat at his feet while the prospect stood at the footrest. First topic was Luann's death.

"How did Otto take it?" Chibs asked.

"Same way any of us would" Jax defended him.

"Do we know who?"

"Not yet" He shook his head to accompany his reply "Georgie and his crew left for Thailand this morning"

Georgie was a threat to caracara, the boys had been keeping him off for a while but he came back every time. This time he came back with a dead body to top it all off and get rid of her for sure.

"It's a buying trip, fleeing the scene" Half-Sack added

"That's where my money lands" Jax agreed.

"Luann is not your fault" Chibs told Jax, he then looked to the prospect "take a lap, kid"

He nodded and left the room per Chibs' request.

"Fiona was here" Chibs said.

"When?" Jax asked with furrowed brows.

"Yesterday, guess my kid got wind of the accident. She came by to see if I was okay"

"Is Jimmy 'O here?"

"Didn't see him but he'd never let her travel alone" Chibs stated.

Jax's eyes scanned the room for any listeners outside before speaking again.

"When we were inside, Stahl had photos of Zobelle with Cameron, tired to get us to sell our the IRA"

"Irish selling to Zobelle?" he sighed.

"Confirmed it yesterday, we lost the Irish pipeline"

"Jimmy'll be goin' mad"

"Wasn't our choice, man"

"Doesn't matter, he'll still find a way of blaming me, through someone I love" he grumbled.

"You talkin' about, Brea?"

"Where is the lass? Haven't seen her" he asked, growing concerned.

"Listen, man. Bad news" Jax started to talk as Tara walked in "just started to tell him about Brea, maybe it'll be good if a doctor is here"

"What happened to her?" Chibs asked, now growing angry that they wouldn't just tell her.

"Someone took her, most likely Kasper-" Jax started to talk.

"That greasy scumbag, I'll kill 'im"

"He dropped off Brea here, outside the hospital"

"What's wrong with 'er, just tell me, brother" Chibs sighed, trying to coax this out of Jax.

"He cut her face, bad" Jax said as he looked at the ground, not wanting to deliver this news.

"She's okay, though" Tara said "stitched her up, she should be able to go today, maybe tomorrow, depends"

"Her face? Is it gonna be like mine?" He questioned.

"It'll scar, she said she didn't want to talk to a plastic surgeon though, already brought it up"

"Damn, bastard. I've got to see her, please, lass?" Chibs begged.

"I'll see if she's up to it" she said and then turned to Jax "chief Unser is looking for you"

"Look man, we'll handle the Irish, talk about Brea when you're better" Jax said and pat his leg before leaving.

"I talked to Dr. Gallagher, we're taking you off the critical list, you'll be able to go home in about a week or so, but you'll have to finish your recovery at Stockton Memorial due to your insurance"

"Come on, doc. Just give me a few more days" Chibs pleaded once again.

"There's nothing I can do, hospital policy" she cringed with a shake of her head.

"Then I'll finish the rest of my mendin' at home with my baby by my side" he growled with frustration.

"Stockton has a great cranial expert-"

"I don't give a shit about my head, doc! You think
I'm gonna be lyin somewhere on my goddamn back unprotected? Especially with Brea here, I ain't goin to Stockton! Tha's that"
"Brea, if you want to get up and walk around, visit Chibs, you can" Tara said as she walked in her room.

"Can I put on pants?" She asked, swinging her legs out of bed.

"Yeah" she nodded and handed her the sweats she wore when she came "Lauren is out there, might see you, just so you know"

"That's fine" she said tersely.

"I'll walk with you, roll your IV stand with you"

As they walked out the room, Brea could feel eyes pass over her form doctors and guests, the doctors weren't stuck on it but guests stared. Brea walked faster and kept her head down, Tara jogging to catch up. Brea went right to Filips room, swinging open the door and snatching her IV stand from Tara before closing the door on her.

"Brea, love?" Chibs asked from his bed, still not able to see as the curtain was blocking the doorway.

Brea took a deep breath before responding, "yeah"

"Let me see you, don't be scared, I know what happened" he lured her inside.

She walked in the room, seeing him the same as he was before only less pale and lacking oxygen tubes. She could only smile partially, but she wanted to smile wide seeing him doing better.

"Oh, baby girl" he sighed "Come 'ere"

She dragged herself and her IV stand over to the free side of the bed. He moved over as an invitation for her to lay with him which she took. She crawled into the bed and laid with her face to his.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard that did that" he said, clenching his fists "I gave him his chances and now he screwed himself"

"Stop, Filip, how're you feeling?" She tried to change the subject.

"I should be askin you, how do you feel?"

"Like I was cut in the face," she replied bluntly "people stare and that's with the bandage on, I'm scared for when I can't hide behind a bandage anymore"

"You used to it, lass" he said as he stroked her face and around her bandage "no need to hide it from me, ever, you know that, right? I'm here for you, no matter what"

"Me too, Filip, me too" she said as she pressed her forehead to his.

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