111. I can do this

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The day after, everything resumed as normal. Only difference was that Lauren stayed home, she offered to watch Juniper so Brea could go to into TM.

"You gonna be alright if I leave, doll?" Tig asked one last time.

"Yes. I promise. I'll have Juniper to keep me occupied. That's my goal" she nodded.

As she said it, Brea knocked on queue. Tig opened the door and smiled at Brea, letting her in. She set Junipers car seat and diaper bag with Lauren.

"You sure this is alright?" Brea asked her.

"Yes. I promise. I'll have her to keep me occupied. That's my goal" she recited again.

"She has clothes, diapers and formula in the bag. I mean, if you have any questions, just call. If you need me, just call, I'm not far" she explained with a shrug.

"I know. I can do this you guys" Lauren referred to Tig and Brea, her two closest people.

"Or you can call Juice if you're like scared to call me. Juice knows the run down"

"I think I got it, Brea"

"I'm just gonna miss her so much," Brea gushed as she took Juniper from the car seat and squeezed her close to her "I love you baby" she kissed Juniper and then handed her to Lauren.

Brea slowly backed away, watching to see if Lauren would change her mind. It was the same thing Tig had been doing from the doorway for the past five minutes.

"Bye" Lauren told them and kicked them out the house, pushing them out with the door.

"I'm worried" Brea mumbled as she walked to her car.

"Oh yeah, me too. I'll keep in touch with you" Tig slid on his sunglasses.


"I can do it you two. Leave!" Lauren yelled out the window at them.

It wasn't very busy at TM but Brea went anyways, keep Gemma company, be there when Chibs drops in. That's where her heart was.

"Poor baby" Gemma said looking down at papers.

"Lauren?" Brea raised a brow and looked up at her.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"I know. I felt bad dropping off Juniper but I think she needed it. She needed that company, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. We all mourn and cope in different ways"

"I guess we do" Brea nodded and swung around in her chair.

She turned as the sound of engines filled her ears. She rolled her chair so she could see out the doorway and saw the boys. Her boy. She stood at the doorway as he got off his bike. He signaled for her to wait a second and she sighed but accepted it.

He walked to the overhang of the clubhouse. There was an argument Brea could see from a yard away. Jax yelling at Bobby, Chibs and Tig right behind him. She watched as Tig followed behind Bobby, leaving Jax and Chibs alone at the picnic tables. He gave her a signal again to excuse himself once again. He sat and lit a cigarette.

"It's gonna get bloody brother, and I don't know if Bobby is ready so I need to know you're in my corner" Jax had said flat out to Chibs.

Chibs leaned his elbows on his knees and he looked straight ahead. He turned and looked at Brea, taking a drag. He had second thoughts when he looked at her. Their fight was still a fresh wound, one that Jax had reopened. It was going to get bloody, he believed it. But he couldn't do it without her. Then he turned to Jax as he stood up. He tossed his cigarette to the side.

"I've always been there, and I always will" he stated simply "come here," Jax stood and walked to Chibs "I love ya, kid, understand?"

Jax nodded and Chibs took his face in his hands. He kissed his cheek and bumped their foreheads together.

"Go to your woman, yeah? Also, fucking put a ring on it, I hate calling her your girlfriend, make her a fiancée. She deserves it" Jax told him.

"I know, brother, I know. I just, I want it to be special. Not in the TM parking lot, she waited too long for a white trash proposal" he shook his head.

"Figure it out soon" he pat Chibs' arm and they went different ways.

Chibs had jogged over to Brea, he didn't like making her wait so long. He kissed her as soon as he was close enough, holding her by her waist.

"I'm sorry, mo ghra" he apologized.

"It's alright" she nodded with a hand on his chest. She saw the blood splatters and he knew it.

"I love ya so much, baby girl"

"What'd you do? Are you okay? Is this your blood?" She asked him with worried eyes, eyes that made Chibs' stomach churn.

"I don't know if you'd rather hear it is or it isn't" he mumbled.

"I just want to hear the truth" she answered looking the same direction Chibs was, at the ground.

"Not mine" he shook his head and looked at her.

"Did he deserve whatever you did to him?"

"What I did wasn't enough for what he had done" he shook his head, balling his fists.

"It was for Opie, wasn't it?" She figured it out and looked at him again.

"Aye, my love, it was"

"Go back to your boys. I'll see you at home tonight, but with that baby of ours" she changed the tone of the conversation to a light hearted one.

"My two favorite lasses" he smiles and pecked her cheek one last time before he left, quickly adjusting to her new tone.

"He feels bad" Gemma quickly commented.

"I know, I didn't even do anything though" Brea sighed.

"It's his own self guilt eating away at him. He was never like this until you, he has something to live for now, something to protect and it makes him nervous. He's scared he'll lose it to the hands of SAMCRO, like how he lost Fiona and Kerrianne to SAMBEL"

"Aren't we all worried we'll lose them? But that's just life"

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