105. TBC

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Lauren had the day to herself, trying not to completely lose her mind. She knew the wedding wouldn't be until late, with club business and all. All she'd have to do today was wait until evening time.

Tig wished her well words before leaving to work that morning.

"I know you're half asleep but I'll say this anyways," Tig said stroking her arm lightly "today I get to make you my wife, it'll be the longest day of my life until I get to see you walk down that aisle. But until then, relax and I'll see you tonight at seven" he kissed her head.

She wished in this moment that she was normal and that this day would be normal. It wouldn't be her waiting all day, but her preparing for the wedding all day. All family and her friends around her. But instead she was alone in her house.


Brea laid on the sofa, finally having Juniper down for a nap. She bit her lip as she tried to not think of Filip but she couldn't help herself. Was she really going to be alone? And if he died without her telling him she loved him? She couldn't live with herself, she choked and she couldn't forgive herself.

When her door unlocked she just assumed it was Juice or Lauren, the only people who come to her house other than Chibs.

"I thought you'd be more excited to see me, love" Chibs said from the doorway, overlooking the sofa where she laid.

She sprung up and turned to see him. She jumped over the sofa and ran into his arms. She hadn't had time to notice the hat he was wearing and held him close. Chibs pulled his hands out of his pockets, letting the ring fall out of his hands and into his pocket. He pulled her in harder, closer. She pulled her face away to see him again. Holding his face with both hands, his scars were defined in her hands.

"I love you, I didn't say it when he took you but I do, Filip. I do love you" she cried.

"I know. That's why you're still here after all the shite I've put you through" he answered solemnly.

"Are you alright?" She asked, sensing his standoffish mood.

"Aye, I just wonder why you're still here. I've put you through hell and back. It's just all settlin' in, I know you left once but you're here still. Frankie had a gun down your throat and you kept your cool" he told her, face to face.

"I didn't keep my cool, I froze. I didn't say I loved you! I beat myself up over it, but I do love you. I just wish I said it"

"You didn't say it because you didn't mean it. It would've come to you if you meant it. If you loved me, for real" he accused her based off of what his mind was making him believe.

"Filip, what are you saying? I love you, that's why I'm here. Yeah I've had my thoughts but I love you. I'm here for the long haul, I can't leave you now, I won't. You want me to leave?" she shook her head.

"I do if it means you'll be safe!" He shouted, making Brea lose words to possibly say.

"Are you trying to leave me, Chibs?" She choked out a sob, using his nickname so it'd hurt less "before my best friends wedding, now that we have a child? Must be a good thing we aren't engaged, I don't know if that would hurt more or less if we were"

"This ring is what ya want?" He shouts, pulling the ring from his pocket "I've been carrying it for weeks, months! I couldn't find the time, it was never right and I want it to be right for you because that's what you deserve. The best! But it's not me, I'm sorry"

"Filip, I cant comprehend this. You want to leave? Without a fight? Without trying?" Juniper cried and she sighed "Maybe you were the one who didn't really love me" she shrugged and left to tend to Juniper.

Chibs stood alone, he ran his hands through his hair but made sure to put his hat right back on. He looked at the ring and shook his head at himself. He had places to be anyways.

Brea called Gemma, that was the one she could go too. Lauren couldn't know this, Jax was with the club.

"Hey, baby. What's up?" Gemma asked her.

"I-I think Filip left me," she cried "I can't call Lauren and I'm scared Gem. I'm scared. This is all falling apart. I can't raise Juniper alone, I can't do this alone. I love him, he is the one but he doesn't think so"

"I'm coming, honey. Don't you worry your head about it. I'll beat up that asshole for pulling that shit on you" Gemma cursed, looking for Chibs from the office and spotting him.

"Alright, Gemma. Thank you so much, I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry, he needs to be"


Lauren laid in bed staring at the ceiling. She looked over to her wedding dress, her heart fluttered thinking about the moment. Walking down the aisle to Tig, her fiancé. Then they'd be together, forever, vowing their love to each other. She knew he was the one from the beginning and now they were getting married.

She stood up and looked over all her stuff. Running her fingers down the dress. The beads and lace under her fingers. Then the headband she'd wear, once her hair was done. Gemma and Brea would be there to help assist. Hair and makeup, that was on them to help her. Then the earrings, so detailed and ornate.

She took a deep breath and smiled at this idea. Getting married, having a baby, owning this house, it was what she wanted. This was her goal in life and she would achieve it. That made her content inside, and that's all anyone could ask for.

To be content.

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