119. Vulnerability

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Lauren woke up from a call from a number she's been waiting for. She hopped up, picking up Jameson and Leland and packing them up. She put him in his car seat and headed to Brea's. She knocked on the door anxiously and insistently.

Brea sighed hearing the door, Juniper had been sleeping in and she was taking advantage. So when the knocking interrupted, Juniper was crying. She picked up her crying toddler and headed to the door in her pjs. Opening the door she saw an eager Lauren.

"Mornin!" Lauren chirped and made her way inside.

"Morning to you too , any reason you're so awake right now?" Brea asked, her eyes following her as she strode across her house.

"I've a big surprise for Tig I gotta pick up today and I wanted you to come with me"

"Is that so?" Brea raised a brow.

"Yeah. I'll make a fresh pot of coffee and let you two get ready"

Brea set down Juniper and walked with her to her room. She got her dressed first in a dress and sandals.

"Go wait with aunt Lauren, Alright?" She smiled to her daughter.

Juniper nodded and waddled her way out to Lauren. Brea smiled watching her walk down the hallway, as soon as she was out of sight she got herself dressed in something comfortable. She left out into the kitchen with her stuff and her keys to meet Lauren. She had a cup of coffee in a thermos, ready for the drive.

"I'll follow you I'm assuming?" Brea asked, taking the mug from Lauren.

"Yep, I promise this'll be worth it" she grinned harder once again.


When they parked, Brea saw that they were at a custom leather shop. She wondered what she could've got Tig, the only leather he ever wore was his kutte. She unbuckled Juniper and walked with her by her side. Lauren led the way in and up to the counter.

"Lauren, right?" The man asked her at the counter.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"I'll be right back" he put up a finger for her to wait a second while he got the stuff.

Lauren turned to Brea who was looking around the shop. Brea was growing inpatient and anxious to see what this was all about. When Lauren got the box she called Brea open so they could see it together. Inside we're two cuffs, ones that Tig often wore, one with a D and another with a T engraved into them.

"For Dawn" Brea whispered softly, realizing the meaning and she ran her fingers over them gently.

"You understand the hype now, right?" Lauren asked her.

"Yeah, I do. It's beautiful, Lauren. He's gonna love them"

"I really do hope so. I'm gonna give them to him tonight when he gets home"

"Uncle Tig gets gift?" Juniper asked.

"Yeah, it's a big surprise too" Lauren replied.

"I gift too?" She asked Brea, looking up at her.

"We'll get something on the way home, sweetheart"

"Something for daddy. like auntie is doing for Tiggy"

"Of course"


When Tig got home it was around ten, Jameson and Leland in bed and Lauren just got out the shower. She had a robe on when she met him in the kitchen, the box waiting on the table.

"Hey babe" Lauren said.

"Hey darlin'" He kissed her, his hand on her hip.

"I got you somethin" she smiled.

"Is it what ya got under this robe, or don't have under this robe?" He smirked.

"Man, you're settled down, have a wife and two kids but still horny all the time"

"Can't fight human nature, baby" he shrugged.

"No, but really, sit down" she led the way to her table where the box was.

Tig sat down and Lauren sat across from him. She dragged the box towards her so he wouldn't reach for it. She had been waiting so long she almost didn't wanna give it to him just yet. All she could do was stare at him with a goofy grin.

"What?" Tig laughed uncomfortably.

"I'm just so excited, I don't know if I wanna give it to you yet"

"Now I gotta know, what is it?" He reached towards her and the box and she pushed her chair away from the table with the box in her hands.

He stood up and she ran with the box into the living room, a half wall separating them. Tig jumped one way and she jumped the other. They played that game for a while until Lauren made her escape to their room. Tig grabbed her by the waist and threw her on the bed, taking the box from her and opened it. Lauren sat up to see his face. He looked down at the opened box quietly, taking it all in. Lauren pursed her lips and waited until he felt the need to speak. She saw his eyes water and him blink the tears away quickly.

"For Dawn" he said the same words Brea had said earlier.

"Yeah, I know you like your cuffs and wear them everyday and I know you think about Dawn everyday. So I just put the two together for you"

Tig put down the box on the dresser and kissed Lauren passionately.

"I can't believe how lucky I am to have gotten you" he mumbled and he rested his forehead against hers.

"I can say the same" Lauren smiled.

"I love you so much baby, don't you ever forget that. I'm here till the end babe"

She held his face in her hands and pushed him away so they could look at each other. Her thumb stroked his cheek where a tear landed.

"You can cry baby, you can do that here. There's no shame in it, especially with me here. I love you Alexander"

"I know, I know. I just wanna be strong for you"

"Well you don't have to all the time. Just let go, let me hold you and be strong for you tonight, okay?"

"Yeah," his voice cracked already, tears he held were flowing "Yeah" he repeated and fell into Lauren's arms, letting his wall down.

lauren // tig tragerWhere stories live. Discover now