28. Make Charming home

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"Shit, I don't like this" Brea mumbled as she put out her cigarette.

"That kiss, it was a mistake, love. I don't want you mixed up in all this, not yet" he shook his head, hands in his pockets "I gotta feel like you're ready, make sure I'm ready"

She closed her eyes and shook her head, trying to fight tears "I get it"

"Don't cry, lass. We can still be friends of course, just, I want this Donna thing with the niners to die down. You get that, right?"

"Yeah, I said I do" she nodded with a sad smile.

"I can still keep ya comp'ny at night" he tried to lighten the mood with a smile, taking her hand and leading her into the clubhouse.

"Oh, of course you can" she laughed.
That night Lauren slept in Tigs bed, she cried though she didn't want to. She didn't want to think her somewhat short relationship with him could destroy her this bad. A knock on the door took her away from getting ready. She opened the door to see Brea.

"Have anything I can wear?" She asked.

"Oh, um, yeah" she nodded.

She pulled out a black dress and put it in Breas hands. Lauren also gave her a pair of heels before going back to the bathroom to finish her makeup. She usually didn't wear any, neither of them did, but today felt like an occasion to throw some on.

Lauren didn't mean to seem rude, she was just figuring her own shit out right now. It was tough, she was feeling what Brea probably felt. That bitterness was growing inside her and she wasn't just single, she was dumped.

"Thanks" Brea said and left the room to get ready.

She walked in as Chibs was buttoning up his shirt. He looked nice in all black slacks and shirt. She went to the bathroom to change into the dress. It was long sleeved but lightweight, ended a little before her knees. It was modest but still comfortable and cute. She put on some eyeliner and mascara and walked back out to the room. She threw on a pair of black heels.

"You look lovely, lass" Chibs complimented her.

"Thank you" she nodded "you're looking quite dapper yourself"

"Aye, ready to go?" He asked raising a brow, grabbing his sunglasses from his dresser.


Leaving TM with all the guys on bikes, all had funeral stickers and from all different charters was powerful. This death would not go unnoticed by anyone in Charming. Lauren rode with Juice, Tig had offered but she declined. The girls learned how to ride side saddle for the sake of their dresses. Riding through the town and farther to the cemetery.

There were a row of seats for immediate female family members, and Piney, on two sides of the casket. In a row sat Gemma, Wendy, Brea and Lauren. The other side was where they sat Tara, probably best to keep her and Gemma separated. Standing behind Gemma was Clay. He wore a bandana and kept his sunglasses on, his hand on Gemma's shoulders. He stood with dignity and pride, staying strong in a hard time to do just that. Behind Wendy was Tig, he switched places with where Happy was supposed to be. That stung Lauren but she couldn't fuss about it now. Finally behind Brea was Chibs, his sunglasses pushed up into his hair.

The service carried on, despite Jax's absence. Juice stood with his kutte in his hands, Tara at a chair below him, awaiting his arrival. They all placed flowers on Donnas casket as a part of paying respects for her.

When Jax appeared, Tara met him halfway across the cemetery with his kutte. She slid it on his shoulders for him, kissing him. Wendy looked the other way, Brea reached over and pat Wendy's hand for comfort. Lauren also looked away, sad that wasn't her anymore. She looked over at Tig who was already looking at her.

As the funeral came to an end, SAMCRO was there to the end. Tig pulled Lauren aside to talk to her.

"Will you come back?" He asked her "I had to deal with my own shit but I'm not gonna let it ruin what we have. I'm gonna try, for the first time ever, because of you"

"Yes," she nodded "don't shut me out, Alex. I'm here now, for you and the club"

He wasted no time in kissing her again. Clay looked over and felt himself happy to see Tig wouldn't let this break him. His only worry was that he might tell her, but he had to trust him.

"Aye, Clay. We're goin' to get her stuff from Kasper's and she's gon' stay at the clubhouse" Chibs said as he approached Clay with Brea.

"Following after, Trager? Settling down?" He asked.

"Nah, just savin someone I care about" he answered with a half smile.

"Aight, brother" he nodded and pat him on the shoulder.
Stepping into that house scared her. Sam ran to her with a limp and she picked up the small greyhound in her arms. She kissed his head.

"I'm so sorry I left you" she whispered.

Chibs had Half-Sack bring the van to carry her stuff and a ride for Sam. Chibs helped her pack her things while Kasper was passed out on the sofa, fortunately. He wouldn't know what he'd do if he tried to hurt her again.

Packing her things in the van, Brea put Sam in the passenger seat.

"Keep him safe, Kip" she smiled.

"No problem"

She got back on the bike with him as they drove away from that horrid house, away from the man she loved and hated with almost everything in her. She held back tears as she drove away from him and remembered this was for the best.

Chibs felt her squeeze him a little harder and wished he could hold her back. He knew how hard this was for her to do and was nothing but proud of her and happy for her. He'd be with her every step of the way to get that restraining order from him

He was toxic and hurt her in every way. Getting away from the mess he's put her through is what she needed to be safe and secure once again, make Charming feel a little bit more like home.

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