51. Not my bent

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Tig gave Lauren his address and she went. Drove through the night, Tig waited outside for her. He heard her through the phone, sounded in distress. She had been so strong and come so far, hearing her like that made him fear her safety and couldn't say no to her. When the car arrived, he ran out to meet her. She broke down in his arms and he carried her inside to the room he was staying in. He helped her into a pair of pajamas and laid in bed with her. She didn't speak, she just needed to be with him and he was.

"Oh, baby, I love you" he said into her hair after she had fallen asleep against his chest.
In the morning, Tig and Lauren were up before anyone else. Lauren sat at the table with a coffee while Tig was busy turning all the China figures away from him.

"Tig, come on" Lauren mumbled.

"I'm done, alright?" He said putting his hands up and sitting in a chair.

Gemma walked in a smiled at Lauren's presence. She pulled her in a hug.

"I'm sorry, baby" Gemma said to her.

"It's not me you should be apologizing too" Lauren replied and sat back down.

"Does Clay know we're here?" Gemma asked Tig.

"Yeah, he knows" Tig nodded.

"Was he pissed?"

"He has other things on his mind right now" Tig shook his head.

"Like what? What happened?"

"Drive by at Half-Sacks wake last night. Some boy was shot and Hale was dead when I left" Lauren interrupted.

"And us?" Gemma asked with her brows raising.

"Everyone's whole" Tig responded as Lauren didn't have an answer for that one.

As Gemma's father, Nate's, care taker came in the kitchen, Tig left and dragged Lauren along too. He must've wanted them to be together, talk about whatever. He also wanted to be with Lauren once again.
The morning in the clubhouse was different. There was a silence among everyone that was last around after Abel was taken. Lauren was gone and there was no sign of where she went. Brea texted her and hoped for the best that night.

In the morning, Chibs got to sleep in with Brea. Everyone got extra time with their loved ones, starting their days later. He was up at a normal time, but got to stay watching her sleep longer. He liked seeing her so calm and unaware, she looked at peace. He stroked her hair and traced his fingers down along her scar. He loved her for everything she was and ever would be, no matter what, good or bad. Her eyes opened, seeing him in front of her made her smile.

"Mornin, my love" he said with a smile on his face as well.

"Morning," she smiled back "anything on Lauren?"

"No, but I'll assume she's with Gem and Tig. She needed him probably" he nodded to her.

"Yeah," Brea nodded as she sat up and into Chibs' arms "When did I get so weak, Filip?"

"Death can do that, don't you blame yourself. You'll get over this and be stronger, just give it time, give yourself time"

"You're here late" she changed the subject.

"Clay lettin' Ope and I have some more time with our old ladies," he said squeezing her "How do you feel about that, love?"

"Like I'm enjoying it very much" she smiled and kissed him softly on the lips.

"Wanna enjoy it a little more?" He asked with a smirk and briefly raising his brows.

"Oh what could top this here?" she nodded to him.

"Let me show ya, lass"
Lauren and Tig had the same idea, catching up in more ways than one. Tig had to take an awkward break to find some lube for them to further their activities. He wrapped a pink silk women's robe around him for his venture out for something. Raiding the bathroom he found what he needed, almost making it back to the room until Gemma stopped him.

"Hey, Tig" she said at the bathroom doorway, across from him.

"Hey" he exhaled.

"Nice robe" she commented, looking him up and down, Tig placing the bottle of baby oil over his boner.


"So uh, where ya goin with the baby oil?"

"Not gonna lie to you Gemma," he spoke just above a whisper "I'm a very big man and sometimes a little bit of lube is the humane thing to do"

"Well I just hope that it's Lauren in there and not my dad" she joked.

"Oh, funny, no it's not your dad," Tig chuckled "though Nate is a handsome man, not my bent" he said and went back to his room.

Tig and Lauren handled their reunion through multiple rounds. During one of them, they were cut short by a gunshot. Lauren jumped away from Tig, still shaken up over the drive by. She grabbed the sheets over her body, seeing Nate at the door with a gun. Tig was on the ground, his shoulder bleeding.

"How could you do this to me, Rose?" He asked in distress.

Lauren stood confused as Gemma came, swiping the gun from him. His caretaker came and took Nate away for a minute.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He shot me, the crazy old prick" Tig grunted.

"He thinks I'm Rose, whoever that is" Lauren said.

"I'll be right back" Gemma spoke as she left.

Lauren quickly threw on the robe Tig once wore. She held a cloth to Tigs wound. She came back with pills, handing them to Tig.

"Vicodin, eat 'em up, Rose don't need them no more" she told him.

"Rose? She's dead?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, my mom"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be" Gemma shook her head.

"You're gonna have to pull this slug, think you can do that?" Tig nodded towards Lauren.

"I- maybe not now is the best time for me" Lauren stuttered.


"Yeah, I can do it. I'll just use a little lube" she joked once again, recalling their earlier encounter.

"I'm sorry," Tig said tilting his head "It worked for me"

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