75. If I never hit that deer

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Pulling up at Gemma's house, Gemma let her in. Brea was greeted by Sam, jumping at her feet and licking her hands. She was overcome with joy, Sam was her happiest thing that happened in her relationship with Kasper. She picked him up and kissed his face. Feeling glad that he was back with her and safe. She was grateful Gemma took care of him for her.

"I've food still, and his bowls. I'll pack that up for you, baby" Gemma spoke as she went to get the stuff.

"You need any help?" Brea offered.

"It's alright, you two have some catching up to do" she laughed.


Lauren sat in the office, tapping her pen away. Her realtor called her, probably about the missed appointment. She cursed under her breath before answering.

"Hey" she breathed.

"Hi, just wanted to check in on you guys? Is everything alright? Didn't show yesterday"

Lauren bit the inside of her cheek before answering.

"Yeah, something came up with Tig, an emergency. But I think we're gonna go through with the house. You can put an offer in, whatever price would be the best to get the house. This is the one"

"You sure he doesn't want to see it?" She asked.

"We're sure" she nodded with a smile.

"Alright, I'll put in the offer and text you updates"

They finished the call up and Tig came in. He put his hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked up at him with a smile.

"Hey, doll, you alright?" He asked her.

"Yeah," she sighed "I went through with the house, just now"

"Where are the other two?" He asked, looking around the empty office.

"Brea is picking up her dog from Gem's"

"We're heading out soon, I love you" he kissed her forehead.

"Love you too" she replied as he left.

Chibs' eyes swept the area, noticing Brea wasn't around. He was already uneasy about her from earlier and now she had disappeared.

"Lookin for Brea?" Tig asked Chibs as he came out the office.

"Aye" he responded, turning his head to Tig.

"Went with Gemma to go pick up Fido"

"Sam" Chibs corrected him.

"Yeah, Sam" Tig replied with a nod, wondering why Chibs was so strict with a dogs name.

When the boys arrived at the porn studio for business, Jax noticed Chibs seemed off. He stayed behind with him outside while the others went inside.

"What is it, brother?" Chibs asked him.

"Are you alright? Seem out of it" Jax asked.

"It's Brea, man. Found her drinkin at seven in the mornin, piss drunk. She's been burnin' herself and I dunno what to do" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Go home," Jax spoke, concerned look on his face "she's number one, family is number one"

"I'm alright, I'm here man, I'm here" he shook the thought of Brea from his head and walked towards the studio.

"Chibs-" Jax protested.

"I'm alright, I'm here now and I'm gonna help my club"

Jax sighed and pushed his hair from his face. He sighed deep, he himself was worried for her. Him and Brea were close when she first came to Charming. They didn't talk too much now, he was so busy with the club, but she still meant a lot to him. To know she was suffering like that made him nervous. But just like Chibs, there was shit to be dealt with here and now.


At the end of the day, Tig went back to the clubhouse to Lauren. He hugged her from behind and kissed the back of her neck. Glad to be with her, as always. It never got old, coming home to Lauren. He had old ladies before but Lauren was different, as cliche as it sounded, it was true. She made him want to be better, for her. He couldn't imagine cheating in her, treating her any less than what she deserved. She deserved the world.

"I love you, so much. You're so caring, you care for Brea oh so much. You're so strong, beating addiction and a kidnapping. And you're hot, that's obvious" he spoke as he kept kissing her.

"Tig, stop" she mumbled.

"No, never. I won't ever stop loving you, or caring for you, doll. This is love, the one that lingers forever no matter what"

"That's speaking highly coming from the man I met who was focused on fucking every woman that step foot in the clubhouse" she laughed as she turned to face him.

"But then I saw you and my whole life changed," he joked "it did though"

"Mine too, if I never hit that deer, my life would be so different" she shook her head with a smile.

"You wouldn't be engaged to this man with gorgeous hair" he brushed his fingers through his hair.

"God you're annoying" she laughed and pushed him back onto the bed.

"Won't be saying that when we're fucking"

"And who said we're doing that?" She raised a brow.

"Me, and you'll be on board soon enough" he smirked.


Chibs drove straight home to see Brea, she was on his mind all day. He walked inside and she wasn't downstairs. Scaling the steps he heard the shower running.

Brea sat in the floor of the shower, holding herself as she cried. Her mental state was winding down and she couldn't stop it. She had been here before but had gone so long without it, she forgot how to cope properly. She didn't know how to let him in on it, or if she even wanted to. Wanting him to see what she deals with would make everything so much more complicated.

"Aye, lass, you alright? Doors locked" he spoke as he knocked on the door.

"Fine, I'll be out in a minute" she spoke through tears and stood up, turning off the water and wrapping herself in a towel.

She opened the door, Chibs stepping back suddenly. He tried to look at her face but she kept her head down. She walked right past him and changed into her pajamas without a word.

"Brea, you alright?" He asked.

"Just tired, goodnight Filip, love you" she said, laying in bed and turning out the lights, leaving Chibs in the dark.

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