13. Taking it slow

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"Aye, Brea" Chibs spoke as her walked up to her.

Lauren couldn't contain her excitement seeing them together, interacting. Brea was feeling the same exact way.

"Chibs" she replied with a nod.

"We changin your mind at all?"

"I'm gonna get a drink" Lauren mumbled, excusing herself from their conversation, not wanting to take from their time.

"I mean, it's only been a day and a half. And the first day, I was alone in my hotel room, crying" she scoffed hearing herself.

"Ya could've rang me, lass. I would've come over, kept ya comp'ny" he said with furrowed brows.

"It's fine, but thanks anyways Filip" she smiled.

"Just want ya to know that ya got us. No matter what, we're family now"

"Chibs! Church, now" Clay shouted, announcing his return.

"Duty calls, see ya soon" he gave a disappointed smile and left into the clubhouse.

She let out a sigh, that whole conversation had her tense. When Lauren saw Chibs come in the clubhouse, that was her queue that Brea was free. She almost ran out of her seat to see her.

"So?" Lauren said as she approached.

"Nothing much" Brea said, not spilling details.

"Oh, sure"

"I mean, were both just excited that he said anything to me in general" Brea shrugged.

"Very true, very true"
"You girls got rides back yet?" Jax asked as he approached Lauren and Brea.

Clay, Tig and Jax just got back from their little run. It was dark and the shop was all closed up, ready for everyone to go home.

"No, not yet at least" Lauren said.

"Here, come on. Me and Tiggy will take you back" Jax spoke, handing Brea a helmet.

"Aye, Jackie boy, you go see your son, Tara maybe. I'll take Brea back" Chibs interjected from a few feet away.

Lauren strapped on her helmet and got on Tigs bike.

"Brea and Chibs, yeah?" He questioned her.

"I can tell you her side, I don't know about him. That's on you to find out" Lauren replied.

"They're cute" Tig said with a shrug.

Jax was let free for the night and Chibs led Brea to his bike. Her stomach was in knots and constantly looked back at Lauren for reassurance. He handed her a helmet, his fingers lingered on hers for a second before giving it up. She smiled briefly before putting on the helmet and hopping on behind Chibs. Starting up their bikes, Tig led the way for Chibs and Brea. Each girl holding on tight, passing the same buildings and same trees.

Once at the hotel, the girls got off their bikes, as did Tig. They were confused but didn't question it as long as he didn't follow too far. They continued on their walk upstairs to their rooms as they said their farewells.

"Goodnight, Lauren. Goodnight Brea" Tig said to them with a wave as he walked towards Chibs.

"Night, Tig. Goodnight Chibs" Lauren said back

"Stay safe, call if ya need anything" Chibs said directed towards Brea "Goodnight"

"I will, goodnight Filip" Brea smiled.

"It was nothing much" Lauren mocked as she unlocked her door, making fun of Brea.

"It wasn't!" Brea replied, unlocking her door.

"Goodnight, Brea" Lauren said stepping into her room.

"Goodnight, Lauren" Brea returned, closing her door behind her.

Chibs was still on his bike when Tig approached him. He waited for the girls to get in their rooms first before starting any conversation.

"You and Brea?" Tig asked.

"It's been less than two weeks, won't ya lay off me? You and Lauren, we get it, you moved fast. Half-Sack and that sweetbutt, same thing. I don't want to rush anything, not until we're good with the Irish at least. I don't want a repeat of Fiona" He spilled honestly, his first love coming back to hurt him now.

"Okay man. I was just askin what someone else was curious about. I get it, you take it slow old man" Tig teased him.

"Asshole, you're older than me!" Chibs exclaimed, swinging at him.
"Today I'm just dropping you girls off. I gotta swing by Jax's place, drop off some baby stuff" Gemma told them as they neared TM.

"Yeah, that's okay" Lauren smiled with a nod.

"So, just um, do paper work, hang around Tig or whoever. You'll be fine" she smiled as the parked the car.

"Not our first time at the rodeo, Gem" Brea said to her as she got out.

"Good morning, doll" Tig said as he saw Lauren.

"Morning" she replied.

Brea lit a cigarette before third wheeling them towards the garage and office.

"Talked to Chibs about, ya know" Tig whispered to her, his head touching hers as they walked.

"Yeah" she nodded.

"He's takin it slow, avoiding conflict. Shit that happened before, ya know, comin back to haunt him" Tig stole a phrase Lauren had used yesterday.

"I get that"

"Tig, get back to work!" Clay shouted.

"Gotta go, you coming to the fight tonight?" He asked, slowly easing his way to the garage.

"I don't know, that's more of Brea's cup of tea"

"I'll be there" he winked "Invite Brea, Chibs will be there"

"Okay, maybe I will" she smiled as he left to the garage.

"Tig, come here" Clay spoke to him.

"Yeah, boss" Tig replied, walking up to him.

"If you wanna make her your old lady, I want you to know that it's okay with me if she sticks around. Thought I'd let you know that, brother"

"Really? Thanks, man" he said, giving Clay a hug.

"You invite her to the fight tonight?"

"Yeah" he nodded with a smile.

"Good" Clay said, patting his back "you know the deal with Chibs and Brea?"

"He's takin it slow, especially since we're on rocks with the Irish. Last time, Jimmy took his wife and child. He doesn't want something to happen to Brea. We all saw the breakdown, he probably doesn't want to scare her off either in case some shit does go down because she's with a Son" Tig explained to Clay.

"Ah, okay. Thanks, brother. Get to work now, for real"

Tig nodded and walked away with a smile on his face.

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