60. Missy

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Layer that night there was a party, Sons of Anarchy members all welcome and having a nice time.

"Where's Brea?" Juice asked Chibs.

"Asleep, jet lag must've gotten to her" he shouted back over the noise.

"She doesn't know about Fiona, does she?"

"No, lad" Chibs shook his head.

"It's gonna get her more if you don't tell her yourself, she'll find out eventually"

"I've got it, brother. Go get your dick sucked or soemthin'" he said, pushing Juice away from him.
Later that night, Brea got up. Looking at the clock, it was early in the morning, around two a.m. Chibs wasn't in bed so she got up. Shuffling into the kitchen, the boys sat at the table playing poker, Gemma and Bobby were talking in the kitchen. When she turned to leave, she nodded to Brea and went back to her room.

"You want to talk to the all and wise, Bobby, too?" He asked.

"Yeah, you could say that" she nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"Want tea?"

"I'm alright" she shook her head.

"What do you want to know?" He asked, leaning against the counter.

"No lies, Bobby. Who was the woman and kid that came today? Fiona?" She asked, looking at him straight on.

"Chibs' family"

"How are they family, Bobby?"

"Wife and child," he admitted, keeping his word "its messy shit, Brea"

She felt her heart begin to race, and couldn't catch her breath. All she could do was nod, trying to regain control of her breathing. Tears flowed down her face as she suffered silently.

"Shit, Brea" he cursed as her legs gave out from beneath her.

The boys looked up from their game, Chibs seeing Brea on the ground, his chair flying out from beneath him as he stood in record time. He didn't know what happened other than his girlfriend was sitting on the floor in tears. He pushed Bobby out of the way and fell to his knees in front of her. She shook her head, trying to throw him off her.

"What happened?" Chibs shouted.

"She knows about Fi and Kerrianne" Bobby admitted.

"Are you kidding me?!" Chibs shouted with frustration "Jesus, she wasn't supposed to know, not like this"

Juice kneeled in front of her, holding her arms.

"Follow me, deep breaths Brea, you're alright, you're safe" he spoke, trying to calm her.

Brea followed him, breathing in and out with him. She told herself she was safe and she was alright. Thanking Juice she stood up to leave. Chibs saw as she left the room and into her room. He followed her.

"Don't speak" she whispered.

"I can explain, my love"

"Don't call me that!" She shouted "I just, need to sleep or something. I'll sleep on the sofa if you want the bed"

"No," he shook his head in defeat "you sleep here. I'm sorry, Brea"

Brea laid in bed wondering what went wrong. She wanted to know why he didn't tell her earlier. It would've saved so much hurt. Talking to anyone wasn't an option right now, she needed to be alone. She just knew she wanted to leave, not just Belfast but also Charming.

In the morning, the boys had a meeting but then split up to go sleep again before their run. He walked to his room, peeking in he saw Brea sitting in bed. She was wide awake and looking off into space.
Back in Charming, that morning Tig and Lauren laid in bed. He was a little roughed up from a friendly fight with Kozik but nothing big.

"Who were you guys talking about? In the truck?" Lauren asked.

"Missy," he mumbled and pulled a picture from his wallet of him laying with a dog "She died eight years ago"

"I'm sorry, Alex" she mumbled and kissed him softly.

"It's alright, it's too late to do anything now. It's clear I blame him"

"Yeah, just a little" she laughed.

A knock on the door made Tig look up.

"What?" He shouted.

"Lumpy, in the hospital" Kozik said from outside and left.

Tig groaned loud, running a hand down his face.

"God dammit!" He shouted "just when I thought I could spend a nice peaceful morning with my old lady"

"It's alright, just let me know how he is when you're back, yeah?"

"Yeah, also, maybe call Brea? See how they're doin in Belfast"

"Yeah, I talked to her last night but didn't give me much on the boys. I'll ask though"

"Thanks, doll"
The boys were setting out on a run, Brea came down to the parking lot to see them off. She set aside her and Chibs' problem to support the rest of SAMCRO. A black car rolled up and Fiona and Kerrianne stepped out of it, Brea biting her lip and turning away.

"Thanks for last night, Juice" she said to him as he sat on his bike.

"No problem, I saw a friend in need and helped" he smiled "he loves you, Brea"

"And I love him" she nodded, patting his back "keep him safe"

Chibs saw Brea talking to Juice, he shook it off. He walked over to Gemma before getting ready to leave.

"She found out about Fi and Kerrianne. Keep an eye on her, she can be quite the wild card sometimes" Chibs told her.

Gemma hit his shoulder with disapproval.

"You should've told her earlier, asshole. This wouldn't have been such a big deal if you did. You dug yourself a good one, Chibs. You know you can't just bury that kind of shit, it'd come to bite you in the ass eventually"

"Yeah, especially since I wanna marry her" he spoke genuinely.

"Figure it out then, Filip, if you're serious"

"I know, Gem. I'll try to fix it best I can, I love that girl so much" he said looking over to Brea.

"And she loves you too, poor girl" she snarked, looking over to a Brea who stared right back at them.

"I'll see you soon, Gem" he mumbled and kissed her cheek.

"I'll keep an eye on her, be quick and be back soon" she told him, patting his back.

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