18. Who's Tara?

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"You didn't have to call a whole god damn audience" Brea said to Lauren.

The boys were all inside but Lauren had someone signal to her that they were coming and then she told the boys. She had good intentions, but no good response.

In the club house, Chibs immediately went into the church where Brea got a glimpse of a man covered in blood with his ass out on the table. The door closed before she could ask anyone in there what was going on.

"You took them from, from, whatever that is to supervise my drop off?" Brea fumed, stumbling over her words from shock.

"Juice kept him company, its fine" Lauren assured her as Tig walked up behind her.

"Who is that?"

"Cameron Hayes, fellow Irishman" Tig replied "New ride?" He jumped to another subject before Brea could question who he really was.

"Yeah" Brea nodded.

"Tired of riding with us, huh, doll? You're car is all fixed up, you don't have to ride with that dick"

"I want to" she replied, keeping it short once again.

Piney was still outside with Clay when Unser rolled around, taking Clay to the station. It was Piney's job to let them know where he was and that Tig needed to keep an eye on Gemma for him. But he didn't stay long, taking himself and his oxygen out the clubhouse to go outside again.

A scream erupted from the church doors, Tig rushed in with the girls following behind him.

"What's going on?" Tig asked, he was alert and ready to help if needed.

"We got one slug out" Chibs answered, leaning over Cameron, holding a bullet with needle nose pliers.

"This is insane" Gemma commented.

"What are we gonna do?" Juice panicked.

"Just keep your finger in his ass" Chibs directed him before turning to Gemma and Tig "this is way beyond my wheelhouse! Way beyond it!"

"I gotta find Jax and Tara" Gemma said, rushing out the room, Tig following after her.

Outside they had their own altercation which Lauren put herself into. Fighting for Gemma to stay here, it was the right thing to do. Gemma wasn't having it at all. Lauren's next question was who Tara was but there wasn't time to answer it because they were focused on leaving.

"I gotta follow her, I'll be back soon. I promise" Tig said with regretful eyes.

"Just get that man a doctor" Lauren sighed.

Tig left and two others came in. One familiar face and another new one, but he wore a kutte. Brea left church after staying for a while, just thinking.

"You guys must be Lauren and Brea, yeah?" The unknown man asked, he had a big beard and towered over the two of them.

"Yeah, I'm Lauren and she's Brea" Lauren introduced themselves formally, pointing towards Brea.

"Opie, been friends with Jax since childhood. Piney is my dad" Opie said to them "Nice to meet you girls" he smiled.

"You too" Lauren smiled back for both of them.
As Jax walked in, Chibs was the first to catch his attention.

"Jackie boy, where have you been?" He asked with open arms, leaving the church with a bloody towel over his shoulder.

"I'm here now"

"The bullet in this guys ass has hit a major femoral artery. He needs a doctor and he needs it now" Chibs said quiet enough so Cameron couldn't hear.

"Alright" he nodded and turned to the others while Chibs went back to the church "Where's Clay?"

"Unser took him in for questioning, Mayans tried to hit Darby last night too" Opie answered with a drink in his hand.

"Holy shit" Jax sighed.

"Listen, the other charters are on their way" Tig started to speak, causing Jax to turn to him "Clay wants to bounce out this Mayan thing before any retaliation"

"Makes sense, let me know if anything breaks" Jax turned on his heel, headed for the door.

"Where you goin?" Gemma asked him, blocking him from leaving.

"To find a doctor" Jax spat, unimpressed with her for some reason.

"Don't ride alone" she said, ignoring his attitude.

"I'll go with him" Opie offered.

The two left to get a doctor, the rest of us were waiting for someone to speak.

"Who the hell is Tara?" Lauren asked with a laugh, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Jax's high school sweetheart" Gemma answered "broke his heart, left him and Charming. Now she's back and he never got over her, they're back together"

"Love, makes you do crazy things, huh?" Brea said.

"Some crazier than others" Lauren mumbled.

"I'm not having anymore of this shit today, Lauren". Brea scoffed, running a hand through her hair.

She wasn't sure who to go to anymore. Lauren went to Tig, she always did. Brea just took a seat, somewhere away from Lauren at the bar and grabbed a beer from over the counter.

Lauren would be sure to fill Tig in on Brea and Kaspers history. She sat with him on a sofa, tracing patterns into his kutte.

"Holdin' in there, doll?" Tig mumbled into her hair so no one else could hear.

"Fine, I'm stronger than you think I am Tig" she fought, sitting up off of him.

"Never said I didn't think you were strong"

"I can hear it in the way you speak to me. Like a father talking to his daughter" she stopped talking as she felt him tense at the word 'daughter' "the point is, I can take care of myself. If I need help, I'll ask"
The clubhouse started to fill with bikers from other charters. The boys who were there, mingled with their fellow brothers with a beer in their hands. Tig talked but made sure to keep Lauren by his side.

Brea kept her spot at the bar, moving closer to the wall to allow more room for the boys at the bar. There wasn't much place to run to now. Bikers filled the lot, outside and inside. Lauren embraced it, accepted it. She grew up in it, with it, watching John Teller bike past her middle school with the original nine. Piney and Clay being a part of that posse. Brea grew up watching prostitutes leave her fathers room in the morning, sometimes they drove her to school. Mother would come and go as she pleased. To say the least, she grew up quick.

Guess you're accustomed to what you're used to.

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