Before you start asking like crazy, let me make some things clear

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So, according to my professors, and this unicorn weirdo that made me do this, making one of these dumb but popular 'ask books' should help with my friendship making..somehow. They say it's suppose to help me open up to others better and in that way I can learn to make connections easier...but really, I'm sure all this is going to do is make me say and do stupid things. So, because I know you loons are going to enjoy yourselves either way, let me elaborate on what will happen and what you shouldn't do in this...thing.

First, if you give me a stupid question, you're gonna get a harsher answer than, say, if you don't ask a stupid question. I'm a griffon, it's just how we roll. Especially when I'm not allowed to decline a question. So if you ask me a stupid question and I get harsh, well, you were warned. 

Second, don't give me stupid dares. Don't try to send me over to freaking Mount Aris or Yakyakistan or whatever for your amusement. I have a life! I don't have the time to do dares that ridiculous! 

Third, make sure your questions are pony-friendly. My professors mentioned they want to take a look at this thing to check how I'm doing, and I don't want to get detention for something as lame as answering a frisky question. I get detention doing cool things! Not answering to weird people online! 

And, to add to this rule, this includes any weird fetish or fetish-sounding questions too. You know, if the dare if blatant enough to come across as fetish-like. Keep your weird fetishes to yourself! No one wants to know about them! 

Fourth, I won't accept ANY dares that intervene with anyone else's love life. Don't ask ME, of all freaking people, to try and pair up your precious OTP. This stands for pairing up ANYONE. From people I hardly know, to my closest friends. Not only do I find that lovey-dovey stuff gross, but I wouldn't want people messing with MY love life, so I'm not going to mess with anyone else's. I don't care if you think your OTP is "totally in love". If they are, that's their business and none of mine!

Fifth, I don't want you guys intervening with MY love life either. 

Sixth, don't make do BRUTAL things to any of my friends, or anycreature really, but ESPECIALLY to my friends! I can do pranks, I can do stuff that doesn't harm them in the long run, but I wouldn't do anything sadistic! I feel like this should go without saying, but it's worth pointing out. 

That's all coming to my head for now. I'll come up with something else as soon as I see you guys send something stupid. So, for now...go ahead. Ask me or dare me stuff. And don't give me your worst. 

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