We bake cookies like somewhat smart cookies

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Dare (by TorchTorque): I dare you guys to bake (Gallus, you can join if you're not tired of baking yet.)

*raises an eyebrow* Why would I be TIRED of baking? You only made me bake in a single chapter. And I'll admit, that dare wasn't bad to do at all. Professor Pinkie is always great to have around. *smiles*

Sandbar: Sorry that this chapter is coming in late, radical readers. We could only get to this dare once we found somewhere to bake, and this was the only day my parents could leave the house to us. 

Ocellus: So, um...do any of you know how to bake?

Smolder: Nope!

Yona: Yaks not best at baking. 

Sandbar: Not really...but I do know how to bake chocolate chip cookies! *puts a book in the kitchen table* When I follow the recipe here, of course. Just between us, my mom...is not the best cook. So I've wanted to pick up a few things from cooking and baking when I visit Grandma Summer. 

Yona: Chocolate chip are best cookies! *grins brightly* Yona will bake best cookies with friends! 

Ocellus: That's what we'll try to do. *smiles to Sandbar* It's good that you have a recipe book. It'll make this dare so much easier.

Smolder: Yeah, how come your mom doesn't use the cooking book to NOT suck at cooking?

Sandbar: She doesn't want to. Mom prefers to experiment when she cooks...and she's just not very good at it. 

I've tried her food before, and I can say that Sandbar is NOT kidding. One of the many reasons why I prefer your dad!

Sandbar: *chuckles a bit sheepishly* Alright, we're done talking bad about Mom. We have a dare to do! *opens the book, looking for the chocolate chip cookies recipe* Let's see here....uhhhh....Oh, here it is! To start this off, we need to put the sugars here. *puts brown sugar and regular sugar on a bowl with butter cubes, then mixing it all up with a 'hoof mixer'* Ocellus, can you crack open those two eggs for me, please?

WHAT?! You're gonna put BABY BIRDS in your cookies?! *angry look* No, no way! We're not gonna eat half of my species here!

Smolder:  Are you serious right now? -_-

Ocellus: Gallus, the eggs that are bought in stores will never turn into baby birds! They aren't fertilized, so they're just chicken cells.

Eating chicken cells is not much better! Dx

Sandbar: I-I guess we can take the risk and make these cookies NOT have eggs. You know, so Gallus can join in on eating them.

*pleased look and smile* Thank you, Sandbar. THIS is why I like you. 

Smolder: *rolls her eyes* If these cookies end up bad, I'm blaming it on you, Birdbrain!

I don't mind being guilty of that, but I do mind being guilty of eating bird cells!

Sandbar: We-We gotta add the vanilla extract now then! Ocellus, can you put it and mix it up in the bowl, please? *sweet smile* 

Ocellus: Okay, hmm... *puts the vanilla extract in the bowl, taking the 'hoof mixer' and pressing it to turn it on*  Like this?

Sandbar: Perfect. *grins, then looks over at Gallus as he brings a second bowl closer to them both* While she's mixing up, can you put the flour in this bowl, Gallus?

Yeah, sure. If anything, I'd rather do something harde--*sniffs hard once taking the flour* O-Oh no...

Yona: Flour give allergies--! *close to sneezing as well, until Smolder holds her nose*

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