chapter 122, untitled.

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Question (by TorchTorque): Okay, let's go for something deep. Gallus, what do you regret most of all your decisions?

*groans a bit* Well, here we go again...I have to talk about more horrible stuff that's happened in my life in a chapter I don't feel like naming. *rubs his face in frustration* Good for me...Yeah, I know, this question isn't as specific about my horrible life like the last time THAT other untitled chapter. I'm bringing it all on myself. But I feel like I've been pressed against the wall here anyway. I've spent quite a while thinking of what my biggest regret is, from the decisions I've made. Like any other creature, I've made lots of mistakes...but the best thing I can say is that most of the horrible things in my life, they've led up to great stuff ever since I got enrolled in the School of Friendship. I don't think I'd be in the School of Friendship if I...if I had a family, or if Grampa Gruff had actually loved me. It's awful to think about, but it's true.

My worst regret has to bring nothing but bad things to me. And for this question, it has to be all my fault. *softly breathes in and out, frowning sadly as his feathers flop on his forehead* ...In the timeline of my bad past, this happened right after Grampa Gruff kicked me out...He left me homeless for three years until I got enrolled in the School of Friendship. Of course, the first day was bound to be the worst....It was the first time that I was actually STARVING in my life. I spent around two hours trying to find something to eat in the garbage, and I couldn't find anything edible. I tried begging in the markets to see if ANY griffon would spare me something to eat, just for the day...No griffon would give me anything... 

All I was able to find was this small meal lying around...Now, I knew it was blatant stealing, but it was my first day in the streets....I-I wasn't brave enough to spend a day starving yet. There were four sandwiches in this small piece of cloth. I just needed to take one...but I wasn't fast enough to.

*looks down, his voice shaking slightly* These two griffon brothers, who were TWICE my size, found me trying to take one of the sandwiches....They were FURIOUS once they saw me. *puts his claws on his face in sadness* I-I begged them to give me something to eat, anything. I-I just needed to put something in my stomach...I must've looked so pathetic, I-I had never felt so desperate in my life....

*sighs softly* ...So then the bigger griffon kicked me in the face. *his voice tightens*...I got kicked, punched, and scratched so many times, I-I lost count of them...a-and of the bruises too.....A-After it was over, I did my best to fly away....I figured that those griffons wouldn't mess with me again so long as I avoided them...I was wrong.

...I-I should've never tried to take anything from them. Th-They never forgot about what I did...*clears his throat slightly to speak more clearly, since he was sounding choked up/tries to talk faster* Those two griffons, George and Gordon, they stopped targeting me because I begged them for food. They started to hate me for my feather colors, they'd call me 'Defect' and 'Ponyboy'. *his eyes fill up with tears* t-they'd mock me and say that n-no griffon w-wanted me because I look like a pony.  W-When they found me, they'd b-beat me up. I-If they were bored, they'd l-look for me to beat me up. I-I tried to fight them off time and time again, a-and I always failed...They were older than me, and they actually had muscles, after all. *glares at the ground* It helped them that they had three meals a day, too. *blinks and breathes so that his tears left his eyes* W-Whenever they'd want to target me, they'd win.....A-And they'd leave me looking battered and bloody. 

*breathes in and out again, to talk more clearly* Th-Thanks to that damn day where I decided to try and take one of their sandwiches, I-I still have some scars underneath my feathers. Plus I got an intense prejudice for ponies that I only got over with thanks to the school and Sandbar. *starts sounding more bitter* A-And worst of all, I can see firsthand how every other creature can...a-act weak, b-but I can't ever risk being vulnerable ever again... I-I still don't even trust my friends to not....t-to not judge me if I let my guard down....I gotta worry that you're all gonna think I'm weak, soft, and pathetic for writing about all of this too, which is also why I'm posting this so late.....George and Gordon would call me a weak, soft pony all the damn time....I-I don't want anyone to think about me like that, ever again! *his voice cracks, making him cover his face and try to stop himself from shedding a single tear* 

((This is what we all need after MLP's finale..MORE GALLUS ANGST FROM THIS SADISTIC BITCH--

I will bring something much happier next time I promise, just hold off your questions and dares for now please and thank you))

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