How I met this controlling unicorn, narrated unkindly

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Question/Dare by (TorchTorque): Gallus and Rosy Star, kindly narrate how you two met

Rosy Star: *chuckles sheepishly* Oh! Well! Uuuhhh, it sure was about time for somecreature to ask this....or dare this, since this isn't really phrased like a question.

*giving Rosy Star a 'If looks could kill' glare, growling slightly*

Rosy Star: *has a big sheepish smile, clearly scared of Gallus's anger* You uuuummm, you want me to tell the story? Or do you want to do it? <:D

....You start the story. I'll stop you and continue it when I feel like it. 

Rosy Star: *looks away* Sounds good! *clears her throat awkwardly* Well, it all started when I noticed that Gallus didn't have any account where you could ask or dare him. Aaaaand because I admire Gallus so much and think he's great and strong and funny--! *tries to grin at Gallus, kissing up to him so that he's not so angry*

*gets a slight sassy tone in his voice* Uh-huh? Go on. 

Rosy Star: I wanted to take part in helping him have an Ask or Dare account! I figured Wattpad would be a great place, since I have seen other creatures from Ponyville have their own Ask or Dare books. They could answer questions or dares directly at a faster pace, since they didn't need to have their answers drawn or pictured. Those always get too much attention to keep up with what peopl--creatures send. That's when I got on my way to find Gallus!

*says quickly* AND this is when I should continue the story. *glares hard again*

Rosy Star: *gives a sheepish, small smile and an awkward look* Yeah, good choice. Hehe, go ahead!

So, here's the thing. I'm minding my own business in my room, and Rosy knocks on my door. Now, because I mostly recognize the faces in my school-- even if this school is big, it's a School of Friendship, and classes are based around interaction--I knew right away that I don't recognize this pony. So we cut to the chase and she tells me what she's coming to me for.

*raises his voice slightly* This is where it gets serious! After she tells me about this weird site and the book she wants me to do, I tell her that I'm not interested. I was more closed-off a year ago than I am now, and I had no interest in letting strangers ask me about my life and make me do whatever they wanted me to do. *sounds slightly more annoyed* So then Rosy Star here tells me that this book was a special assignment given to me by Twilight, back when she was still headmare, and by the professors. That SHE *points at Rosy* is gonna be like a secretary/boss for me, to make sure I work on this book, and was hired by Twilight to do so. I bought into it because my grades weren't the best, aren't the best, and because I'm the 'griffon representative', so to speak. The professors have always paid more attention to me and my friends because we're a friend group with five different species that aren't from Ponyville. They either treat us like guinea pigs or give us special treatment. And I have quite the terrible past too, so maybe they wanted this weird book to be like therapy for me. Rosy made a GREAT argument! 

Rosy Star: ..Yeah, I sure did make a great argument! *tries to grin*

And it was a great lie!

Rosy Star: *grin immediately falters* ...It sure was...!

I found out two months later that Twilight doesn't even know who she is! I wasn't getting extra credit, and since then, I've been working on this book without getting nearly as much in return! *points at Rosy* And she was pretty strict back in the day, too. She'd make me post, at most, three chapters EVERYDAY. 

Rosy Star: But now I give you plenty of time to recharge! 

*slight sarcastic tone* Hmph, yeah, it only took you almost a year to do that. I'm so grateful.  

Rosy Star: *pouts* Well, at least you found out early on! 

Suuuuure. I was only asked about my love life too many times, scarred by looking at the most hideous humans, wore a fucking dress and had my friends and a bunch of strangers see me with it, forced to confess secrets, got roasted by Smolder's fire because of a dumb dare, and forced to read a bunch of weird books before I found out! And let's not forget that dares have gotten harder and harder!

Rosy Star: Well, you still have to admit that I've been a lot less bossy lately!

*breathes in and out, trying to not get so angry and to calm himself* ...Uh-huh, and why is that? Because this book now gets a lot of readers and attention, and because I have to reply to every damn comment. So that makes chapters take longer. You haven't been less hard on me, you've just been making me accommodate myself for the readers. Hmph, business as usual!

Rosy Star: That still gives you MORE time off and more 'mental health breaks'!

*groans slightly* Whatever. We answered the question already. And considering that I have so many damn eyes on me now, I'd rather stop arguing. We keep going back and forth over the same thing. I'm getting tired of it. 

Rosy Star: *sighs in relief* Thank goodness! 

But that doesn't mean that I'm any less angry. *glares hard again* I'm just angry in a tired way. 

Rosy Star: Eheh....Well, if you're tired, then we should wrap up this chapter! *forces a smile* Thanks for the question that's phrased like a dare, Torch! *talks between her teeth* Even if it really puts me on the spot! 

*glares at Rosy for a second, then stops* Going back to the 'having so many eyes on me' thing, I also got a lot of questions and dares piled up. I've gotten a lot of them in the last two or three days. And I have some old questions and dares to get to, too. So I'm going to be closing questions and dares for a second time. Getting too many questions and dares makes me suffer, and it makes you to suffer too, 'cause you have to wait longer for me to get to them. Like the last time I did this, Rosy and I will have to let you know when we'll open questions and dares. And I'll leave a little message under this chapter and under every chapter as a reminder until we open questions or dares again.

Okay, now the chapter is over. I--*his eyes widen as Rosy Star storms out of the room in a rush*


*rolls his eyes* Scaredy pony...the more she freaks out about me, the more it makes me wanna make her suffer! *groans* Anyway, bye. I'll be here trying not to get aggressive....for the sake of your enjoyment value and my own issues.

Here's the message you will see under the chapters until questions and dares are open again:

🚫 *** - DON'T send questions or dares. They are CLOSED. I have too many to do! - *** 🚫

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