I swallow my pride and congratulate yours (I'm just feeling nice, got it?)

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Hey. Gallus here. I'm here not starting off with a question or dare, which I haven't done since...since I came back from my week-long break, I think. I'm gonna have one of those breaks soon, but I'll talk about that when the time comes. 

Usually, when I actually want to tell you guys something, and not do something you made me do, it's because I have something more important to say. Now, whether this chapter is important or not, that's on you to decide, but I think this chapter is important, and to me that's what matters!

So...Pride Month. You know that's a thing, right? If not, you're pretty ignorant. Pride Month's the month where those who are LGBT, the ones that love their same gender and the transgenders, all take a month to celebrate their sexuality, identity, their gay relationship if they have one, all that stuff. Which, even on THIS year, can be a challenge to a lot of creatures. Some have families that don't really accept them, or have to hide who they are so they can keep a roof on their head, or just face scorn from other creatures. Even on this year, people use the "freedom of speech" excuse to act like saying that gays and lesbians are gross and wrong is something that's totally okay. And that it doesn't make them sound stupid and close-minded. *doing a stupid voice to imitate* "I don't like LGBTs, and that's my opinion that I deserve to have"! *back to his own voice* No you don't, idiot! It's not right to hate on people on something they can't control!

*clears his throat* Anyways, you probably know what I want to say right now. I know I may act like I hate all of my readers, but my anger isn't REALLY towards you guys. And if I have any LGBT followers, I want them to know that I won't hate you for who you love or your gender. For those from the LGBT crowd, celebrate your month. It's yours, and I hope that you can enjoy yourself and your identity without any idiots making you feel bad. For the ones that are afraid to come out, you're not any less gay for it, and I hope that one day you can enjoy yourself like the ones that celebrate Pride Month like crazy. 

And for any idiots that want to hate on the LGBT crowd in their month, DON'T. Just mind your own business, got it? No one wants to hear your close-minded thoughts, loser. 

Well, now that that's been dealt with, guess I have to....focus on my next dare. *groans*

Rosy Star: *pops in* GALLUS!

GAUGH! *jumps from the scare, and then looks a bit tense* Oh, dammit Rosy, what are you doing here?!

Rosy Star: I should be asking you that! You never take my computer without my permission! Or do a chapter! Are you doing a chapter? *checks her computer and gasps* YOU'RE DOING A CHAPTER!

Uh...yeah. *rubs his arm* I made a chapter for...Pride Month. You know, in case I have any LGBT followers, so that they know that they have my support. 

Rosy Star: Awww, that's actually super nice of you! ...And super out of character for you. You never do chapters to celebrate holidays!

*defensive tone* Well, I just felt like doing this chapter, alright?! I-I can feel like doing nice things!

Rosy Star: Relax Gallus, I'm not complaining! Hey readers, whatever Gallus said, I stand with it too! I hope for the ones that celebrate it, that you all have a great Pride Month! Stick it to the homophobes and the biphobes and the LGBT-phobes! I'M AN LGBT ALLY, AND THIS IS A SAFE SPACE! *randomly gets out some nunchucks, but then ends up hitting herself with them and falls down* AAH!

*snickers at Rosy, and uses a sarcastic tone* Oh, I'm so glad you came Rosy. That's a GREAT way to end the chapter~ Anyways, later! 

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