All of these cheesy chapters are doing horrible things to my griffon pride

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Dare (by zoecolosky003): I dare you and Silverstream to sing "Fire and Fury" together. 

*smirks* Well, considering all of the singing dares I've gotten, I'm glad all of you realized my wonderful singing talents~! *his face then sours*...Even though I prefer they aren't dares of cheesy singing duets. *grumbles as he blushes* Especially when the songs are...oddly kind of accurate to me and--

Silverstream: Hey Gallus!! *she flies in with a grin and lands right next to him, right before Gallus can finish his sentence* 

*he cheers up almost immediately when he sees Silverstream* Hey! Right on time. 

Silverstream: I didn't want to keep you waiting! And leave you bored while you wait. *giggles*

Well...the sooner you come, the sooner we can get this over with..

Silverstream: *acts all sad as she pouts* You don't want to sing with me?? 

You know it's not that! ...I'd just rather not sing with you a freaking love song. >/////>

Silverstream: *giggles sheepishly and blushes as well* W-Well, a dare's a dare! And at least we both like to sing. So, we'll have fun...^////u////^

*The instrumentals of Fire and Fury start, and Gallus starts with his part*

*he starts singing, already making sure his voice sounds all flawless and powerful just to impress Silverstream, even if he's avoiding to look at her* Every brick and every stone of the world we made, will come undone if Iiiiiiiiiiii~!!!

Silverstream: *holds back a giggle at Gallus trying so hard, and sings her part decently, with a lovely voice of her own* If I can feel you here with meeeeeeeeee~ Whoa oh oh

*he gazes at Silverstream as she sings, but tries not to get distracted* In my sleep, I call your name. But when I wake I need to TOUCH YOUR FACE~!! 'CAUSE I~

Silverstream: I need to feel you here with meeeeeeeeee~ Whoa oh oh~ You can stop the aching, 'cause you're the one I need~!

Both of them: *Gallus singing in a harder, powerful tone, and Silverstream still singing softly but with feeling* I will burn, I will burn for yoooooouuuuu~! With fiiiiiiiiiire and fury. Fiiiiiire and fury~! My heart hurts, my heart hurts for yooooooou~

*raises his voice a bit just to show off* FOR YOOOOOOU~!!

Both of them: Your love burns within me, with fiiiiiire and fury! Whoooooaaa

*changing the tempo just a bit* If I freeeeeeeeze~! You are the flame~! You melt MYYYYYYY heart, I'm waaaashed in your rain, I knoooooOOOOOoow~!

Silverstream: *smiling widely as she momentarily looks at Gallus* You'll always have the best of me~ Whoa oh oh~! Destiny's got a hold on me

*he notices Silverstream look at him, and he can't help but to the point that he forgets he has to sing with her that last part* Wait, fuck--

Both of them: Guess I never knew love like love knows me, 'cause I~ 

Silverstream: *giggling too much from Gallus staring at her and messing up, she just stays there without singing the next part* 

Oh, quit laughing at me!!  *blushing with an annoyed but embarrassed face, before he just groans and continues the song with her* 

Both of them: *Gallus tones down his singing a little* I will burn, I will burn for you~!  With fiiiire and fury, fiiire and fury~! My heart hurts, my heart hurts for yooooouuuu~! Your love burns within me, with fiiiiiire and fury~! Whoaaaaaa. Let it all fall down to dust, can't break the two of us! We are the safe, in--

Silverstream: *she's left to finish the verse on her own by Gallus* The strength of looove~! ...Wait, Gallus! *pouts at him for leaving her say that on her own* 

*he just smiles, a bit sheepishly* YOOOOUU CAN STOP THE ACHING~!

Both of them again: 'Cause you're the one I need~! I will burn, I will burn for yooooouuu~! With fiiiiire and fury, fiiiiiire and fury~! My heart hurts, my heart hurts for yoooooouuuu~! Your love burns within me. It burns, it burns, it burns, it burns!

*wanting to have his big, grand finish* WHOAAAAAAAAAAA OOOOOHHHHH~!

Silverstream: *giggles, and doesn't try as hard as Gallus does* Whoaaaaaa oh~

Both of them: *they finally turn to sing to each other* Your love burns within me, with fiiiire and furyyyyyyy~! Whoaaaaaa~!

*They stay gazing at each other for a few seconds, until Silverstream smirks* 

Silverstream: Now that the song is over, you can finally stare at me~! *flips her hair like a diva*

*blushes and looks annoyed* I don't know what you're talking about! Hmph, and just when I was gonna say you did well. 

Silverstream: Awww, but you can still tell me! *smiles* I think you did really good! You sound better when you don't try as hard. 

Only because we were singing together almost all of the time. It'd just sound wrong if I sang too loudly.

Rosy Star: You both could've done better. You barely looked at each other!!

O-Oh yeah? *blushes more, but looks angry* I dare you to come and sing a love song in front of a bunch of people, and look at whoever you like straight in the eye!! 

Silverstream: Y-Yeah. The singing was fun, b-but it was hard too!! ;///w///;

*sarcastically* And EXCUSE ME for being worried of the endless 'You and Silverstream are SO cute together comments!' I'm gonna get! Ugh, I hope this lovey duet is a one time thing..

Rosy Star: I hope not!! *winks and smirks* And I hope that next time you two FINALLY kiss!!!

Silverstream: *gets even more flustered* R-ROSY!! 

>////////< I am SO close to punching you in the face!!!

Silverstream: Gallus no, be nice!! 

*grumbles* I won't...because I gotta hide from all of the comments I'm gonna get in this chapter. Hide, and maybe pretend I'm dead. 

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