This dare is inconsiderate to my weight watching

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Dare (by Allstarherocharacter): Hey gallus I dare you and yona and sandbar have food eating contest

...Geesh, is this supposed to be a dare I should like to do? I did say in one of my first chapters that I like to eat...I should have cleared out that I like to eat in small doses...After what I lived in Griffonstone, there's no way I can eat TOO much. My body's gotten used to eating very little at a time. Also, my metabolism is slow. I've learnt the hard way that if I eat a lot, I look like I've gained ten or twenty pounds...Or maybe Silverstream just makes me feel fatter. She can eat 5 snacks in a row and STILL look thin! How does she do it? It's a mystery to scientists everywhere.  It's--*stops in midsentence as he notices a table filled with lots of food in front of him* Wha--How did THAT get here?!

Rosy Star: *proud smile* With my wonderful magic abilities~!

*groans a bit* Seriously? I ramble on about how I want to watch my weight and that I don't eat much, and you still make all of this food appear? Do you even listen to me?!

Rosy Star: I like to block you out most of the time...since most of the time I expect you to insult me >n>

*sassy look* ..Touché.

Rosy Star: Just do the best you can. It's not like you ever denied the dare, and it doesn't go against your rules! Besides, Sandbar and Yona will get here any minute. *walks off* 

This food better not poison us, Rosy!! Dx

*After a minute or two, Sandbar trots in, looking casual...until he sees the table*

Sandbar: ...Oh, wow, this uh...sure is one big table for a big eating contest! *gives a sheepish look* Gallus, how come I have to do this? Your book is just about asking and daring you.

*crosses his arms, looking unamused* Apparently, because it is still a dare that includes me, it can be done. And since it is an eating contest dare, I need other creatures to help me with it. As long as it includes me and it's not roping in other creatures for NO reason, Rosy can force whatever she wants. *huffs*

Sandbar: *looking back at the table* I-I don't think I want to compete to eat all of this, dude. I always eat slow...a-and what I can... *says in a lower tone* I kinda have a sensitive stomach...

*mischievous smirk* Define what you mean by "sensitive stomach." You know, just to please my curiousity~

Sandbar: *unamused look* I'm not going to confide stuff like THAT to the biggest prankster in school. Besides, th-that's not the ONLY reason I don't want to compete! ...Well, it's the main reason, but I also don't want to compete with Yona! ...Can the dare be that we both compete against you? *sheepish smile*

*glares a bit* Apparently, someone hasn't heard of 'pals before gals'. Look, you don't have to REALLY compete with her. I'm not going to! As long as we eat at least a little something on the table, and we have a winner at the end, it can count as an eating contest. *smirks* The dare doesn't say that we HAVE to try and win~

Sandbar: *concerned look* Are you sure that's not what the dare is IMPLYING we should do?

Hey, if the dare doesn't state something outright, I always ignore it! I do the same thing with questions too! *lowers his voice* But we keep this between us, okay? If Yona competes, it can still count as an eating contest. And even if we DID compete, she'd beat us anyway. 

Sandbar: *cracks a smile* Heh, you're totally right on that. *gives a curious look* I'm surprised you don't want to compete, though. You usually love a good competition. 

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