Cool skills that no creature can do as well as us griffons!

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Question (by HPGayFan1): Can you please show me all the things a griffin can do?!And your my fav character because I relate to you.I'm lazy XD

*raises an eyebrow* Are you really saying that you relate to me just because you're lazy? Excuse you, but I am WAY more than just lazy! I can have a lot of energy...when I want to! But whatever, I'm glad that you're a fan, and that I'm your favorite....'character'. *huffs slightly* I'm not a 'character', by the way. I'm a living, breathing creature. Don't treat me like a 'character' just because of that show I'm in that I didn't know about before. 

But to answer your question, we're gonna go pretty old-school in this chapter. Like, 'first question I ever answered' old-school. My first question in this book was about my favorite thing about being a griffon, and in there I talked a bit about certain griffon abilities that I really like to have. *gestures around the room, finding himself in the School of Friendship gym* Since you want me to show you what griffons can do, I came to the school's gym to have the proper space to do so. In that second chapter (or first chapter, if you don't count the one with my rules), I specifically mentioned our flying skills; we can fly about as well as any pegasus. You know, compared to pegasi that aren't overpowered by cutie mark magic like Professor Egghead Dash. 

*smirks* Us griffons don't need any magic to be good fliers. It's all natural for us! *flies around the gym for a few seconds, doing some impressive flips as well to show off* The average griffon is a good flyer, but it takes practice and dedication to be impressive at flying as a griffon. Which is why us griffons tend to take our flying seriously and practice it a lot, because practice makes perfect. The best griffon fliers you'll find put a lot of practice into their flying. *smirks* Which you might've noticed with me~

In the chapter I also mentioned how we roar, which is something that no other creature can do. Or well, no other creature that can talk and reason, at least. Now, a griffon's roar tends to depend on just how much of a wildcat they are. A griffon with a large cat side that's more or as dominant as their bird side is more capable of roaring without getting angry. *looks at his bright blue feathers* A griffon like me, who has a more dominant bird side, will roar more naturally when it's furious. So now you know why this next demonstration won't be as impressive. *clears his throat slightly, takes a deep breath, and gives a roar, not too loud or lion-like, but clear and commanding* It sounds more threatening when you really anger me. Which, as you can tell from the many times I've gotten angry in this book and never needed to roar, it's not so easy. 

*in a lower tone, as he thinks* Hmmm, what else can I show you? There's our flying, our roaring, and...*eyes light up slightly* Right, and our agility! As part-felines, we griffons are more agile than the average creature, as well as more flexible. *does a few flips across the room without breaking a sweat, finishing with a head-stand and stretching his legs all the way to his head for the cherry on top of his showing off/pants only slightly* See? We're more flexible than we look. *flips out of his position, landing back on his feet*

I guess you could consider our temperature-managing as an ability. Griffons know how to really protect ourselves from the cold. We can grow out our feathers as winter coats to warm ourselves up in cold temperatures. Which is especially useful in Griffonstone, 'cause it's butt-cold over there. In Equestria we don't need it as much, since it's warmer here, but I do grow my feathers a bit in the winter. I'll show you how it looks *scowls* but I WILL cuss you out if you call me cute and adorable 'cause I'll get a little fluffy >.> *floofs out his feathers to demonstrate* This is how my winter coat looks like for winter in Equestria. It's thicker for Griffonstone winters, buuuuut since I don't trust you weirdos to not gush like schoolgirls if I get more fluffy, I'm not gonna show you, fuck off.

I think those are the only things I can show. I have other abilities, of course, but they're not abilities I have just because I'm a griffon, but rather because I've developed them on my own. So, yeah, here you have one of the only few short chapters in this book. Enjoy, I guess. 

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