Ships? No thanks, I'd rather drown in the ocean

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Question (by FlutterbyCord): What is your opinion on Carity(Capper x Rarity) and Fluttercord? (Fluttershy x Discord)? Explain.

*crosses his arms* Well, I gotta ask, why would you expect ME to have an opinion on shipping? Other than the fact that I HATE shipping? There's enough bad shipping books that I've checked out of curiosity on here. I'm sure those would love to tell you how they feel about...about 'Carity' and 'Fluttercord' less than 3 sentences. Those books always just want to show their favorite shipping fanart and not actually have a good argument. 

Look, if you want an honest answer from ME, I just don't care. My opinions on shipping are either 'I don't care' or 'That ship is utter garbage and it makes me sick.', which I save only for messed up ships. I go more in depth on my opinions on shipping in one of my super ancient chapters accurately called 'Leave the shipping to the cargo, please and thank you.' *snickers* I know, I have the best chapter titles~

And no, despite how old that chapter is, I haven't changed my mind on anything in it. I do talk in that chapter more about me being shipped, which I still stand by. But I think any shipping is weird, whether it involves me or not. When I wrote that chapter, I thought being shipped with Silverstream was weird and annoying a̶n̶d̶ ̶e̶m̶b̶a̶r̶r̶a̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶y̶ ̶a̶c̶c̶u̶r̶a̶t̶e̶. I still think the same even now that I'm in a relationship with her. I'd stop all of the shipping fanart and fanfics if I could! 

As for my answer on those specific ships, I don't really KNOW Capper. Sure, he's come to the School of Friendship, but I've talked to him like once or twice. That's not enough to know a creature....However, I can say that in the times I've seen him, he's asked for Professor Rarity. You can make of that what you will. 

For Professor Fluttershy and Discord, I feel about the same ambivalence. Though unlike with 'Carity', I know that Discord and Professor Fluttershy are actually dating, since Discord told me. I do like both of them, so I'm supportive of their relationship. If they don't think love is torture and they find it nice, hey, I'm happy for them. But that doesn't mean I will start drawing 'Fluttercord' fanart and write cheesy stories about them. Their relationship is THEIR business, so I'd rather support from the sidelines. I'd do the same for Capper and Professor Rarity too, if Capper truly cares about her. 

Honestly, Capper and Professor Rarity seem to make more sense than 'Fluttercord'. Professor Fluttershy and Discord are POLAR opposites, I have no idea how they make their relationship work. At least Professor Rarity and Capper have a 'we look like the relationship you want to have' kind of appeal....Heh, Professor Rarity would be pretty lucky to get with Capper. He's one good-lookin' charming guy....*clears his throat awkwardly* errr, you know, for a cat that walks on two legs...a-and a guy! *grumbles a bit* I've answered enough for this question already. Chapter's over!

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