A little bit of life, and a little bit of my wonderful artistic talents!

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Well, it's that time again! It's that time where I suddenly appear and drop a chapter after it finally seems like I've been left off the hook. In other times, I would find this writing and stopping kind of annoying, constantly getting false hope. But considering how little everycreature can do at the moment because of the stupid virus...I've actually been bored enough to want to write in this book. Hmph, we really are living in a new reality, but this book CAN be entertaining even when the dares or questions suck to do, and all of you can get a surprise every now and then when I pop up with a new chapter to read. It's kind of a win-win, and definitely a distraction from the world going to shit at the moment. 

Rosy Star: Well, Gallus, we should wrap up your intro now. You forgot the dare you're supposed to do for the next two chapters! *has a subtle, tiny smirk on her face* You know, this dare!

Dare (by fnafdemon): Now, I dare Gallus to never say a cuss word for 3 chapters. If he fails, he has to start each sentence with "Madam Rosy, I..." and if he fails that, he has to eat 6 whole lemons.

*scowls as he reads the dare* Ugh, right, I'm still doing this dare. 

Rosy Star: *snickers and smirks a lot more* You sure are~!

*groans loudly* Yeah, Madam Rosy, I STILL hate this dare!

Rosy Star: I wish you could call me Madam Rosy all the time~! *giggles mischievously*

*glares* Yeah? Well keep wishing! Now, we left off after those three really depressing questions I got in the last chapter. So since Flutterbylac sent 5 questions, we'll finish off with the ones that weren't as related....Geesh, it's been a month since that last chapter. 

Rosy Star: *sighs* Darn college..

Questions (by Flutterbylac): 4. Do you do art (Preferably goth/emo/depressed beans). 5. How's life? (Mines shit).

Let's get that second question out the way first, since it's the easiest. I know, um, Professor Fluttershy was really depressed when she first sent these questions a long time ago. *frowns sadly and looks down* I hope the state of the world hasn't made you go back to being depressed again, Professor. Even if I don't blame you.

We're all collectively suffering from having to socially distance ourselves because of that dam--eerr, that darn Coronavirus. (Have I mentioned that I hate not being able to cuss?). Of course, the extroverts are suffering a lot more than the introverts. A lot of introverts haven't really seen their lives change much, like Rosy here. 

Rosy Star: As lively as I am, I still really love my alone time. So the bigger changes are from "going" to college. And oh my Celestia, do I wish we had presential classes again! 

As for me, I've mentioned before that I tend to switch between being extroverted and introvert, though it's not really in my control. There are times where I don't think my life has changed much, but I mostly do miss going outside, especially to hang out with my friends and to fly outdoors. I've stuck around in my dorm in the School of Friendship, even if the school is deserted at the moment. I was originally gonna be sent back to Griffonstone, but Trixie protested against it, since she still thinks...knows I deserve to have another guardian. *smiles* I really thank her for that. As lonely as it can get here, it's better than feeling lonely and hated like I did living with Grampa Gruff. But my friends HAVE been stuck in their homes. They stayed in the dorms for a while to not leave me behind, but eventually they had to go. Their families were obviously worried about not going through this pandemic with them... *sighs* I really do miss them...

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