Getting to know Rosy Star ((or Nico)), part 2

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Rosy Star: Hi, faithful readers! Like I made it clear, I was going to take today to answer questions you may have about me! 

Rosy Star: I, uh, didn't get too many, or at least I didn't for this chapter. So I guess that means that you'd rather approach me yourself if you ever have any doubts about me--

*Gallus flies in with an annoying smirk* Nah, it just means that no one cares about you and that the readers only care about the real main attraction of this book~ *flexes, clearly referring to himself* 

Rosy Star: *groans* Hey, you still have studying to do for tomorrow, Mister!

*rolls his eyes, and smirks again* And you have to work on covering up your jealousy~ 

Rosy Star: *glares at him, and shoots a laser out of her horn to hit him with*

GAUGH!! *dodges the laser and flies away*

Rosy Star: Hmph, that's better...Anyways, let's get to answering the questions I got! 

Question by TorchTorque: What books do you read?

Rosy Star: I don't read too much nowadays, since I tend to just be on the computer all day. *giggles* But when I do, I like most Young Adult books. I like to read fantasy and romance books as well. My favorite book series have gotta be The Hunger Games, the Percy Jackson series, and the Magnus Chase series! All of which have a little bit of everything that I like in books. 

Rosy Star: Here's the next question!

Question by Allstarherocharacter: When do you think Gallus will graduate?

Rosy Star: I had to reword this question a little, since the way the asker sent it was pretty hard to understand.. Anyways, I'm not really sure on that. Personally, I don't think he and his friends are ready to graduate yet--

*is heard from far away* YEAH, SCREW YOU TOO, ROSY!

Rosy Star: -.- *clears her throat* Anyways, I just think it'd be too soon. I guess Season 9 COULD end up making Gallus and his friends graduate at the end of the series, but I feel like that'd be kinda cheap. I didn't believe it much when they bonded so quickly in School Daze, let alone if they're already experts on friendship in the span of two seasons. Not even the Mane 6 got developed into Ultimate Friendship Goals that fast. 

Rosy Star: ...Buuuut then again, the show HAS speeded up arcs before, so I wouldn't be too surprised if the Young 6 graduated that fast ._. Personally, I don't think they should, but you can never know with this show. 

Rosy Star: ...And yeah, those are all of the questions! Thank you so much for those who asked, and if any of you still want to know more about me...well, just ask in a comment, I guess! 

((At the end of the day, I always try to be available on here to talk. Whether it be on comments on this book, or on Private Messages, even on the Conversations part of this account! So I hope I can seem less mysterious by now, without having to make this account into some joined account with me AND Gallus. I still prefer him having more control on here.))

Rosy Star: Speaking of which, hope you guys come around tomorrow! Gallus will officially be back to answer questions and dares himself!

*Gallus flies back in again, with a notebook in his hands and looking unamused* And not because I want to. -_-

Rosy Star: Yeah, sure, we know you hate this book by now. We've noticed. *annoyed pout*

Just wanted to give the reminder...and to question why the hay do you refer to me and my friends as "characters". What is up with that?!

Rosy Star: O_O one answer him on that! *teleports with Gallus out of the room*


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