The only good griffon in Griffonstone

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Question (by Gypsy-Girl-727): By the way, have you met Gabby?

Oh, have I met Gabby. You bet I have--back when I was stuck in Griffonstone, she was the first friend I ever got. Both of us didn't like being outcasts in Griffonstone... She didn't show it much, but I could tell being lonely affected her. She was this cheery, kindhearted griffon in a town full of jerks, so she was bound to feel as unappreciated as I felt. In one of her days where she was delivering the mail and saying hi to griffons that shunned her, she said hi to me with a smile...Then all I did was mumble a 'Hey' and waved a little, and just by that small show of acknowledgement, Gabby squealed in delight that she finally found a griffon that wasn't completely rude to broke my heart when I found out, honestly. 

Believe it or not, I was actually more of a miserable, reckless grump back then, so when Gabby kept trying to win me over, I found her annoying. Because I was so consumed with anger that I thought it was unnatural that Gabby didn't feel the same way. How dare she not be a miserable grump in Griffonstone? That had to be illegal, right?? After a while, I started to enjoy her company, though...Gabby went from annoying me, to really inspiring me to be a better person, and making me feel less alone. Heck, I started to appreciate her so much, I'd get confused and think I actually liked her as more than a sister...then I felt what actual, romantic attraction felt like, and I realized I was pretty off for thinking that....Heh, I bet I wouldn't have thought of it if Gabby was a dude. 

Anyway, I was pretty angry when I found out she'd be around less when she joined this group of fillies called The Cutie Mark Fighters...or Campaigners. Something like that. I, uh, admittedly, didn't have the highest opinion of ponies back in the day, so I got a lot of nasty thoughts when Gabby said she'd compromise me for some ponies she just met.

...Then I ended up doing the same thing, but with a lot of different creatures, once I got into the School of Friendship. I remember I was so devastated when I was moving out of Griffonstone, ENTIRELY because of Gabby. (And also because of our adorable stray cat that I will ramble on for hours if I'm asked about him, thank for very much!) I was 99.9% sure that when I went to Ponyville, I was going to feel alone and out of place, without a Gabby of my own to make it all a little better. Apparently, I'm terrible at predictions, because Ponyville has been...the most fulflling experience in my life. 

...I was actually talking with Silverstream a small while ago how bad I felt that I forgot Gabby so quickly...I got 5 friends, and suddenly I felt more loved, but also a lot more overwhelmed. I know I should try to get in contact with Gabby again, at least more often...but then I remember going back to Griffonstone and being flooded with every other bad memory of mine there, and I just can't do it...

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