I come up with a creative prank after suffering from Prankster's Block

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Dare (by Hopliln): Lucky: D- I MEAN GALLUS, prank Ocellus!

...What the hay were you gonna call me that starts with D? My name is only 6 letters, it's not hard to get right! ...Were you going to call me Dallas? Because I'm seriously tired of being called that stupid name -.- Well, you recognized your mistake, so I guess that's what matters.

I don't tend to prank Ocellus too often--mostly because she gets dramatic and hurt about it. She's shunned me for a whole week the two times I pranked her! I know I should probably try to make a simple prank that doesn't hurt her feelings too much. But, I don't know, I think I'm physically incapable of thinking of a simple prank. I've tried thinking of one these last few days, and it's just been impossible! 

Instead, I have one hell of a prank planned for Ocellus. Just you wait~ *smirks mischievously* 

*Time passes, as Gallus takes Ocellus's books out of her locker, and hides by the corner of one of the rows of lockers, snickering to himself* 

Yona: *after a few minutes, she walks by and sees Gallus hiding/she gives a curious look and a smile* What griffon up to?!

SSSHHHH!! *he takes Yona to hide in the corner with him, to not give away his cover* Keep your voice down! *snickers silently* I got dared to pull a prank on Ocellus, and I have to see how it goes down.

Yona: *gasps, and says in a more hushed tone, grinning brightly* Yona love good pranks! Yona wanna see too!

Well, of course, I'd love for you to appreciate my wonderful pranking skills~ *snickers, a bit louder than last time* Just stay quiet, alright? Ocellus should be coming out of Professor Rarity's class at any moment~

Yona: *she was grinning, but then she frowned a bit, giving Gallus a curious look* Griffon not giving changeling really harsh prank, right? 

Well, I don't think it's too harsh. *smirks as he shows Ocellus's books tied up to some balloons* Professor Pinkie lent some of her super special helium that defies all physics. The one that can lift HER off the ground with just a few balloons. And I'm going to make Ocellus's books go for a little flight once she comes to get them. *snickers* 

Yona: *giggles* Griffon sure that not too harsh? 

Of course not! I'll make sure no one gets hurt, trust me!  

*After the bell rings, Ocellus is out of class in a few minutes, Smolder right behind her. They both are walking over to Ocellus's locker, casually talking, until Ocellus gasps in fear* 

Smolder: What's got you looking scared this time?

Ocellus: My books! *moves aside to show her empty locker to Smolder* They're all gone!

Smolder: What?! Who the heck would want to steal your books?! 

Ocellus: *was about to say something, but she saw a book fly through the air with a balloon* W-Wait...*she reads how the balloon read 'Ocellus' in black marker* Th-That's one of my books!

Smolder: *she sees the book...and sees another book fly with it, with a balloon that also read Ocellus's name...and then she saw another one* ...The sad thing is that this is one of the lesser weird things that happens in this school. 

*Both Smolder and Ocellus go to grab the flying books. Luckily, none of the books come close to hitting the other students, because Gallus would keep them at a safe distance by making air with his wings*

Smolder: *grabs one of Ocellus's books* Hey, look, Ocellus! I got one--GAUGH!! *one of Ocellus's bigger books almost falls on her, but she manages to dodge. She takes it, notices the balloon was popped, and looks up to where she heard laughs from above* Hey, look where you pop your balloons, Birdbrain!!

*laughs* I got you two girls good, huh?! *he hits a balloon with a book towards Ocellus's direction* Hey Ocellus, catch!

Ocellus: *gasps, but is able to catch the balloon since it doesn't go too fast at her* Gallus! I was so worried! I thought someone stole my books! *annoyed frown*

Relax, no one stole your books! I got dared on my Internet book to give you a prank, and I think I did a GREAT job~! *smirks cockily*

Ocellus: Who would make you want to prank ME?

Smolder: Someone like the jerks who dared Gallus to annoy me. *after a scowl, she actually chuckles a bit* But I'll admit, this was pretty creative. 

Ocellus: ...I guess I'm glad you didn't make me worry for too long. *she seems less upset as she takes her books...but then her eyes widen* Gallus, one of my books is missing!

Smolder: *she checks in Ocellus's pile and around the area, then glares at Gallus* Alright, stop fooling around, Gallus! What did you do to Ocellus's Facts and Artifacts book?!

W-What? But I put all of them in balloons! I don't have it! *he looks confused, and a bit worried*

*Suddenly, Yona comes right in and walks towards Ocellus, giving her the missing book. Unlike the others, this one wasn't tied to a balloon*

Yona: *in a squeaky, adorable voice* Here changeling's book~!

*laughs* Geesh, Yona, something's different in your voice, but I can't put my talon on it!

Smolder: *chuckles* Real mature, Yona. 

Yona: *squeaky giggle* Yona love helium talking! Helium talking fun!! *giggles some more* 

Ocellus: *can't help but to giggle as well, Yona's voice making her forget how much she worried* Hehe, you do sound really cute!

Yona: Yona know~! *chuckles* 

*laughs some more* Come on ladies, let's get to Headmare Twilight's class before Yona's voice wears out!

Ocellus: *frowns to Gallus* I hope we're not too late because of this, Gallus. 

Yona: *makes her voice sound extra goofy as it's still squeaky* If changeling late, Yona and friends late TOGETHEEEEEER~!

Ocellus: *giggles a lot* O-Okay, okay, I'll take your word for it Yona!

*Smolder and Gallus both chuckle at Yona's voice too, and they all start heading to Twilight's classroom, Smolder and Gallus flying and Ocellus and Yona trotting alongside them*

*he says to Yona with a grin* Thanks for the save there, Squeaky. I think you made her forget to be angry at me. 

Yona: *whispers, her voice still sounding a bit squeaky, but the effects fading away a bit* Yaks know always what to do~ *she gives Gallus a friendly wink as they head to class*

((I hate to post this so late, from where I'm from, but I have been busy these couple of days, and every time I was working on this, I had to go and do something else ;u; Aw well, the chapter's done, and I hope you all like it!))

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